
Other Enlightened Members on the Forum?

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Quick question if someone who is aware can answer...


So in light of the new thread by @winterknight 

Are there any other regular forum users who are enlightened?


Asking becomes knowing that advice given from the Enlightened allows you to deeply try and grasp what they are saying and from which place they are saying it.



Love Is The Answer

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what about you? you already know more than many

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@Preetom hmmm

<3 I know quite a bit and am a big believer in giving weight to the intellectual understanding of the path

But I lack direct experiences... Not many of those but the ones I did have were very important and freeing me and showing me the light

And yes. Self inquiry and really knowing who does the meditation and the goal of meditation is important rather than the meditation itself




Love Is The Answer

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To categorize in enlightened and non-enlightened limits perception

Either everyone is enlightened or no one is, or both at the same time

The collapse of duality leads into unity, one consciousness, leads into paradox, paradoxes are the lighthouse of truth, they are symbols of infinity  

What did the buddha see when he ascend? Did he see enlightened and non-enlightened?

That would imply he would see himself as separate from others

Or did he see the omniscence of the sphere of existence, the sea of consciousness from which we are all apart off....did he see himself as a fish or as the sea?

If you are on the path of enlightenment, everyone is enlightened, everyone is relevant to your enlightenment, everyone is of infinite intelligence, everyone is consciousness

In my opinion

Edited by Arkandeus

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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What’s your criteria to deem someone enlightened? What degree of embodiment and attainment are you talking?

Edited by kieranperez

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12 hours ago, SoonHei said:

Quick question if someone who is aware can answer...


So in light of the new thread by @winterknight 

Are there any other regular forum users who are enlightened?


Asking becomes knowing that advice given from the Enlightened allows you to deeply try and grasp what they are saying and from which place they are saying it.




Never wanted to say it, never thought I'd say it, but if winterknight, buddha, ramana, adyishanti, papaji, mooji, rupert shirpa, jeff foster, gangaji, etc... are accepted as enlightened, then yes I accept the label.  If understanding god as it all.  Then yes again.  If being able to fly, teleport, walk on water, raise the dead, then no.  If by having all the answers to all questions, then no.  If being free of bodily pains and having human emotions and discomforts come and go, then no.  If always being right and never making a mistake, then no.

Also, perhaps?, more importantly will I make a good teacher.......  I believe so, but this remains to be seen.  I believe enlightenment doesn't necessarily equal a good teacher.  There are a number of cases reported by accepted enlightened teachers that a person can accidentally fall into  "enlightenment" and not have a great understanding of how to help others find the understandings found in "enlightenment".  I can see and understand this, its much like a great boxer does not make a great coach, or a great artist does not make a great teacher, they are different skill sets.

Also as a body/energy worker, I'm experimenting with shakti transmission and so far having some success with friends/strangers.  In fact I'm hoping to experiment since its a skill set that will take some practice and feedback, but so far the common feedback is an expansion outside of the boundaries of self they felt they had or a growing spaciousness or the transmission of love.  I'm honestly doing this for free and for the service of others and may make a larger post in the future on this as the capacity strengthens, but if you happen to read this and are open I'd be open to trying over a video call, which is something I've yet to see if I can, message me.  For-warning though, you really gotta be serious about discovering who you are, and have had done shadow work before, because trauma can and probably will come up.  And some of the things that are brought up will not be easy, so honestly I can't stress this enough.

Edited by Mu_

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Yes, my member is highly enlightened.

How to get to infinity? Divide by zero.

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Enlightenment as dubbed by Buddhism means something totally different as enlightenment used by people in the west. As Joseph Manor stated rather eloquently, your meaning of the word depends upon your interpretation or experience what it is.

So if you're not enlightened you can not make the judgement if someone is enlightened or not as you don't really know what to judge. How do you know if you are enlightened? Well that depends upon your interpretation.

The common interpretation in the west of the concept enlightenment is non-self. The realization that you are not separate from your environment as you are only consciousness of reality and not something separate from this.

The concept of enlightenment in Buddhism goes much further though and means insight into the nature of reality as a whole and not only the self. Reality does not exist upon itself but is of dependent origination, therefore it's essence is empty. As a flower is dependent upon space, time, matter, gravity, etc. Your consciousness is also from dependent origin as you need eyes and hands to see and feel the flower. Without consciousness there would be no reality, they came mutually dependent into existence. Therefore it is not really perceived as what is perceived is being perceived through it. Therefore it doesn't want to know itself, as it knows that itself came into existence through itself. Itself will dissolve. Itself is the ego of it, or the believe, out of ignorance that reality exists upon itself. Itself is what you are left with if the self dissolves. If you see through this you reached Nirvana.

Why don't I open a topic like winterknight? Although it is very very generous what he is doing, it is also very inefficient and time consuming. It is like knowing how to raise kids and trying to raise all the kids by yourself by letting them ask you questions. You get childish questions. It is more efficient to teach the kindergarten teachers, so that they can reach the kids better.

The only problem with teaching the kindergarten teachers is that they are in the misconception that they already know everything so are not open for suggestions. So what is more effective? I don't know. 

I am not a member of a Buddhist society as sadly the Buddhists in the country in which I live, Germany, don't know shit. Even the book, The Way Things Are, from Ole Nydahl, the person who brought Buddhist to Europe, is very vague. If he would have understood it better, he would have written it better.

Therefore I made this website to explain Buddhism, and here I mean all of it and not the shallow interpretation of it in the west, to Western thinking minds. It is easy to read and you can easily reflect upon the text. My writing style is provocative by choice. Because if you get provoced or agitated by my words that means your ego is responding. In real life I'm a very gentle and friendly person, at least that is what my girlfriend says.

Not a lot of people have the courage to read it as they will get agitated a lot, and feel a lot of doubt, because they are massively confronted with themselves and their convictions in a time space of 2 hours. 

A lot of people, from my experience, who want to achieve enlightenment are unwilling to go the path which is uncomfortable. If things get unpleasant they will want to avoid it, that is the function of the ego. 

So the teaching is out there for everyone to read and understand and it is easy to read and understand, but only a few have the courage to really go there. That is why only a few people really achieve it. That is also why I don't put more effort into this as the will to overcome the self has to come from the inside.

So what am I doing now? I am learning for my health advisor study as raffined carbohydrates (sugar and starch) and fabricated fetts destroying the health of everyone eating them without them knowing this to its full extent. As it takes 20 till 30 years for a disease to unfold. Eat plant-based food close to its natural source! Meat is unhealthy, although some people are better in digesting them as others. Raw food is the best and full grains (who are able to flower) are the most important. If you live in the USA it is very important for your health to eat organic food as a lot of food is genetically altered and they use more chemicals when they are spraying crops. The USA is a real fucked up country, pardon my words. Although with nutrition it is almost the same as with enlightenment, a lot of people believe they eat healthy. Misinformation is the cause of all this. 

For people living in germany, or who are able to speak German, I can recommend they have so much knowledge about nutrition there and are very gentle people.

Don't think I am arrogant, I just know what I am talking about, it is your ego who is offended by my knowledge.

I am very willing to answer serious questions, just PM me, I am humble and friendly person to person, but please read the website first cause 99% of your questions are probably answered there. So I am not really expecting questions, not while the website answers them all, but because nobody will read it. It is more pleasant to watch videos on YouTube from guys telling you sweet words that make you feel good. :)

For example, people who believe in free will are already provoced in the third alinea of the first chapter, where they probably think something in the sense of; no this is bullshit, I am the creator of my own thoughts.  Whoever this I may be. Then they stop reading and go back to doing pleasant things or reading or hearing things that please their minds. Only the person with the perseverance and patience to really understand himself will read further and will learn, as how these thoughts are formed is explained later on. But first you have to learn how the ego is constructed to be able to understand how thoughts are formed.

You see, it not a question if someone is able to achieve enlightenment, it is a question if someone is really willing to know himself or not. That is why buddhism is a very disciplined teaching. There are no free rides here, although there are shortcuts to be made, they will not bring you there alone. You have to put the effort into it, which actually only means; an openness of mind. But that is easier said then done.

Edited by Emanyalpsid

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Everyone is enlightened 

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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1 hour ago, Shiva said:

Whenever some says he is enlightened, you can be pretty sure that he is not.

An enlightened person has no need for confirmation from other people. 

At the same time he understands that whatever he says will inevitably be misinterpreted by everyone who is not enlightened.

So why should he tell you?

This is why it is so difficult to find a master or a guru.

Even if you find them, they won't just tell you the truth right away.

A good master will tell you exactly what you need to know at you specific level of consciousness, so you keep growing yourself and nothing more. Because he understands that truth can only be experienced and not communicated using language.

So what about the guys who create topics like Winterknight ?

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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If by enlightened being you mean someone who has no identification with the body and mind, who is free from suffering, who's free of the fear of death. Who has zero personal agenda. Who's in a constant state of infinity or zero. Whom you could literally call a god.?! Who's presence could literally make you fall down on your knees and cry?!

I'd say not single being is here like this. 

If by enlightened you mean someone who understands nonduality intelectually and has had an experience of oneness. Then i'd say every smart guy with some psychedelics is enlightened

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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1 hour ago, Shiva said:

Whenever some says he is enlightened, you can be pretty sure that he is not.

"Pretty sure" means you are uncertain. It speaks a lot about you if you are "pretty sure" anyone who says they're enlightened isn't. Lack of trust?


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8 minutes ago, Shin said:

So what about the guys who create topics like Winterknight ?

The secret of Neo-Advaita is to destroy effort, to destroy striving. As Maya is best left untouched. Destroy morale and you have your dreamworld. The easiest way to do so is to claim that no one who says they're enlightened actually is. Destroy trust. Because with no enlightened beings, there is no enlightenment, there's no goal, no victory. Just like there's no professional Olympic athlete's winning the gold. It's Maya's Final Buddha, once questions starts coming and effort starts being put in. "Deploy Neo-Advaita"

Ever since childhood you've been taught to not strive, there's no one winner, with follow-ups, no Gold, Silver, Bronze. All are winners. There are no losers. And here we are on this planet in this moment, Awakening is everywhere, everyone knows about it, everyone's talking about it. No. There's no enlightened beings. It's all a bunch of... well... Teachers and their sheep, in a mutual relationship.


"Moving the goalposts (or shifting the goalposts) is a metaphor, derived from goal-based sports, that means to change the criterion (goal) of a process or competition while it is still in progress, in such a way that the new goal offers one side an intentional advantage or disadvantage."

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15 minutes ago, Outer said:

"Pretty sure" means you are uncertain. It speaks a lot about you if you are "pretty sure" anyone who says they're enlightened isn't. Lack of trust?


You're pretty sure to know a lot about him from one post he wrote.



God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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1 minute ago, Shiva said:

But then where's the need to tell people you are enlightened in the first place?

Because  maybe Winterknight is? If you are enlightened what do you have against saying you are?


4 minutes ago, Shiva said:

"Pretty sure" means that there are exceptions to this rule.

Out of 100 people who claim to be enlightened, how many do you think are actually enlightened?

It depends how it is measured, from my experience, 60-80 if all I had was what they said and info about how long they've been enlightened. Maybe a bit less if there was an fMRI scanner at hand.

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5 minutes ago, Shiva said:

@Outer I'm the son of God, did you know this? Trust everything I say or he will punish you.

False analogy.

Edited by Outer

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14 minutes ago, Shiva said:

The problem is the need to appeal to authority.

It's an appeal to competence and thereby authority. Not only authority. If an authority was corrupt and incompetent, you'd  never want to appeal to them. But you make a fair point to not blindly trust people. It's also a bad idea to blindly not trust people. I'm arguing that just because someone says they're enlightened doesn't mean they're not, in most cases. You make the judgment call from listening and observing.


How do we know competence? We ask questions. Just like Zen people do to verify enlightenment. How do we know what to expect? It's called checking with other teachers and teachings.

Edited by Outer

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15 minutes ago, Shiva said:

@Outer actually it's quite like that. Saying that you're enlightened doesn't display competence. It's just a claim that people cannot verify. So you expect them to blindly believe you. That's just like appealing to God.

You're right. First you have to verify someone's enlightenment and thereby competence before you can listen to their teachings. Gary Weber's enlightenment is verified by fMRI which sees blood flow to different regions to the brain, and he recommends Adya, Ramana Maharshi, etc. So I don't really distrust Winterknight who recommends Ramana, etc. I trust Gary and his teachings, and if it happens another person says they're enlightened and speak of similar things I don't immediately distrust them, in fact I might find them to fill in some blanks.

Edited by Outer

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