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Russell Brand - Awakened Man

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I had no idea Russell Brand had such a high level of awareness until I saw this video. I wonder if he is very close to being enlightened or actually is enlightened. A lot of the things he says are the same exact things Leo has been sharing with us in his videos.



Edited by ZenBlue

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He`s not, not even near...


In the presence of the enlightened, knowledge flourishes, sorrow diminishes, without any reason joy wells up, lack diminishes, abundance dawns and all talents manifest.

This is the tool to select authentic teachers from the fake ones.

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@ZenBlue  I like when Russell says "connect with that and you'll beam like the Sun". He's getting the message out there. That's all that really matters. Jim Carey too and many others that are in the "spotlight".

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he's basically a turquoise shell suit away from being David Icke, and if he ever reaches enlightenment which his megalomaniac Spiritual ego will probably never allow, he will realise how stupid he was/wasn't if you get me.


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Russel brand has a 'spiritual ego', this is the worst of all traps to be in. It means that he has become identified with spiritual beliefs and is simply repeating words of the authentic sages, but his wisdom is not his own. He is very quick to defend the mental positions with which he is identified as is evident in any video of him. 

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No. I would say that he's intellectually familiar with many of the philosophies in New Age spirituality. But his ego is quite strong and he has a lot of neurotic tendencies. 

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32 minutes ago, Pinocchio said:

No authentic sage ever said any of the crap he spouts. It's just another broken record regurgitating all the usual new age bullshit and not making any sense whatsoever.

He's got a snappy babble that easily mesmerizes the masses (suck on that ;) ). But there's zero wisdom in what he says, not even borrowed wisdom.  Just none.

True, agreee. 'new age' bullshit sums it up perfectly


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I don't think you guys give him enough credit. Does he have neurotic tendencies? Sure. Is he fully enlightened? Probably not.

But if you listen to him closely he's clearly speaking from experience and has had some direct experiences of non-duality.

Everything I heard him say is accurate. It may just come off as New-Agey at times, but that's actually because he's not dumbing it down.

I was pleasantly shocked by his level of accuracy and ability to describe spirituality in a non-dogmatic way.

All spiritual truths sound New-Agey when spoken of quickly, the way he does in those short public interview sound bites.

If I had to describe enlightenment in a 3-minute CNN interview, I would sound like a New-Age kook.

Considering that he was a heroin junkie sex addict, he's doing pretty good. I'm happy to see him popularizing yoga meditation.

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@Leo Gura  I agree that this particular video does make him seem like he's almost there, but he is the 21st century version of David Icke and the fear mongering conspiracy babble that he spouts has been omitted from these clips although there was one mention of "the Elites". 

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Call me a cynic, but he freely admits to having done *a lot* of drugs, and so as many of you on the forum keep saying, you can have drug induced stuff happen that can open your mind to enlightenment type ideas. Personally I've not had any of these type experiences, I stayed up for 3 days on drugs once and all that happened was my entire world broke down into polygons and flew apart so my entire field of vision was broken up into flying pieces. 

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Yeah he isn't dogmatic about spirituality, which I think is a good sign. I think if his ego was attached to what he was saying he is the type of person to fight back if people disagreed. I might be mistaken.

 That was a issue I just discovered. I got into a debate with my dad because he was annoyed that I am going to go on a long meditation retreat (thought it was a big waste of time and pissing my life away). He is from a traditional background so has his rooted beliefs but I got emotionally attached to what he and I was saying about meditation and spirituality, it really annoyed me. Was good in a way because before I wouldn't even be aware of my dogmatism and anger and just believe that I was truly right. But now I got a believe in me that this is really bull even though I felt emotional (at least I was aware of my self getting angry and emotional). I think I am starting to grow slowly haha

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