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Can Stage Green Halt Rampant Capitalism & More?

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One of the things that’s kept me up at night lately is all of the concerns and shit we see these days of rampant AI development, these clear signs of greater global tension and how freely we (US) threaten war and it seems like we’re slowly (but not slowlh enough) but surely heading down that road of some sort of nuclear holocaust, and also rampant capitalism and all the corruption and bullshit that materialism has brought into human consciousness and the dysfunctions it has brought.

I actually get depressed sometimes just from the thought of my own future and all that want to do with this enlightenment journey and self actualization and life purpose and stuff when it seems like there are very metaphorical warning lights going off of not much time left until some sort of disaster kicks in.  I mean, if you look throughout the course of prior centuries (especially more recent ones) there’s not a single one of them that isn’t disaster free and given that our collective world is, as far as I see, more dysfuncitonal psychologically and spiritually than ever, I don’t see why this 21st century is of any exception, and we’re already almost 20 years in.

Sometimes I think that we desperately need a strong Stage Green president and leadership here in the US and in the West, not because they’re more right or correct or whatever necessarily but because they’d be the ones to swing the pendulum in the other direction from this mechanical hedonistic progress at all costs attitude and into this way of tightening the reins of all of that. I think of it almost like throwing a wrench into the gears of this efficient machine and I kinda just feel like we need that to slow this eminent death drive down. 

What are your guys’ thought on this?

Edited by kieranperez

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From what you have described, I would advice you to limit news and social media intake. It hinders your self actualization.

Outside of news industry and twitter, if you look into real world - it’s getting better and it is kinda nice. Of course things would be better if everybody, especially those in position of power were in higher stages of development. Problem is: we have little to no power over them outside of voting, political activism, actual political career or street protest.

If your primary pursuit is self development, I would argue you should focus on things you have control of. I limited my news intake to tech news and social media use to non existent (I even listen to Leo on iTunes), and, man, life looks like a different place, much more peaceful and nice.

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