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Replacing My Bad Habits (Accountability Journal)

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Hello. There are a handful of bad habits/addictions/coping mechanisms that I have acquired that I would really like to get rid of in order to live my life to the fullest. I am hoping keeping a daily journal of my progress will serve as an accountability partner for me. I admit that since I am a single dude living alone it's VERY easy for me to get a bit lax with my daily habits and I slip up a lot. I'm all too often the guy who watches hours upon hours of tv while playing on his phone, eating junk food, and then going to bed way too late. It feels good in the moment and then afterwards the next day I just feel like I'm wasting my life. I want to become more disciplined.


The habits i want to change are avoiding snacking while I'm not even hungry. Doing this daily has destroyed my digestion and appetite for healthy, nutritious food. I have lost a lot of weight due to never eating enough calories or getting enough macronutrients in the day. I use food as a coping mechanism to deal with boredom. I need to wait until I have a natural appetite and then eat REAL food, not processed snack foods. This will be difficult for me especially cutting way back on sugar, but I am confident I can deal with it once I get in the swing of it. 

Next, I need to drastically minimize my screen time. I am totally addicted to the internet, social media, my phone, and television. I stay up way too late. It's almost as if because I live alone tv and media are my friends and turning them off will just make me realize how lonely I am. The guidelines I am setting for myself is I am allowed to check my e-mail and social media accounts twice per day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon. I am also allowed 2 hours of tv/internet time a day not including doing actual research. 

Lastly, I need to get my sleeping situation handled. My insomnia is purely self inflicted due to not being disciplined to do my night time routine. Plus, I will wake up in the middle of the night and instead of going back to sleep I will just pull out my phone or laptop and watch Youtube videos. This obviously will need to stop as well. I need to get 8 hours of solid uninterrupted sleep per night. I will aim for bed at 10 and up at 6 but if I go out and socialize then I will calibrate that to my bed time for that night.

I have other goals too but for now I want to get those handled and focus on getting past the initial discomfort. In order to deal with the excess stress I will make sure to focus on mindfulness, deep breathing, mini meditations, and avoiding any and all negative thoughts or thoughts that are not helpful to my success!

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Okay my original plan was to update this weekly on Sundays but I think for the time being I need to update daily in order to really track my progress and hold myself accountable. it's been two days since my first post and I did great the first day but backslid hard yesterday. I need to be strict until I actually start seeing consistent results and see these bad habits fading away. I will post a longer update after work today of what I did right and wrong the past few days and what I'm going to do to move forward.

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Hmm i keep slacking on updating this. I need to strategize how I can best update this and what time of day to do it at. It will either be early mornings or early evenings after work.

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So the reason why I haven't been updating this is because I definitely realize my only real issue is my sugar addiction. I'm putting all my focus and attention on weening myself off sugar this week. Keeping an overall journal tackling multiple goals and bad habits just feels like extra stress. I'm focusing on one goal at a time.


My plan this week for beating sugar is the following: Don't keep any sugar in my apartment but keep a bottle of pop in my car. If I get strong sugar cravings then I will allow myself to give in to temptation a little bit and have some pop. If I try to go cold turkey I will just relapse and binge on a pint of ice cream with about 60 grams of sugar. I'm also going to drink apple cider vinegar multiple times throughout the day and do lots of relaxation exercises. The most important thing though is making sure it's not in my apartment in any shape or form even "healthier" stuff like honey or yogurt or apple juice. If it's near me then I WILL eat it. 

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Getting back on track. Focusing on rebuilding this week.

Habits to do today: Meditate, Yoga, Read, Oil Pull with coconut oil in shower, Clean Apartment and consume healthy, herbal teas. Eat 3 healthy meals per day. Smile!

While driving, try and relax. Don't get into arguments in head. Go to bed early and if you wake up in the middle of the night then do some sun salutations and deep breathing. Overall, stay positive and relaxed. Always be monitoring your breath, and though patterns. Smile!


mantra: I am calm and relaxed

I am grateful for all the opportunities available around me. The world is an abundant place!

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Building momentum!

Do a grounding exercise (either meditation, yoga, or pranayama) 2x/ day. Once in the morning and again in the evening.

Mantra: I am calm and relaxed

Completely cut out coffee drinks like lattes. They make you sick. Find a healthy treat you can have. Possibly homemade chai lattes with almond millk and a little sweetener. There's nothing wrong with rewarding yourself.

Oil pull every morning this month with coconut oil. Heals oral issues like canker sores and cavities.

Be chill in social environments. It's not your goal to be cool or smart or funny, it's your goal to be well liked!

Get a new job closer to your apartment!

Do an immersion in graphic design. Get really good this month. Start telling people you are a freelance graphic designer. Hold the frame. Money and clients will come naturally and you will build momentum.

There are opportunities everywhere, you just need to be in the right state of being. Law of attraction!

No arguments in head. Smile!

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