
What benefits you the most through Meditation?

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As  a rookie meditator, I’ve tried to convince many others on the benefit of meditation and urged them to give it a try. Many are receptive to the idea, but many still want to see the cold, hard facts – the scientific proofs that meditation is actually good for you.

I found this article online and it talks about few benefits of meditation as below. And you are more than welcomed to share your thoughts of benefits!

Meditation improves your memory

A research at UCLA showed that long-term meditation increases gyrification – which refers to the folding of the cortex. More folds on the cortex create more surface area, which allows for a better ability to retain information. A separate study by the Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging also showed that those who practice meditation are able to adjust their brain waves better. Meditation practitioners are able to screen out distractions faster than non-meditators, giving their brains more room to accept and retain new information.

Meditation slows down neurodegenerative diseases

A study at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center suggests a link between positive brain changes like stress reduction as a result of meditation to the slowing of the progression of age-related cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer’s and dementia. According to the study, Alzheimer’s patients who were part of the study showed less cognitive decline after an 8-week mindfulness stress reduction program than those who didn’t take part. Instead, these patients showed higher levels of well-being.

Meditation helps to reduce blood pressure

A study at the Massachusetts General Hospital in 2008 showed that meditation was effective in lowering blood pressure because it leads to relaxation, which results in the formation of nitric oxide. This formation opens up blood vessels and reduces blood pressure. The study showed that 64% of patients who tried a meditation-based relaxation program for three months saw a significant drop in blood pressure levels and could reduce their medication.

Meditation increases your ability to multitask

In an article by Scientific American on How to Be a Better Driver, the editors suggested taking up meditation, as it increases the brain’s ability to multitask. A study by the University of Washington showed that people who practiced mindfulness meditation two hours a week for eight weeks had better focus during multitasking tests than those who didn’t. Why is this – you asked? The main reason is because meditation practice allowed them to notice interruptions and distractions without losing focus on their present task!

Meditation is an anti-aging therapy

Forget expensive face creams. If you’re looking for a free yet effective anti-aging ‘miracle’ look no other than meditation! Consider it the new anti-aging therapy! Harvard psychiatrist and researcher Dr. Elizabeth Hoge showed in her study that people who meditated daily for at least four years had longer telomeres. Telomeres are protective caps on the ends of chromosomes, and short telomeres are thought to be markers of accelerated aging. A separate study showed that those who could keep their mind focused on the present had longer telomeres than those who couldn’t. Since meditation teaches its practitioners to keep their mind focused on the present moment, it is no surprise that it could slow down the aging process!

Meditation helps to manage pain

Aside from keeping you healthy in general, meditation can also help you manage pain. A study showed that its participants’ perception of pain reduced significantly after just three 20-minute sessions of meditation! This is because meditation changes the way the mind perceives pain. It trains the brain to be present which helps its practitioners to not anticipate pain. 

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Multi tasking is not a very positive thing because it diminishes cognitive performance due to attention residue just wanted to point that out what you want for optimal cognitive performance is really single tasking. I recommend looking attention residue up.

but i think meditation is a good thing other wise.

Edited by BjarkeT

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Yeah, the physical "feel good" benefits are always the ones mentioned in mainstream articles, but more profound to me are:

-getting to know who/what I really am, always was and always will be. 

-understanding that I'm not my thoughts. They are options and suggestions that I can accept or decline.

-honestly loving myself and others more each and every week.

-realizing that we humans are all tapped into the same well of consciousness.


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Patience and peacefulness during the day are another couple of benefits that I forgot to mention.

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Calming the mind, being able to concentrate and think logically, experience the relativity of perception ... these are my ideas as to benefits.

Please do not pay attention to my empty words if you are following Leo's teaching !!
Sometimes my empty words may appear too negative, too rational, too irrational, egoistical or even like trolling because my path is a non-path and is nothing but deviation and incompatible with all teachings known.

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In direct experience... the fact that I can see my own ”stories” and misperceptions. I guess you can call it more conscious if you like.

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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@BreezeWW Hi welcome, I love you. 

Nothing.❤️ The “place/state” similar to that moment before falling a sleep, where the self is seen through, and you’re like, “oh, well shit, ya, that’s easier than I made it”, or “wait! Wow! That answer was so simple all along!”, which expands, and becomes you, or more accurately, it already was, just now again, is. 



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@Nahm Exactly, the moment between falling a sleep is the purest moment that I feel I touched my soul deeply. That cleans my mind and suddenly realized like you said The answer was so simple All Along!

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@Nahm Thanks for your encouragement, I will be more energized to share my own experiences on Meditation

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The world at large faces stress. Real life issues are one of the major reasons for people living an uneasy life, thus resulting in more and more people facing depressions and committing suicides. Meditation is such technique that can calm the conscious mind so that one can go deep within their thoughts and realize the truths about human existence.
Meditation helps in improving compassion and focusing on your individual self. It takes you into the “Samadhi State” where one can find the truth of human life. Once a person meditates, it can reduce the risk of diseases that can attack the body of an individual. Also, meditation is beneficial in reducing stress, fear anxiety and brings out peace of mind.
Indulge yourself into this unique experience of Meditation by Karma Guru Sumant Kaul and Sumeet Kaul at SKITA DUBAI where one can heal Karma of their lives which can lead to mind and body rejuvenation

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Meditation is the detachment of ideas to achieve self-realization and enlightenment. It is a way to connect with your inner-self. Whenever we meditate, our body connects with our soul and we realize the art of living life in a relaxing way. 

Meditation helps our body and soul in hundreds of different ways but the major benefits that we get through meditation are that it increases our attainment of life and revitalizes our minds. Also, meditation helps us to improve our physical and mental health and let us live a life free of diseases and stress. Ultimately, regular meditation lets you live a longer life. 

We at SKITA DUBAI  help people to learn the way of meditation via sessions and teachings with which one can connect to their souls and can heal their Karma’s of life. Master Karma Guru Sumant Kant Kaul and Karma Guru Sumeet Kaul have been teaching the techniques of meditation for a long time and are proficient in doing so. 

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