Posted August 21, 2019 3 hours ago, Leo Gura said: @winterknight And you are welcome back on this forum once you rediscover that you are God and you are Love. Why are you setting conditions for us entering this temple? God accepts all, God loves all. Be careful not to separate yourself from us. We are you, after all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted August 21, 2019 @Truth Addict love wants to be taught about her and not about her absence. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted August 21, 2019 1 minute ago, tedens said: @Truth Addict love wants to be taught about her and not about her absence. Her existence is precisely her absence Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted August 21, 2019 (edited) both do right, hahaa ...nice loop. Edited August 21, 2019 by tedens Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted August 21, 2019 6 hours ago, Leo Gura said: I'm quite sure I have not reached the end. But at the same time, there are things I have realized which cannot be forgotten or denied. God & Love are two such things. I think I remember you saying in a video (correct me if i'm wrong) something along the lines of that, only direct experience is real for insight/awakening/whatever, if you had a glimpse/whatever but don't have direct acces to it anymore, then it's not direct experience, it's just a memory (really bad wording I don't remember exactly what you said exactly, but I hope you get the point) Don't you think that applies here for your realisations ? If you have them on your psychedelics trips but don't have acces to them directly in this particular moment when you're typing, then it's just a memory/thoughts isn't it ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted August 21, 2019 1 hour ago, Truth Addict said: Why are you setting conditions for us entering this temple? God accepts all, God loves all. Yes but then how do you handle a situation where an atheist comes into the temple and starts teaching atheism and nihilism? It is tricky to handle that because you're damned if you kick him out and damned if you don't. And that's precisely the problem of how do you handle ignorance? It's not easy. You cannot escape fragmention in the relative world. You can be super enlightened but fragmentation will still happen to you. It will be thrust upon you. As God you are doomed to forever keep dividing yourself. People will attack you just for speaking the truth. 47 minutes ago, Jordan94 said: Don't you think that applies here for your realisations ? If you have them on your psychedelics trips but don't have acces to them directly in this particular moment when you're typing, then it's just a memory/thoughts isn't it ? After enough trips you realize that your whole life is one long trip, so the distinction disappears. There is no difference really between being high and sober other than that you are much more conscious of your full capacities when high. God and Love are always present. It's just a question of how disconnected one is from it. You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted August 21, 2019 5 hours ago, Leo Gura said: @winterknight I would like to say that I appreciate the help you gave people here in explaining self-inquiry. And you are welcome back on this forum once you rediscover that you are God and you are Love. @Leo Gura Haha don t know if this is cult-like or just childish. You can play but only by my rules. Fuckin hell! what a narcissistic comment, Leo I have been watching your videos for the past 5 years, I have learnt a lot from you and you helped me hugely on my spiritual journey and I'm very grateful for that, but over the last year, you are getting harder to watch. You go around these forms attacking people and defending yourself and also you generalise people in your videos, I think this form was very helpful and you have just hijacked it. I have learnt a lot from Winterknight and I have progressed hugely on my spiritual path. I find his teachings very easy to follow and practical. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted August 21, 2019 (edited) 3 hours ago, Leo Gura said: Love is simply what is. If you are a serious student of spiritual texts and teachings, you know that the best of them talk about love. It has nothing to do with fireworks or psychedelics. Psychedelics simply show you your deepest nature -- if you have the courage to look at yourself in your rawest form. The reason some of guys have a hard time buying this whole love business it because you're still thinking of reality from the materialist paradigm. This paradigm can extremely subtle, such that even people who have an awakening or two -- such as Sam Harris -- still have not transcended it. According to materialism, the universe must be neutral, impersonal, and devoid of any sentimentality. This is a hyper-logical, hyper-masculine, reductionistic way of understanding reality. And it is untrue. Consciousness is Love. It is not dumb matter or energy or even "simply what is". What is, is LOVE! And why it is, is LOVE! Be careful not to underestimate God's goodness. That is the key mistake here. God is not neutral as you might assume. What i miss in this process? I head first real experience of awakening because of tough emotional period + the daniel m ingram book. After i read the equinimity paragraphe he read than i realized and the dots get connected and this is so special feeling! But - the anxiety keep going and even got stronger and i dont know why. It has very dissapointed me. I start to think that equinimity and awakening is not enough to feel good. What I miss in order to feel better? Because i HAD awakening experience this week it was so special. I understood all feeling are same and all moments also. Its feels like total equinimity exactly how its written in his book "the core teaching of the budha". So great thing i reached. But the anxiety just get stronger yesterday and ocd was 200 km/hr inside my jead. Like the awakening didnt really help! Edited August 21, 2019 by Nivsch 🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted August 21, 2019 @Leo Gura okay. Actually it is very counter-intuitive. When you say you are God, you will be a slave to creations. When I submit myself to the God of all creations, I will only trust God, but looking at everything as God's creations. (God here refers to a God higher than everything). There are rules on how to deal with God's creations. I follow by that rule without attachement (except to God). You are doing the opposite. When you talk about love, that's like you love the whole creations because you are God and you created everything. That is the highest form of ego. When I said that I love everything, I meant to say that I love it because it is God's creations. Since I had submitted myself to God, I will love It's creations. And I will hate what God hate. Though I do have preferences. You can't fake love. You can't fake hate. If you wanna be enlightened. When I do control my hatred, it is for the sake of God. When you force infinite love on everything, you do it for the sake of yourself. Because you are God. And God should be loving. That is the highest form of ego Leo. Attachement to the world, while saying that you are God, is the highest form of ego. Loving all creations for the sake of yourself is the highest form of ego. ..... Although, I know what it means.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted August 21, 2019 @winterknight @Leo Gura Its very unfortunate that winterknight is leaving the forum. I dont know and cannot say anything whose version of teaching is correct. But why not let there be a slight difference of insight or what ever in the realisation.And why Leo is not able to accept a slight difference from his realisation ??? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted August 21, 2019 (edited) 2 hours ago, Leo Gura said: Yes but then how do you handle a situation where an atheist comes into the temple and starts teaching atheism and nihilism? It is tricky to handle that because you're damned if you kick him out and damned if you don't. And that's precisely the problem of how do you handle ignorance? It's not easy. You cannot escape fragmention in the relative world. You can be super enlightened but fragmentation will still happen to you. It will be thrust upon you. As God you are doomed to forever keep dividing yourself. People will attack you just for speaking the truth. After enough trips you realize that your whole life is one long trip, so the distinction disappears. There is no difference really between being high and sober other than that you are much more conscious of your full capacities when high. God and Love are always present. It's just a question of how disconnected one is from it. That is rude. When I went to a temple, I will ask the monk about history. If it's a hindu temple, I will also talk about religion. Because our religion is similar. But I thought we are talking about truth here, regardless of what truth is. As long as it is the truth. Am I being ignorant? You're not damned if you tell me it's wrong. I'm not preaching I just think it's true. When it's true. There is God. How can it not be? God and love is always present. But when you think it's are damned. You can love yourself & help yourself. But you can't ask for God's blessings. You can only get your blessings. If you have a God higher than everything, you can love yourself, you can help yourself, you can ask for God's blessings etc. (It won't be contradictory no matter how far you go). Does it make sense? Edited August 21, 2019 by Angelite Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted August 21, 2019 @Leo Gura Do you know anybody that has "awakened to love" and now is walking around all loving all the time? I just don't think such people exist. The closest are probably monks who put a lot of emphases on loving-kindness meditation in their spiritual training. Don't you think your emotions are influencing a lot of your interpretation of psychedelic experiences? One thing I think you greatly underestimate is how peoples interpretation of the same experience can differ. For example from your enlightenment happening live video, I can tell you have much much stronger emotional reaction than me. When I first awakened to no sense of agency, I basically came back to my computer and continued to watch youtube. Even when I had my first big psychedelic breakthrough, first thought was not God but rather that was the most alien and weird experience ever, like becoming a very fiber of reality. Don't you think that these cosmic experiences where there is no "I" but still awareness that you enjoy, are still in a subtle way a survival strategy compared to a complete cessation of consciousness like Nirodha Samapatti? I don't think it's possible to shift into a persistent state of love. However, if it's somehow, I wish you to attain this and guide us on how to do it. "Buddhism is for losers and those who will die one day." -- Kenneth Folk Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted August 21, 2019 The truth is the truth. It is validating by definition. Whether you reach it by practices or psychedelics, the truth is the truth. If psychedelics were misleading, the experience on them would be quite different and it will not lead you to the truth, and you would know it by then. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted August 21, 2019 2 hours ago, Pullmyfinger said: @Leo Gura Haha don t know if this is cult-like or just childish. You can play but only by my rules. Fuckin hell! what a narcissistic comment, Leo Every spiritual school has rules you must play by. Welcome to society. If anything my rules are too lax and too accommodating of diverse perspectives. This tolerance gets abused by devils. But I have some limits. Undercutting the highest truth I know cannot fly here. If someone wants to teach that there is no God, that love is just an emotion, that psychedelics are delusion... well... they will have to start their own school. Not in my school. I hold WinterKnight to a higher standard because he is here in a teaching capacity and representing enlightenment. I would have less problem with it if he was just making random comments as a non-teacher. In the future I will be screening people on this forum harder when they claim to be enlightened in order to maintain the integrity of these teachings. A lot of people come here, claim to be enlightened, and then they're off to the races with their twisted and half-baked views. 2 hours ago, Nivsch said: But - the anxiety keep going and even got stronger and i dont know why. It has very dissapointed me. I start to think that equinimity and awakening is not enough to feel good. What I miss in order to feel better? Because i HAD awakening experience this week it was so special. I understood all feeling are same and all moments also. Its feels like total equinimity exactly how its written in his book "the core teaching of the budha". So great thing i reached. But the anxiety just get stronger yesterday and ocd was 200 km/hr inside my jead. Like the awakening didnt really help! 1) Your awakenings were not nearly deep enough, requiring much more embodiment work. 2) Your desire to feel good is never going to work. You cannot use spirituality to feel good. Rather, what spirituality teaches you is that no matter how bad you feel, that is good. This is very counter-intuitive. The ego wants to lock in a happy state. This is not only impossible but it is the very cause of your unhappiness. Happiness is total acceptance of whatever is happening in the present moment. That means if you're getting tortured, you accept it without trying to escape it. The desire to escape suffering is the very thing which creates suffering. 1 hour ago, Jkris said: @winterknight @Leo Gura But why not let there be a slight difference of insight or what ever in the realisation.And why Leo is not able to accept a slight difference from his realisation ??? Because this is not as slight a difference as you think, and because this problem, while small now, will only grow larger and larger with my newer teachings until it comes to a head. I have a very specific teaching I want to offer the world. I created this platform to offer this teaching because I knew that no other platform would allow me to teach what I need to teach. 1 hour ago, Angelite said: God and love is always present. But when you think it's are damned. This is precisely backwards. You are God. Period. The mistake you're making here is you're still maintaining a subtle distinction between self & other. You're "otherizing" God. You're missing the most important point of all: THAT YOU ARE GOD! This is no metaphor. You created the whole fucking universe. But you forgot. Now you must remember. 59 minutes ago, Enlightenment said: @Leo Gura Do you know anybody that has "awakened to love" and now is walking around all loving all the time? I just don't think such people exist. The closest are probably monks who put a lot of emphases on loving-kindness meditation in their spiritual training. Thousands upon thousands of people have awakened to Love. Many even on this forum. But awakening to Love has nothing to do with walking around all loving all the time. Do not confuse Love with some sentimental positivity. You can find Love in a warzone. Here's one example: Quote Don't you think your emotions are influencing a lot of your interpretation of psychedelic experiences? No. What I'm talking about is not emotion. It's existential insight & raw Truth. How you feel about it is irrelevant. Quote One thing I think you greatly underestimate is how peoples interpretation of the same experience can differ. I understand that more than you can imagine. Quote Don't you think that these cosmic experiences where there is no "I" but still awareness that you enjoy, are still in a subtle way a survival strategy compared to a complete cessation of consciousness like Nirodha Samapatti? No, it does not matter. Consciousness cannot really cease. It can just be empty. Empty or full doesn't matter, it's all the same Truth. Nirodha Samapatti is identical to NOW. Quote I don't think it's possible to shift into a persistent state of love. However, if it's somehow, I wish you to attain this and guide us on how to do it. Existential Love is not a state. Love is all states. You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted August 21, 2019 @Leo Gura leo, you said all forms must die. And death is enternity But how does intimate objects die, let's say an atom, how does an atom die? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted August 21, 2019 24 minutes ago, Leo Gura said: 2) Your desire to feel good is never going to work. You cannot use spirituality to feel good. Rather, what spirituality teaches you is that no matter how bad you feel, that is good. This is very counter-intuitive. The ego wants to lock in a happy state. This is not only impossible but it is the very cause of your unhappiness. Happiness is total acceptance of whatever is happening in the present moment. That means if you're getting tortured, you accept it without trying to escape it. How can I transcend this desire to happiness? Because its totally instinctive desire. What can i do? 🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted August 21, 2019 7 minutes ago, ahmad ibdah said: @Leo Gura leo, you said all forms must die. And death is enternity But how does intimate objects die, let's say an atom, how does an atom die? Atoms undergo radioactive decay all the time. Atoms can be split and fused into new ones. That's what nuclear weapons do. You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted August 21, 2019 5 minutes ago, Nivsch said: How can I transcend this desire to happiness? Because its totally instinctive desire. What can i do? Realistically you cannot trick your way out of this problem. You must do the practices, have multiple awakenings, and do further practices to weed out all attachments, cravings, aversions, fears, clinging, etc. In other words, by doing all of the Actualized work & practices you can, one day, get to a point where you will be unshakable. But also, to await such a point is going to create more suffering. Happiness can never be found in the future. It exists only NOW! But in order to fully surrender to the NOW you have to spend some years doing practices to calm down your mind. Yoga, psychedelics, self-inquiry, etc. Basically meditation teaches you authentic happiness. The happiness of NOW. You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted August 21, 2019 (edited) 29 minutes ago, Leo Gura said: 2) Your desire to feel good is never going to work. You cannot use spirituality to feel good. Rather, what spirituality teaches you is that no matter how bad you feel, that is good. This is very counter-intuitive. The ego wants to lock in a happy state. This is not only impossible but it is the very cause of your unhappiness. Happiness is total acceptance of whatever is happening in the present moment. That means if you're getting tortured, you accept it without trying to escape it. The desire to escape suffering is the very thing which creates suffering. I worry about people who don't really know how to look past the pointer, because they are too aghast that you're using your middle finger to point with. At the same time it has a certain charm, but people are going to miss the pointer and feel the need to flip you off in response, instead of jumping into to the rabbit hole you're pointing at. I'm struggling with the loss of leaving people behind but you can't advance a teaching if you aren't willing to do that. I'm not criticizing but I am sad about it. Jesus lost a bunch of disciples at a turning point in his teachings. 59 Jesus said this while teaching in the synagogue in Capernaum. 60 Upon hearing it, many of His disciples said, “This is a difficult teaching. Who can accept it?” 61 Aware that His disciples were grumbling about this teaching, Jesus asked them, “Does this offend you? 62 Then what will happen if you see the Son of Man ascend to where He was before? The only way I know what you're saying is true is through experience and opening to experiences that were subtle at first. This is the poem and a teaching on it helped me integrate what you're teaching a while ago. Edited August 21, 2019 by mandyjw My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted August 21, 2019 6 minutes ago, mandyjw said: you're using your middle finger to point with. That's your interpretation. Compared to hardcore spiritual practice as in Zen, what you guys get here is the light treatment. Your egos are SO comfortable and safe lurking around this forum. You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites