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If there is only me, why is there more than one awakened or enlightened being?

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Am i going back to sleep voluntarily, or am i making the same mistake, whatever this mistake might be, over and over again?

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Because you have conceptualized Enlightenment and is beyond concepts. You have read and listened too much from others. 

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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11 minutes ago, Hellspeed said:

Because you have conceptualized Enlightenment and is beyond concepts. You have read and listened too much from others. 

Actually this question is based on a dream i had a few days ago.

In this i or better say a light which looked like a green flame which was in my head, was wandering from body to body, while a narrator commented all what was happening. Even Tom Cruise was there. :D It was really funny but serious at the same time. And one thing the narrator said sticks with me till today: "And that was the first time i woke up".

I'm trying to make sense of it, and i thought i might get some help here. :)

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2 hours ago, Sockrattes said:

Actually this question is based on a dream i had a few days ago.

In this i or better say a light which looked like a green flame which was in my head, was wandering from body to body, while a narrator commented all what was happening. Even Tom Cruise was there. :D It was really funny but serious at the same time. And one thing the narrator said sticks with me till today: "And that was the first time i woke up".

I'm trying to make sense of it, and i thought i might get some help here. :)

You HAVE woken up. And you are here, and now. :)

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There is no duality. Your present confusion is based on assumptions that you are superimposing on reality. In truth, there are no separate beings, enlightened or otherwise. There is only the Self. For there to be others, the assumption that you yourself are a separate entity must be held, which is illusion. 

Edited by FoxFoxFox

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2 minutes ago, FoxFoxFox said:

There is no duality. Your present confusion is based on assumptions that you are superimposing on reality. In truth, there are no enlightened beings. There is only the Self. For there to be others, the assumption that you yourself are a separate entity must be held, which is illusion. 


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Notice how you experience other people?

There can never be others without you experiencing them

Now where do you find this separation with other people? Since you are always there?  


You might say "well there are 8 billion people on this planet, so I am not experiencing those people"  (8=infinity)

Yes you are, this is where the skill of consciousness comes in, recognizing the aliveness of an idea


8 billion people is a thought construct that you are experiencing, this idea is just as alive as a random person on the street

Thought constructs are living invisible ideas, but they are conscious and you experience them

You experience this idea of 8 billion people, this idea has eyes and ears and you can interact with it


Anyone who has ever lived has been experienced by you, there is no one outside your awareness


Even more there are 8 billion people but an infinite amount of people on the earth, in potential, survey can be taken to calculate the current population but they can't survey parallel realities which we enter and move out from all the time, in potential you could meet an infinite of people

Which explains why true love is so special and unique, when you find the person that fits perfectly to you, it is not a match made from heaven, but a match made from infinite parallel realities, where you and your special love(s) come together in one common earth reality

Edited by Arkandeus

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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Everything written here makes perfectly sense to me. I believe it.

But damn, i can't feel it. Something is missing here and i can't put my finger on it.


Is enlightenment becoming God? If it happens am i able to alter my reality as much as i want or am i still bound to some rules? Just curious.

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4 minutes ago, Sockrattes said:

Everything written here makes perfectly sense to me. I believe it.

But damn, i can't feel it. Something is missing here and i can't put my finger on it.


Is enlightenment becoming God? If it happens am i able to alter my reality as much as i want or am i still bound to some rules? Just curious.

The reason you can't put your finger on it is because you are trying to understand awareness with the mind. The mind exists inside of awareness not the other way around. A cell inside of a body has no chance at truly knowing the body in it's entirety.

God can only be known through direct experience, through being'ness. God can't be understood conceptually because God is beyond concepts, beyond the mind.

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I honestly don't know if that statement is true. Jnana-Yoga (yoga of knowledge) is the most important path in Advaita Vedanta according to Shankara. Advaita Vedanta IS hindu philosophy. That's actually the whole point.^^

And there is another problem: It seems like, different enlightened beings have different insights or at least different interpretations of what they have experienced. I'm counting myself in it. I've seen some stuff which i can't deny, but basically no one can resonate with me. It feels like, i've opened a whole different book from the enlightenment-shelf than you guys have.

So whenever i read something about the absolute truth, it feels like i reading the obvious and i'm myself experiencing different "more important" things:

For example Sri Ramakrishna said, that the "divine mother" is real and we should pursue in finding her. And i swear to all that is holy to me, i've seen her to. And god damn, she was the most beautiful "women" i've seen in my life. Or a few days ago, "someone" appeared in my dreams and told me, where i can find a proper translation of the bhagavad-gita for free.

That's what i'm trying to point to: In my experience God is not just the "ultimate me" (don't crucify me for that phrasing). There is something greater than that/beyond that/next to it, even if it feels counterintuitive.

I don't know if that makes sense to you. I know, this sounds crazy and like illusion and so on... yeah.. but everything i'm telling you is true. Hope you guys won't miss it.

Edited by Sockrattes

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1 hour ago, Sockrattes said:

Everything written here makes perfectly sense to me. I believe it.

But damn, i can't feel it. Something is missing here and i can't put my finger on it.


Is enlightenment becoming God? If it happens am i able to alter my reality as much as i want or am i still bound to some rules? Just curious.

You are able to do what you want, and  you are chosing these "rules" that you bound yourself to

You literally are infinity, you can do whatever you want and you manifest this reality, why?


The key is remembrance, you're doing this with your godly consciousness, which is of infinite intelligence

Instead of trying to change the game from within, understand that first of all you're making the game, the game is happening inside you, and you're making the game with your divine consciousness which is of infinite intelligence and playing it at the same time with your earthly consciousness

The key is trusting yourself, and being open to your wisdom, "ok so I made things this way for a reason, I just have to keep open my perspective so that I can understand the point of this game that I chose.

Second of all you have to understand this is literally magic, you are literally dealing with magic

You have one part of yourself that knows why you're here, that is keeping you going, upholding your reality, guiding you, hinting at you, and you have one part of yourself inside the reality trying to understand whats going on.. to enlighten, "to become one" are split, split in two, literally.. you have to recognize that your very existence is an amazing super power

And this enlightenment trying to attain non-duality, to merge into one with yourself, to remember who you are is also a magical process, your intent being enough

If you ever wondered what would life be like if I could split myself in two parts or more?

This is it! You're living it




Edited by Arkandeus

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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Why would being in a body, be a mistake necessarily?

It doesn't have to be, but if you experience yourself as such, there will be some duality, so what.

Love, love your life, or dissolve everything in meditation.

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18 minutes ago, Arkandeus said:

You are able to do what you want, and  you are chosing these "rules" that you bound yourself to

You literally are infinity, you can do whatever you want and you manifest this reality, why?


The key is remembrance, you're doing this with your godly consciousness, which is of infinite intelligence

Instead of trying to change the game from within, understand that first of all you're making the game, the game is happening inside you, and you're making the game with your divine consciousness which is of infinite intelligence and playing it at the same time with your earthly consciousness

The key is trusting yourself, and being open to your wisdom, "ok so I made things this way for a reason, I just have to keep open my perspective so that I can understand the point of this game that I chose.

Second of all you have to understand this is literally magic, you are literally dealing with magic

You have one part of yourself that knows why you're here, that is keeping you going, upholding your reality, guiding you, hinting at you, and you have one part of yourself inside the reality trying to understand whats going on.. to enlighten, "to become one" are split, split in two, literally.. you have to recognize that your very existence is an amazing super power

And this enlightenment trying to attain non-duality, to merge into one with yourself, to remember who you are is also a magical process, your intent being enough

If you ever wondered what would life be like if I could split myself in two parts or more?

This is it! You're living it

Love that. Thank you. I can resonate with that comment a lot.

If my godly consciousness is of infinite intelligence, how big are the stakes, that everything i'm experiencing is predetermined?



Let me put it that way: I remember snippets of past lives. And hell... there was a lot of suffering going on there. And this one wasn't easy either. Especially the past 2 years made a crecendo and i literally can't think of anything other than freedom. So for me being here is a mistake... hate that game..:D ^^

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Love that. Thank you. I can resonate with that comment a lot.

If my godly consciousness is of infinite intelligence, how big are the stakes, that everything i'm experiencing is predetermined?


It is true that you can have this feeling of predetermination, I know what you mean, this might the gap of the distance you feel from your godly self

When dormant before awakening you identify as a physical being surviving in a physical world, so you feel quite independent, you know life is dangerous and external but you feel like one being moving and adapting to this world

Once you awaken, you start feeling how life has direction, how life is conscious, which may feel like a "pre-determined" presence at first, the more you enlighten, the more you will feel this gap at first, because you awakened so for the first time you really feel your connection to your divine self and you feel its will and sense of direction, because you still feel quite "split", it will feel as if life is pre-determined or bound to rules

But it is you that is life, the more you awaken to your divine self, the more you can feel you are the one setting the direction and this is exactly how you wanted things to be

If you start feeling that life is pre-determined it means exactly that you're getting in touch with your divine self, that is what it feels to feel the direction and the will of your divine self, at first

If you stay open, the two parts will merge, and no your earthly self will not be drowned, it is not inferior, both will merge, and you will feel how you want to achieve your earthly endeavours and your divine endeavours at the same time, and somehow magically if can be done at the same time, that is what they mean by harmony with life

So this feeling of pre-determination is what it feels like to reconnect and remember your identity beyond this earthly reality

You can see how simple it is, pre-determined by who? There is only you!

If you are determined to do something, what is it?

Be interested in yourself, awaken to yourself, be open to yourself!


And also your earthly self is also of infinite intelligence!

If everything is made of infinite intelligence (consciousness) does it not take infinite intelligence to manifest and generate an earthly "simple" intelligence? The earthly self is definitely not inferior

Using male and female energy can help clarify

Then you have the earthly realm, on 'mother earth' , where everything seems deceptively simple, and primitive, the feminine aspect of nuance and subtlety, but it is just as complex as the divine realms, perhaps even more because it is less straight-forward, and requires a lot of depth to get

If the heavens and hell are realms of primarly male energy, straighforward, in one realm you're happy in the other you suffer, you get what you see, then the earthly realm is a women, a woman is hard to understand don't they say that! You don't get what you see, and what you see you don't get, you have to really be open to the deeper meaning

Ultimately enlightenment is combining these two divine energies, male and female

Male energy, you know where you want to go, you go towards heaven,enlightenment away from hell and suffering

Female energy, you are open to see beyond what is there, to see beyond illusion, and for that you are open to receiving, to remembering, to receiving your divine self

Edited by Arkandeus

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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