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So, last night I heard from my father that it is now certain that his friend will die in less than a year from the spreading of cancer throughout his entire system. I'm a natural empath so this struck me very deep. 

I vaguely remember people talking about healing cancer a while back on the forum so I'm here to ask for your help. @Natasha Do you guys have any suggestions or information on alternative treatment to the general medical one?

I might look arrogant to the people around me for coming with different methods and being the 'one who knows better' but I don't care. I met this man a couple times and he was very friendly and honest. He means a lot to my father so I want to help.

It would mean the world to me of people here can list their ideas.



In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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Do you know what type of cancer? Also, do you know what stage is he and how far has it spread?

Edited by Michael569

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@Michael569 Started with skincancer. then it spreaded to his lungs, lymphatic system and now possibly brain. It's stage 4.

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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@Max_V this is what i know: cancer cells feed from sugar and proliferate faster in acidic environments.

this documentary shows, among other wonderful things, the story of a woman who healed herself from a rare and aggressive kind of breast cancer without chemo/radiotherapy. what did she do? a radical change in her diet.

unborn Truth

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Cancer can be cured, any type of cancer and almost any stage. 

It is the consequence of a very strong, chronic personality and very high level of blockages in the head and the worshipping of ideas and thoughts. 

Almost any human being has some sort of cancer. But those who are very willing to go very far in the "willpower" will experience fatal results.

To counteract it is a journey of returning to the natural child state. 

The first rule Is Breath & the implications and all the energy focus on it.


Second and beyond is using foods/nutrients to maintain a PH level 7+ in the body at all times in order to reach a homeostasis balance. 

Only by PH alone can cure any type of cancer and following the Breath can cure any condition or illness. 


... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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@Max_V When I was diagnosed in 2012 with stage 3, it had just started to spread into my lymph system. The first thing I did was researching on all kinds of alternative methods and ways to 'work' with the cancer cells vs 'fighting' it. Cancer is a symptom of a larger metabolic problem and is a part of you, so fighting it, as I saw it, would have been like fighting against my own body. That was my starting point mentality.

Next step (according to my research) was to balance my body's PH. When I was doing my research, I came across multiple success stories of people who were able to stop and reverse cancer growth by just alkalizing their bodies. Even after having been cancer free for 6 years now, I still drink only alkaline ionized water, as well as consuming plenty of fresh organic veggies and other foods from the earth, green smoothies, fresh juicing, etc. But at the beginning, as I was transitioning to this new wholesome diet, I was taking PH capsules for faster results. They are available at any local health-food store.

Boosting up immune system and ramping up on antioxidants through, again, wholesome foods, quality supplements, etc. Lots of info available online. 

Full body detox - is a must to help clean out and flush out body's impurities (lingering  in the system heavy metals, old vaccines, various chemicals from air, food, water, cigarette smoke, pharmaceutical drugs, household cleaners, environmental pollution, etc). I did a full body detox with a help of a local naturopath for a few months. And am still using Chlorella as part of my daily detox, along with ACV, herb teas (D'arco tea was my regular at that time), fresh organic juicing, monthly saline water flushes, etc. 

Another healing routine I had was light workouts (cardio, muscle toning, stretches) followed by dry brushing and dry sauna. This was another way to help my body cleanse and heal, get blood and lymph moving and waste purging through exercise and sweating. Stress busting techniques, lots of restful sleep, doing the stuff you love, being in nature often and learning to breathe right, etc. I was out on the beach a lot during that time for vit D and high concentration of magnesium in ocean water, and also had an hour and a half therapeutic massage every week. All this might sound irrelevant to treating cancer, but like I said earlier, I looked at it as a whole body problem and did every little thing I thought would help my body heal.

Also, around that time I discovered Curcumin and I took it daily for sometime - a powerful anti-inflammatory supplement. As we know, the majority of ailments (including cancer) is caused by inflammation. I took Terry Naturally brand 750 mg 3-4 capsules daily. 

Healing from cancer won't happen overnight. It takes time to rebuild your body's natural defences. Everyone has cancer cells and we have to make sure our system stays clean, our cells well nourished and well hydrated, and our body strong. Only then permanent remission is possible for those whose health has been compromised. I hope your friend finds ways that will work favorably in healing his condition and his type of cancer <3


Edited by Natasha

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Dr Leonard Coldwell is your man but if you want some good tips from the top of my head.

Firstly cancer cannot survive in an Oxygen rich Alkaline Environment. Get the lympathic system moving, exercise, eat raw fruits mostly and vegetables, higher water content the fruit/food the better and antioxidant rich fruits/berries ect...

Fasting is also important so the body has time to heal and repair itself.

Getting Sunlight and maximum body exposure to the suns rays to produce Vitamin D is very important for healing and cancer.

Vitamin C rich foods are also highly requested.

Lots of Greens(Alkaline Forming) foods.

Spriulina/Chlorella, Chaga Mushroom and other Medicinal mushrooms and Adaptogens

Vitamin B-17 kills cancer cells and Cannabis oil/CBD oil may also assists so B-17 is found in some fruit seeds but highest in Apricot seeds/kernals.

Up the intake of Herbs and Spices They are very strong and natures medicine.

Grape seeds are also quite good cancer killers.

Get on a raw whole food(plant-based) diet of mostly 90-100% or more fruits/vegetables (RAW) only.

Yoga and Saunas can help release stagnant cells/energy and release toxins

Lots of fresh water, distilled or mountain springs

Another thing that plays a big role is belief system. If you buy into that your going to die at such and such then it gives the body/cells more power to shut down closer to that set time/date. Don't buy into that your going to die just because some doctor told you so.

There are many cases where people did not buy into that they had cancer or even aids in some cases and simply went on with their life only coming for a checkup several months later disease free. Mindset/Belief systems play a Gigantic role in our lives because Ultimately the Universe is a Mental.

Study Placebo/Nocebo

Black Seed Oil is another great natural medicine that comes to mind.


Hope this helps


Edited by pluto


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I'm not a doctor but I've watched a lot YT videos and thousands of TEDx videos online. What I'd say about cancer is:

- Sugar feeds cancer (proven)

- Think of it as two types of cells, one is the healthy cell the other is the cancer cell. Since the definition of a cancer cell is uncontrolled unlimited reproduction of that cell spreading, that cell needs energy/nutrition in order to do so. Healthy cells don't feed sugar, cancer cell gets unlimited fuel from the sugar. One of the method to identify cancer cell is to make patient not eat anything for long hours then feeding him with a special type of sugar that radiates inside X-ray or something, that way doctor spots the area of cancer cells under that black paper.

- I've seen thousands of people posting YT videos about fasting cures cancer (because basically you starve your body and your body has to feed from itself, starting from guessing/spotting/destroying unnecessary dumb cells aka mostly cancer cells)

- Fasting comes with the forms of dry fasting and water fasting.

- Inflammation is a keyword to make a research. This channel talks about it a lot:


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@non_nothing Its funny though as - Sugar feeds cancer (proven) which is true but then you have countless people who cured their cancers with specific fruits like pineapple and its raw fresh juice and other fruits/vegetables. This is why i always argue that people do not understand how nature works.

The sweetness from fruit is nothing like sugar, sure the science can say what they want but they still have little clue how it works on a grander scale because it has a completely different communication exchange within the body when you eat a piece of living fruit(full of enzymes and bio-photons) compared to consuming processed sugars.

The bodies intelligence is just too vast and understands nature when consumed in its natural raw state far beyond our current scientific understanding because when you combine nature with nature you can only become more you, more of that, more nature, more natural and more alive :)

Simplicity is the Ultimate sophistication.

Edited by pluto


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8 hours ago, pluto said:

@non_nothing Its funny though as - Sugar feeds cancer (proven) which is true but then you have countless people who cured their cancers with specific fruits like pineapple and its raw fresh juice and other fruits/vegetables. This is why i always argue that people do not understand how nature works.

The sweetness from fruit is nothing like sugar, sure the science can say what they want but they still have little clue how it works on a grander scale because it has a completely different communication exchange within the body when you eat a piece of living fruit(full of enzymes and bio-photons) compared to consuming processed sugars.

The bodies intelligence is just too vast and understands nature when consumed in its natural raw state far beyond our current scientific understanding because when you combine nature with nature you can only become more you, more of that, more nature, more natural and more alive :)

Simplicity is the Ultimate sophistication.

You don't understand what is sugar, fruit is separate on its own. If to be precise what I'm talking about is the synthesized sugar, aka syrup forms and all kinds of table sugar. They are in everything. Watch the video I've posted he talks about a lot If I'm not remember wrong. Fruit has fibers and even unique sugar chemical structure on its own, that's why it is separate thing.

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On 11/10/2018 at 5:52 AM, Max_V said:

@Michael569 Started with skincancer. then it spreaded to his lungs, lymphatic system and now possibly brain. It's stage 4.

My ex girlfriend went through remission through amino therapy. Definitely look into it. She reached Stage 2 or 3. I know amino therapy is really starting to catch on. 

All the best.

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@Michael569 @ajasatya @Hellspeed @Natasha@non_nothing @pluto @kieranperez

Thanks to everyone of you for your reply. Perhaps you are not conscious of it, but this information here could potentially save a life. I’m grateful for that.

I will link this page to my father’s friend.

Edited by Max_V

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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54 minutes ago, Max_V said:

@Michael569 @ajasatya @Hellspeed @Natasha@non_nothing @pluto @kieranperez

Thanks to everyone of you for your reply. Perhaps you are not conscious of it, but this information here could potentially save a life. I’m grateful for that.

I will link this page to my father’s friend.

I am very, I hope and believe it will do! and I will pray and sent my healing energy towards everyone nonetheless reads this thread with hope. Hope and truth are on your side now. Blessings. Hail!

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@Max_V It has in the thousands by now I'm sure of it :) I been spreading this stuff with my groups for almost a decade since i healed and cured myself and many other peers from learning and understanding how nature works and from the feedback we've got in all types of illness and conditions 90%+ success rates.



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