Will Bigger

Perception Vid Questions

3 posts in this topic

Just a few questions I had after the video. Primarily for Leo but if u have an actually intelligent answer I’ll welcome it

What’s there when no one is looking? Myself I had the intuition that infinite intelligence simulates everything so that it looks like there is an objective world.

Why do we appear to live in a shared world? Again I intuited an infinite intelligence world simulation, with people who are linked karmically appearing to share a world.

Why does it appear as if we have sensory organs directed at a world?

By Nothing, you don’t mean what people normally think of as nothingness, do you? Is what you essentially mean by nothingness just total nonduality to the point where all appearances dissolve?

Does the bubble dissolve in deep sleep, and is that blankness of deep sleep God’s perspective?

Were you implying that no-self is more true than universal Self? You said the more profound way to interpret reality was pure objectivity over pure subjectivity.

and this is tangential but is awareness inherently intelligent or is intelligence an appearance in awareness?

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There is a causal strange loop relationship between sense organs and perceptions. Sense organs are themselves perceptions which have a global affect on other perceptions. If you lose an eye, your perceptions will never be the same.

No self and universal Self are identical.

Appearances don't need to dissolve. Appearances are already nothing. Nothing is not merely an empty space. It is that, but it is also all matter, form, shape, color, etc. The very room you are sitting in is what Nothing looks like! Nonduality means that the distinction between something and nothing is relative and must ultimately collapse.

Yes, the bubble dissolves in deep sleep but you currently lack the consciousness necessary to know the deep sleep state. After a deep awakening you can be conscious even during deep sleep. It will be a consciousness of formless infinity.

I explained intelligence in the What Is Intelligence video. Intelligence is an aspect of consciousness. The universe has infinite intelligence, which it used to design itself.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Hi Leo... is it really Possible to be conscious of one’s own sleep and dreams, and Change my Characters in rhe dream ! A new dimension of consciousness....! 

?IngitScooby ?

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