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I am really interested in neurofeedback. It seems a very promising for analysing your brain. But it also seems expensive. Has onyone expercience neurofeedback? Is it for example possible to buy a neurofeedback device and use it on yourself, the same way we can use a heart rate monitor on ourself. Or does it take lots and lots of experience and knowledge to work with these things?

Thank you for reading,


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To monitor acticity of the brain. I compare it with a (very complex) heart rate monitor, but then not for your hart but for your brain. This is a device that seems interesting: http://www.choosemuse.com/ But I don't know if it is worth buying. 

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dependence on technology, you don't need this to meditate

I've tried lucid dreams with application on smartphones, and I know that it exist devices such as glasses that recognize REM sleep and send signal to our brain as we are sleeping, and various sleep tracers... but in the end, it doesn't help that much (statistic says that external devices do not work very well).

Practice is not easy.

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