
Question About Oneness

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In Leo's video about oneness, he says that God is playing out every possible scenario in order to understand itself. I do understand some of this, however, do have a question which has been perplexing me.

If God has created the "movie reel" to experience the full range of itself why does it need to do this? Why experience it when it already has the knowledge beforehand to create those individual experiences? If God is all knowing, then there would be no reason to create an experience that it already understands.

For example, God created the scenario involving the Nazis and the Jewish people. God must have had some knowledge of needing to create this scenario to play it out in the first place. 

I am obviously missing something here and no doubt it's something which I will understand when I have an awakening and possibly not before. However, if there is any logic here that I'm missing, I would be really grateful if someone could "enlighten" me! (No pun intended!)

Many thanks

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