
Astrology and Horoscope

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What do you think of astrology and horoscope? Are they real or fake?  Are there any possibility of self actualization in this domain? 

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Go find out for yourself, I would say my natal chart pretty much describes me in a nutshell, but thats me, you go find out. :)

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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I have been following through astrology for years. Sometimes it amazes me as it describes me almost perfectly. Recently i have developed interest in horoscope but now i am getting confused. Many people says that here generalization technique is being used so that it can fit into thousands of people's daily issues and thus it appears to be "true". Nonetheless i think and feel there must be some truths in it but not sure about it.

Edited by Annoynymous

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35 minutes ago, Annoynymous said:

I have been following through astrology for years. Sometimes it amazes me as it describes me almost perfectly. Recently i have developed interest in horoscope but now i am getting confused. Many people says that here generalization technique is being used so that it can fit into thousands of people's daily issues and thus it appears to be "true". Nonetheless i think and there must be some truths in it but not sure about it.

I havent tried horoscopes but I think if you really want to go for that you should find a legit astrologer, that stuff you read in the news is probably just fluff but that doesnt mean you have to throw the baby out with the bathwater, theres good science and there is terrible science, theres good astrology... you get the point. 

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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I think there's some truth to it. It seems absurd that the planets could effect us, but only if you look at the world through a simple Newtonian model. In reality, everything moves as one and everything effects everything else.


"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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That's not how it works guys. It's not about the planets affecting us, it's about how the changes in the sky are in sync with what we do. It's synchronicity. It's not that Venus makes you angry today, but the aspects of Venus are a good thing to observe if you want to know certain things about your day. As above so below applies. Let's say you wanna weight yourself so you use the scales. If the scales shows 70kg, does that mean you're 70 kg because the scales said so? No, but it's in sync! If you're confused about your kilos you can use the scales to get an information about your weight!

Generalization technique is just mainstream astrology that you read in newspapers and it's true, they really construct it that way so that's something to consider, but real astrology uses houses, aspects, and all the planets (and even asteroids) besides sun-sign. People just assume if your sun is Libra you are Libra. Not really. For me, I have Aquarius Sun, but my ascendant is Cancer. Also my Saturn is Aries. So what am I? Honestly all of the signs, houses and planets affect us, so you're not a Pisces, but you have sun in Pisces, and you might have Moon in Capricorn. These are only examples of course. But I hope I made it clearer now. And yes, astrology is a WONDERFUL self-actualization tool if you are serious about it. It's not hard to learn either. Just know that most of astrology requires intuition and not just rigid stuff that you study like you would with maths for example. There is so much information in it though!

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@Aquarius my sun sign is also aquarius. I find astrology very interesting yet i struggle to understand it. How can i use it for the purpose of self actualization? Do you have any suggestion?

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I always think of this as pure bullshit but recently i have find that astrological phenomena do affect us greatly. 

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@Annoynymous I recommend watching New Paradigm Astrology channel on YT (or simply search for "Kaypacha Pele Report" on YouTube). You'll be blown away by the things he says! Of course they won't always resonate with you since it also depends on your chart (maybe calculate your daily reading at Astrotheme). It can be useful to some extent, but only if you use it wisely. 

For example I have friends who cannot really handle astrology. Every time there is something major in their life they come to me and ask me what the stars say about their next move. Or if the stars "let" them do what they want or there's no escape in that situation. Which is complete bs honestly. You always have to remember that you have free choice to do what you want. We could contemplate the existential and deterministic things here, but what use? When you can simply go by "I can do what I want and I might use the stars as a TOOL". A simple tool. Nothing more. Yes, it might be the most accurate thing sometimes, but truth is... it's really abstract. You have to have a sort of "astrological common sense", a sort of feel to it. It goes really deep, trust me.

Your Aquarius energies should help in your astrological journey, since Aquarius (and Pisces too) is naturally drawn to the esoteric.

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So what's up? Should I buy the lottery ticket? What's going to happen to me in the near future and my lifetime? 

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Leo here. Roar.

26 minutes ago, Aquarius said:

I recommend watching New Paradigm Astrology channel on YT (or simply search for "Kaypacha Pele Report" on YouTube).

i second this. Really cool guy and is always spot on.

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@Shiva The moon determines much more than that. It determines menstrual cycles, cravings for certain foods, accident probability, sexual performance and even hair growth! And so much more!

There are even apps that track the moon cycles and help you organize things. 

I know it works from experience. I just cut my hair when the moon entered scorpio (perfect water sign, very fertile) and it has grown 1 inch in 3 days. Normally it grows that much in a month. But that's expected since I always happen to cut my hair at dry moon stages. Dry periods are good for removing unwanted body hair. (Tried it, works like a charm).

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@Aquarius seems like you have a lot of knowledge about astrology. You talked about astrological common sense. May i ask what kind of common sense you are talking about? Is it about intuition?

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@Sevi i have searched but found genome research centre. Can you give the link here? Thank you.

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@Annoynymous Common sense meaning you can sort out what is true and what isn't. Generalizations based on one aspect or sign are almost always going to be bs but if you look for precise information like exact degrees and taking in consideration multiple aspects (e.g. if you're wondering about your romantic life you don't just check venus and mars, but also their aspects, degrees, the moon's aspects, 5th and 7th house positions, etc.) And not relying 100% on astrology but seeing the whole picture. It's really easy to get dogmatic with it and also to detach from reality, for example if you only read what the interpretation says and don't explore it on a deeper level like meditating on what you just read and putting the puzzle pieces together. 

I'd even say that if you're the type of person that gets easily amazed by unusual things it is better to only start practising astrology when you're much more emotionally mature. Just a a warning that only pursue it if it truly helps your development and you won't just oversimplify it.

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@Strikr Omg you're missing the whole point. That's not how it works. Go research what astrology actually is and what it is not and what it is used for. 

Edited by Aquarius

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@Strikr I never claimed astrology could answer all questions about life or predict everything. There are people who will assume such things but there are simply so many things involved, like culture, family background, education, personality, career choices, life choices, everything. You cannot base your life on astrology. And even if someone is trying to give you a useful insight, they need your exact date of birth down the hour and minute you were born, some people even consider the exact SECOND you were born in. It simply doesn't work like me guessing your date of birth, this isn't mind reading or stage magic. However I did guess people's planet and house positions before, and once I did notice someone's chart was incorrect and I had to research a different hour he was born in until I got the details right, but I could only do that when I knew those persons really intimately.

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