
The lightbulb goes on

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I feel like what is happening is that when people awake, they go through their awakening and they immediately start racing for enlightenment

Which is good, it is good to follow one's desires, if that is enlightenment, but they're racing straightforward


You want to be strong, but you do not know what it means to be weak, you want to be strong, but you dont want to be weak

The mistake is assuming that you are being weak or have already been weak in the past. You haven't even begun to be weak, you awaken and you immediately race for enlightenment thinking : "I've been weak or unfullfilled long enough, now its time to be strong and fulfilled!" 

Which again is right, it is good to aim to live strong and fulfilled, but the mistake is that you haven't been truly weak and you haven't truly been unfullfilled yet

Its the reason why many face resistance on the path, you tell yourself a story about your life and what has been going on:


"Before I awakened I was unenlightened"

You can only know what it means to be unenlightened when you start grasping what enlightenment is

You can only know the shadows once the light is there


When you awaken, you become unenlightened for the first time, as the sphere of what enlightenment is, the subtle understanding of enlightenment entered your life. You notice this is paradoxal, enlightenment sparks non-enlightenment, paradoxes are the way to enlightenment and they are a good sign, they do not allow your mind to get lost linearly but instead to progress in a circular fashion

Before you awakened you were dormant, you were not unenlightened, you were not weak or strong, not happy or unhappy, not fulfilled or unfulfilled, I realize this sounds very dismissive of past experiences, I know its partly wrong but for the sake of the argument, you can view the dormant world as a grey world, a grey linear world

And when you awaken the world becomes colorful, and it expands is all directions, like an expanding circle  


Say you want to be enlightened, to be wise , have infinite love, universal harmony and connection

You want to be those things, which is good, but you cannot become something if you are not being at all

You cannot become if you are not being to begin with

To be, is to be who you are, so you might think you're being but you're having all this resistance against your "flaws" that you're trying to move away from, thinking "I'm done, ive been like this my whole life, now its time for something else"

The mistake again is misunderstanding what awakening means, it really means awakening now, so you first have to be who you are right now before you can become anything else

Thats what it means when they say life begins now, you think you've been on earth this whole time but once you awaken, once you grasp enlightenment its like part of your divine being arrived on earth, it is like you arrived, you awakened

So enlightenment is allowing this cosmically enormous part of yourself, that just arrived, that just awakened, to be who you are right now, to really live this unenlightenment, to awaken to this unenlightenment, and it can be confusing and intense, but if you know this is normal for you to experience your "flaws", your humanity more intensely, then it is easier to let the process go smoothly

Only once you finally grasp what it means to be strong, when you're almost there, as your divine powers are approaching like a comet, can you truly truly know yourself as weak, so do not resist weakness

Only when you're so close to enlightenment, almost there, can you truly truly know what it means to not be unenlightened


Never in your life have you had the opportunity to experience real weakness and unenlightenment, only once you awaken you do so

So be open to the lesson, one could say final lessons, final tests, but in reality its just being open to understanding life and what has been going on. If you get that it is normal, you can dissolve your resistance





Edited by Arkandeus

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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