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3 Month Meditation Retreat

6 posts in this topic

I want to do a 3 month meditation retreat but I cant seem to find any online?

I find some websites but they seem iffy, is it just cus spiritual people dont care about creating awesome websites or?

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Residents include both ordained and lay students, and their practice is guided by Shinge Roshi. Students may apply for formal kessei, three-month training periods in the spring and fall, as well as for less formal interim periods in the winter and summer, when work-exchange arrangements are possible.


Edited by Neill Bolton

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Apply some intelligence to your question. You are from Berlin as your profile says. So there are enough groups/centers in your own city that you can ask. Zen-groups, tibetan groups, maybe the rigpa-centre. That just what comes to mind and I'm not even from berlin. And there are plenty of monasterys/centers in germany you can ask too. Just tell them you want to do a retreat for some time and they might be able to give hints. You are not the first one who would ask them this question.

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@ZenDog 3 month meditation retreats don't exist.

Even 10 days is a challenge and quite expensive to arrange.

A week-long retreat usually costs $1000-$1500. I'd hate to think was a 3 month retreat would cost.

If you want something that long, you're looking at an apprenticeship program or residency, which is quite different from a retreat.

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Maybe living in an ashram or a monestary will be good. Maybe you should investigate the monastic traditions and see where they are hiding. Personally Currently I have found a Zen center that will fee about 3000$ for a full year stay. :)


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