
Spiritual Trappings #3 Thoughts, thinking and emotions are not problems.

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Something that I've observed a number of times within this forum that is a common issue from what I've gathered along my journey and through other spiritual teachers is some misconceptions seekers learn/misinterpret on the spiritual journey.

Thought and thinking in of themselves hold no bearing on suffering or not, or are inherently a barrier to waking up.  Its the compulsion, the believing of scenarios of stress/fear/hate/worry/shame/guilt etc..., the habit of this and the type of thoughts we have of ourselves, is what CAN cause suffering. (again a important capitilization, because its not always the case and is not to be learned as a rule or create a new mode of functioning for you to try and emulate enlightenment, or right functioning, or supposed to be this way type of behavior).  But to demonize the activity of thinking itself and the thought process is also to get lost in another form of bondage and suffering, one in which "You" are trying to avoid thoughts, feelings, beliefs, or re-write them in yourself, or think they aren't there, or believe that your not thinking them, and that keeps your eyes off of knowing yourself and just living.

Thinking, planning and the arisal of thoughts that happen during this process and just on their own (like a dripping facet, that is of no control of our own) is normal and is apart of being human, is not taking "You" away or create some sort of barrier preventing something (another subtle belief within seeker circles that keeps the vigilant/sincere seeker confused and frustrated when such normal functioning is present)

This understanding can also verbatim be applied to the emotional experience.  Seekers again form beliefs that emotions of all sorts are inherent distractions from attaining awakening or inherently create a barrier of some sort or take away awareness from being free (and many more ideas, insert your own).  Again emotions are just that, emotions, and most often together with beliefs about them.

What "You" ultimately are is never not here and no emotion or thought or belief is a prevention, problem or obstacle to living freely right now.  Even the experience of "You" believing you dont know who you are is just that, a belief, its not a inherent problem, idea that needs to be changed, moved, reacted to, something to get frustrated over, its just "You" as you are right then, or right now as you read this.

Hope that helps.

Edited by Mu_

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