
Racing towards extinction

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Hi all you fab people out there!

Call me Green (living in a blue and orange drenched society), but I am struggling to see how reality is "perfect" when there is so many suggestions that we, as in life on earth, are racing towards extinction.

Obviously the universe would have some minor itch if out world heated up, and maybe nature would prefer if we had our day, but it wouldn't be "perfect" for us and our ability to provide intelligence out into the universe.

Just a thought.... 

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@1x0 So I've been fascinated with human extinction since I was a small child, always wondering if dinosaurs can become extinct so quickly why can't humans? I do see where you're coming from. For me personally, not to sound too dark-minded or resentful here, but if we *are* racing, or gradually making our way toward extinction, well that's just perfect.

The inevitable and irrevocable reality of such a revolutionary event to me is also "perfect" in the sense that it would be a powerful, epic time, like *the* official, ultimate time right before our eyes, something that's been hypothesized & theorized for millennia and finally it's here and finally the whole truth just unfolds in front of everyone. Time has a strange synchronous way of allowing things to fall into place sometimes and letting nature "run its course." I think there's something perfect about having that level of detachment and acceptance and peaceful preparation for the possibility of such an event, and neither fearing it nor anticipating it. Whatever happens naturally, within the flow of time, happens and that's perfect for me because that would be an act of cosmic, divine intelligence. Also, it will go to show that no politician, scientist, no map, computer or meteorologist can conquer or alter such an inescapable occurrence, whether it's a divine response, leads to personal perspective and your thoughts on karma. 

To me it will go to prove just how microscopic we are as a species and how very little "factual power" and say and scientific understanding we think we have on everything, especially everything we seem to take for granted. When I think of ending times or human extinction I think of a collective Awakening, a new beginning, completion. Never underestimate the mysteries of the universe, and nature, it shouldn't be seen as a superstition when it's as real as it can get, it is natural, super. It isn't mechanical. And of course no one can foresee everything, not even statistics or science in my opinion for such an unpredictable event, the future is always changing and surprising us. I do think that the human species right now could use a big surprise if you ask me, our low-level consciousness and delusional way of thinking that somehow we are highly advanced does contribute and in some way or another, like most of the time when it comes to the ego, there will be consequences if the majority of humans do not commit to spiritual growth & evolution, or at least attempt it. 

You can say in a more metaphorical, mystical sense that nature has "a mind of its own" or seems to have coincidental, almost moody emotional-type reactions to our civilization, our environment, and our ego-system as if it is trying to get us to "see something", it's trying to catch our eye but it lies in the peripheral for most people, in the subconscious and shadows. Nature is mysterious, and often ineffable when you have personal direct experiences of synchronicity between you and the trees, animals, ground and sky, etc. Synchronicity is a beautiful phenomenon. There are plenty of metaphysical messages & answers from nature and things all around us everyday that one can receive, directly experience and tap into with an open, intuitive mind, you just have to look and listen and take it all in. It's not to say that nature literally has a mind like humans do. It's that nature is a huge fraction of this entire intelligence and of existence and we have a strong connection to it and to its intuitive intelligence. And it mirrors many things. This is why we shouldn't destroy it of course. We must learn to love and empathize with the Universe. I understand your idea of Mother Earth's revenge. 

Protect the environment. Go Green. Hug some trees, don't fear this c'mon. 

"Come on people now" 

Edited by VioletFlame

"Those who have suffered understand suffering and therefore extend their hand." --Patti Smith

"Lately, I find myself out gazing at stars, hearing guitars...Like Someone In Love" 

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7 hours ago, 1x0 said:

Hi all you fab people out there!

Call me Green (living in a blue and orange drenched society), but I am struggling to see how reality is "perfect" when there is so many suggestions that we, as in life on earth, are racing towards extinction.

Obviously the universe would have some minor itch if out world heated up, and maybe nature would prefer if we had our day, but it wouldn't be "perfect" for us and our ability to provide intelligence out into the universe.

Just a thought.... 

Things just are, reality is beyond meaning. But who is saying it's perfect? Sadhguru touches on this subject very well:


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The universe is perfect only once the "you" is gone. So long as there's a "you", it will bitch and moan about things not going its way.

Extinction of humans would be a great thing for many other creatures.

If humans go extinct it will be because that is what is best to raise the overall consciousness of the universe. So it's all good in the end. (Just maybe not for "you" ;) )

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Animal Farm!! ;) 

"Those who have suffered understand suffering and therefore extend their hand." --Patti Smith

"Lately, I find myself out gazing at stars, hearing guitars...Like Someone In Love" 

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@Leo Gura I know I just typed like a whole essay pretty much, automatic writing is getting a hold of me. But hence why I mentioned "Awakening." ;) 

"Those who have suffered understand suffering and therefore extend their hand." --Patti Smith

"Lately, I find myself out gazing at stars, hearing guitars...Like Someone In Love" 

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11 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

The universe is perfect only once the "you" is gone. So long as there's a "you", it will bitch and moan about things not going its way.

Extinction of humans would be a great thing for many other creatures.

If humans go extinct it will be because that is what is best to raise the overall consciousness of the universe. So it's all good in the end. (Just maybe not for "you" ;) )

I think you could even take that further. If whole planet Earth would blow up it could still benefit the Universe as a whole. 

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If our time of extinction arises it would be a super profound and exciting time for this infinite unstoppable universe. It would be the time and like Leo said, it would happen for the highest good of the universe. It would also shed some light and consideration among other creatures who don't get enough attention, nor do they ask for it, they just are.

If this means our extinction is caused by something stupid like the emergence of artificial intelligence taking over emotional intelligence and us as mindless lost souls in mechanical aluminium skinned suits using built in iPhones on our arms then that would be a shame but I would still perceive this as an inevitable factor in human evolution leaning towards the eventual natural outcome of this event we've all been waiting for.

We do have freewill though and if we are contributing as a species because astrologically speaking, we do have a powerful, spiritual connection to the universe and to the stars, then we can choose to be the best, loving, inquisitive creatures we possibly can within this existence and lifetime and not succumb to the foolish, ignorant traps of this era. But whenever it is our time I still think there's nothing we could do about it, it's indestructible and in a way that's beautiful to me. It shows how little control we think we have over everything. The universe is infinitely intelligent and has been way before we came along, and way beyond our illusory perceptions that mankind are highly developed creatures, in all actuality we require a major upgrade.

If we need a few natural disasters or space threats to wake us up then it's a shame we would require such graphic (Hollywood kin) tragedies to reach collective consciousness/enlightenment. As a species we've been incredibly blessed with many moons and billions of years to spiritually evolve on this planet, you would think we would have reached it by now.

Edited by VioletFlame

"Those who have suffered understand suffering and therefore extend their hand." --Patti Smith

"Lately, I find myself out gazing at stars, hearing guitars...Like Someone In Love" 

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I agree that it's unlikely that we humans will make ourselves extinct. We will probably be the last animal to go.

What will be more likely to happen is that we'll scrape the planet clean of most of the ecosystems and leave it a very barren, anthropocentric place. The reptiles, amphibians and insects will be wiped out, most all but the smallest sized fish populations will be fully harvested and collapsed, all the remaining megafauna will be wiped out.

Most forests will be cleared or burned, the remaining forests will be second-growth managed tree farms. The reefs will be dead, the ice caps melted.

Jellyfish will abound. Bacteria and other microscopic life will proliferate because of faster evolutionary cycles and being generally inedible to humans.

The oil will be mostly gone, we'll be relying on more expensive sources like wind, solar and nuclear. Commercial fusion will be 30 years away.

Humans will be fine, albeit living in a much more arid, boring, paved planet. We'll be living in air-conditioned HEPA filtered boxes, eating synthetic meat, drinking soda, and plugged into much more sensational VR most of the time.

We're racing towards ecosystem collapse, but we'll always take care of #1.

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@VioletFlame, that was a beautiful read. You have obviously put in a lot of time into this topic!

I do have a big problem with what you are all saying though. We are responsible for our actions and we have a choice. The environment and its inhabitants are subject to humans lack of responsibility. Saying it is all "perfect", even if we leave this existence as a dust bin without a consciousness to learn from it, feels like a cop-out and a wasted potential benefit. Something simple could happen that radically changes the outcome. With such divergent results concluding from so many knife edge crossroads, is one radically different outcome then called a near "perfect" reality?

@outlandish have you never heard of the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tardigrade

@Leo Gura (or anyone else!), is, in your eyes, my dissatisfaction of humans unawareness and therefore responsibility, because I am still living through the ego led perception?

Thanks you super top and up for a chin wag people!

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@1x0 yeah tardigrades are really neat. I fancy the hypothesis that they're extra-terrestrial in origin. They are very resilient and have been taken up into bare naked outer space and survived. It's more likely that their origin is terrestrial, but it would be so coooool...

Maybe tardigrades will survive all our shenanigans and evolve into the next cycle of dominant intelligent life in the same way that early rodent like mammals emerged out of the dinosaur era and gave rise to us :D

How to get to infinity? Divide by zero.

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@winterknight's take:


we each need to look into our own nature first... that is the best contribution we can make to the collective issues

which is a good answer

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hey, maybe we will create an AI that will realize that humans are a cancerous virus of this planet not even good as their slaves and will start wiping us out before we get to fatal climate change. 



Edited by Michael569

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On 11/15/2018 at 11:22 AM, Leo Gura said:

Extinction of humans would be a great thing for many other creatures.


Not for all creature, since some creatures thrive on the presence of humans. 


Meditation is like polishing a brick to make a mirror. Philosophy is like a net to catch water. The buddah did not meditate. It's just how he sits. 

- Alan Watts 

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@1x0 Thank you! ^_^ It's just simply a topic I always enjoyed contemplating.

I looked up tardigrades and I'm extremely intrigued. 

"Those who have suffered understand suffering and therefore extend their hand." --Patti Smith

"Lately, I find myself out gazing at stars, hearing guitars...Like Someone In Love" 

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I appreciate your contemplations on human extinction. I hadn’t thought of it like that. So interesting. I’m curious what comes to mind for you with the scenario below.

Imagine humans are facing a serious threat to their existence. Perhaps a plague, A.I. or climate change wipes out 90% of humans worldwide. All the remaing humans know their own survival will soon be doomed. 

Do you think this would trigger a collective existential crisis and awakenings? 

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@Serotoninluv That would trigger barbarism, not awakening.

See movie: The Postman

People do not awaken en mass when their survival is threatened. They retreat into egotism, xenophobia, and violence.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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15 hours ago, Serotoninluv said:


I appreciate your contemplations on human extinction. I hadn’t thought of it like that. So interesting. I’m curious what comes to mind for you with the scenario below.

Imagine humans are facing a serious threat to their existence. Perhaps a plague, A.I. or climate change wipes out 90% of humans worldwide. All the remaing humans know their own survival will soon be doomed. 

Do you think this would trigger a collective existential crisis and awakenings? 

Look at what happens when law and order is destabilized when resources are simultaneously cut off in a 1st world country. Like when hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf coast in the USA. Looting, pillaging, raping. People were riding around in boats with assault rifles looking to take what they could from those who had, that is until the military stepped in and took control.

Edited by Elysian

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I don't understand all this hatred towards humankind. I think extinction would be terrible.

I sincerely hope humankind evolves fast through global consciousness and grows in harmony with Earth. Why the heck should we disappear? That's hoping for the worst, not for the best. Human potential is huge, we can do so much for ourselves and for the universe.

Inquire in the now.

Feeling is the truest knowing ?️

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