
Careers that require being employed

3 posts in this topic

I was wondering about this notion that the 100% happiness mark can only be reached if you are autonomous and on top of the pyramid of society so to speak. Some of the concepts Leo talked about in his video about escaping wage slavery. It was something about being really happy is possible as an employee but being something like an entrepreneur would be favorable.

What about jobs and passions that require employment? Things like being a teacher or a doctor. Sure you could open up your own school or hospital but I doubt you’d be doing much teaching or stitching people back up because of all the organization and marketing etc that is necessary in entrepreneurship. I just feel like a lot of time would be used up and not much would be left for the actual craft.

On the other hand entrepreneurship sounds totally great and amazing, I am just weighing out the pros and cons right now.

This is not even really concerning myself I have no idea what I should do but I just had this thought. Can anyone explain this paradox to me? Or is the premise false anyways? 

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I think you completely understand the dynamic.  

This concept applies very well to the majority of those on who seems to aspire to life coaching, and establishing some form of spiritual practice.  It is less applicable to more mainstream vocations; which can also be rewarding, challenging and satisfying.  Happiness can be found in mainstream careers, and acting as an employee. 

I don't want to misrepresent Leo, but I think a big appeal of being self-employed is that it gives you (more of an opportunity for) creative expression, autonomy to ensure that your job is in-line with your life purpose, and facilitates time for "self-work".  


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