
Im suffering like a motherfucker

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Edited by MM1988

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Those guys aren't really more happy than you.
They suffer of the same void feelings Inside, except they chase other things, or worse, realize those things doesn't work on lie to themselves about it.

Even if you were successfull with women it wouldn't change anything, you would chase something else.
You have to realize this one way or another, or you will feel like this the rest of your life.

I suggest some hardcore meditation sessions on a regular basis until you have some epiphany,
At the same time I suggest that you also learn what is attractive to women and actually get some experience there, because you don't seem to get how and why it works like it does.

Just don't get lost in the love/sex chasing, it won't lead you were you think it will, do this very consciously.


Leo has videos about all of this, it's literally at a click of a button, up to you to do the work or not. 

Edited by Shin

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Nice guy is weak and easy bad boy is strong and a challenge in her eyes...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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@MM1988 stop messing with social circle. 

Aparently it works great for some guys but I don't mess with it. I have seen you get frustrated with social circle many times. 

Find girls outside of your social circle. And keep them there until you got them hooked. 

You might be introvert, introverts don't shine in big social settings. 

I am very introverted. Hell I got introverts calling me a recluse. 

My whole game is centered around 1 on 1 isolation. That's when I am at my best. Kind of like a rodent with a rattlesnake in one cage. We all know how that ends ?

We need to get you an online dating profile. 

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You are Dutch right?



I will help you but it takes two man.


Edited by SFRL

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Thanks to everyone who replied I was a bit drunk and at a bad place emotionally. Its better today and im working through the emotions.


@SFRL Im not

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Are you sure you're still not needy/insecure/anxious IN THE INSIDE ?

I don't see any other explanatation possible, because if you indeed have all that going for you, it seems impossible that you can't get a girlfriend,

Unless you only go for the ultra conscious 10, it shouldn't be a problem.

Maybe @aurum can spot something else.

Edited by Shin

God is love

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11 minutes ago, MM1988 said:

It seems impossible that a girl could feel any kind of sexual attraction to me

Resistant energy can push away things we want most. A lot of stress comes from the tug of war between wanting and then holding thoughts about self not being able to have it. Awareness of those  thought are rooted in self worth, self deprivation. 

Take responsibility for the “way it seems”. Rationally, you know there are about 3 billion or so of each gender, so there are internally millions of compatible options for you, so it is not the sample to pool from, it is your outlook, of your self. 

It might not seem true or possible right now, but if you do some work, your outlook on yourself will change, and like freaking magic, I promise, he / she is there, and they are perfect for you, and you are perfect for them, together, via your imperfections. 



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@Nahm Im working though 6 pillars of self esteem exercises right now


@Shin edit

Edited by MM1988

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This is crazy man, I don't see how you couldn't find a nice gf for yourself at your point. ?

Are you jerking off like 20 times a day to ultra weird porn or what ? ?


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@MM1988 Awesome. ❤️    Also, you’re right ime, there are only ordinary people, and sometimes, they do extraordinary things, but we are all the same, normal, exactly like you. 



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@Shin I dont know what the fuck happened. 5 Years ago I would have said its just a string bad luck, "dont worry too much , by the time you are 30 you will surely have gotten SOME experience, its ridiculous to assume nothing will happen in 5 whole years I mean you are just a normal guy". That was my mindset back then and well here we are.

This shit is holding me up in my spiritual work so much, I cant even think about taking a psychedelic in my current state of mind. I just want to get past this relationship bullshit and move on, but I just know I cant until I figured it out. I know it wont fullfill me on paper but I cant move past it.

Edited by MM1988

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7 minutes ago, MM1988 said:

@Shin I dont know what the fuck happened. 5 Years ago I would have said its just a string bad luck, "dont worry too much , by the time you are 30 you will surely have gotten SOME experience, its ridiculous to assume nothing will happen in 5 whole years I mean you are just a normal guy". That was my mindset back then and well here we are.

This shit is holding me up in my spiritual work so much, I cant even think about taking a psychedelic in my current state of mind. I just want to get past this relationship bullshit and move on, but I just know I cant until I figured it out. I know it wont fullfill me on paper but I cant move past it.

Did you try online dating ?

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

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@Shin Yes for a decade straight. Im on every popular app and website in my country. I got 3 dates out of it total which ended in rejection.

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4 minutes ago, MM1988 said:

@Shin Yes for a decade straight. Im on every popular app and website in my country. I got 3 dates out of it total which ended in rejection.

Come on dude I don't believe you ?

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

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@Shin Its true, but I wasnt so bad on the first date. 1 girl rejected me after the first, 2 ghosted me after about 3 or 4 dates. One girl who had alcohol and drug problems invited me to sleep at her place about a week after the first date but nothing happend (I tried) so we just slept in the same bed and cuddled a little bit but after that it was over. That was my best experience yet.

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@MM1988 It seems you have what it takes to get a girlfriend.

Do you workout your body? 

Do you have strange habits or something? 


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Sounds like you're stuck between the pain of getting better and the pain of not getting what you want.

It's a tough place to be, but I suggest you keep moving forward. Better to die trying than give up.

Keep taking action, keep studying the theory and keep working on yourself. That's the only real answer.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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@aurum I dont know. I hope. I'm at this hardcore for over 2 years and my main motivation is that I suck with girls.

Now this situation once again went bad in really the worst way. Really the worst. This morning I thought about how things with this girl could have ended more hurtful and I couldnt come up with something. If showed me how this is how its going to turn out I would have said its a script from a cheesy romantic comedy.

Its like this ridiculous movie stuff happens to me constantly. But always the bad stuff. Why cant something ridiculous like a girl approaching me on the street happen just once? Of course its ridiculous to expect that but all the bad ridiculous stuff happens constantly too.

I'm really afraid that this is it. I'm afraid I'm throwing in the towel with this self help stuff after this and give in to my depression fully.

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