Hardik jain


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I remember Leo told that we are responsible for whatever is going wrong in our life.

How am I responsible in this case where in I had 20000$ invested in stocks. One day a person called me and told me he'll give me good stock tips and I opted for his service and he gave me tips and right now I'm at 5000$. He is telling me that in one month he'll recover my money. Well how I am I responsible in this case and what should I do?

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You chose to invest (whether you want to say someone tempted you or pushed you into it), it's no one else's fault if you lack knowledge on how to properly invest your money. You're responsible for your "response" to this opportunity this person gave you. No one made you, you chose to no matter how hard it might be to look at the failure.

What should you do? ....Take Responsibility, learn, understand why it happened,learn how to prevent it (if you lost your money), learn how to properly invest, find out what you can do now about it, learn what's currently happening with your investment, ask questions, study investing, learn the principles of investing. study, study, study, contact people who've invested in this person, check legitimacy.

I don't even invest and I can come up with all this crap. Do what you think needs to be done and don't fret over the loss, take responsibility for what you CAN respond to RIGHT NOW in the present moment, not what happened in the past.

Edited by Truth

Memento Mori

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On 4/5/2016 at 1:15 AM, Hardik jain said:

I remember Leo told that we are responsible for whatever is going wrong in our life.

How am I responsible in this case where in I had 20000$ invested in stocks. One day a person called me and told me he'll give me good stock tips and I opted for his service and he gave me tips and right now I'm at 5000$. He is telling me that in one month he'll recover my money. Well how I am I responsible in this case and what should I do?

The markets are rigged plain and simple, if you dont understand that you shouldnt be in the market.  Most brokers aint all that, they are out to make money for making you money, but i suspect many of them are not qualified to trade other peoples money, apparently he didnt know what he was doing.  You cannot win a rigged game and win unless you know the game is rigged and know how to play the game to win or minimize your losses and most traders wont even talk about rigged markets.

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13 hours ago, Hardik jain said:

@Truth @charlie2dogs @Pinocchio  THANK YOU PEOPLE. Much love. One more thing I should do is ask @actualised.org/forums first before taking action.

I would not be so hasty to accept anyone's opinion on this site.  The major and final decision should come from the real part of yourself, the part that has made it possible for you to be here and interact in this little play called life.  Get closer to it, it will reveal great knowledge and understanding for you in all areas of your life.

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Don't only look at your toes when you walk. Look further! 

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On 4/5/2016 at 10:15 PM, Hardik jain said:

I opted for his service

So how are you NOT responsible?

It's a shitty situation that you lost that much money, but come one, a guy gives you stock tips and now hold him responsible for your financial success (or lack thereof)???

Can you see how lack of responsibility-taking was what created this problem in the first place?

Now, if you came here with a story about how your wife was attacked by a burglar, you'd have a stronger case, but we would still tell you that you're responsible for it. Because you're always responsible for every situation you put yourself in life, no matter how subtle.

Taking full, unconditional responsibility for your life is a very mature attitude. It takes a while for the immature ego to wrap itself around this one. The ego wants scapegoats because it's too scared and weak to take on the full weight of reality. It's just too much to admit that you're the cause of every negative emotional reaction you ever have.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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A good book to read on taking responsibility is "The Road Less Traveled" by M. Scott Peck.

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@Leo Gura So what should I have done when he was super confident about his experience in stock market and he was super confident that he will give me good profit. He tricked me very good. I know I am responsible but what should I have done? Well if you tell me then I'll be careful next time.

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@Hardik jain Your action was out of desire. Desire for easy money without working for it.

When life is an illusion you should know that economy is an illusion within an illusion. No facts and reality found there.

You got cheated because you are ignorant. Hope this was a good lesson. When you make a mistake only once, you grow up fast. 9_9

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24 minutes ago, Hardik jain said:

@Leo Gura So what should I have done when he was super confident about his experience in stock market and he was super confident that he will give me good profit. He tricked me very good. I know I am responsible but what should I have done? Well if you tell me then I'll be careful next time.

Just think more. Think more in an introspective manner. If I had 20k and somebody would tell me, that he or she is super talented and knows the stock market blabla, I would think about how much bullshit people usually talk. This is just pragmatic stuff. Throughout my life I heard stories about how crazy certain things are and then when I see the stuff it just turns out rather mediocre. You have to learn that people like to lie and that there are different kinds of lies as well. This is just a freakin lesson that you learned which actually cost you 15k. So make this lesson as valuable as possible. You already paid for it so make the best out of it. He was super confident about his experience blabla. Pick up artists talk to girls like this to have sex with them. Advertisement works like this as well. Don't be naive. 

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10 hours ago, Hardik jain said:

@Leo Gura So what should I have done when he was super confident about his experience in stock market and he was super confident that he will give me good profit. He tricked me very good. I know I am responsible but what should I have done? Well if you tell me then I'll be careful next time.

Well... the first thing to question is your assumption that you should have done anything differently.

This is counter-intuitive, but the fact is you should have done exactly as you did, because that's exactly what happened. Going back and apply hindsight can be useful, but it's not strictly speaking true. Whatever happened, happened for a reason and couldn't have happened otherwise given your level of life experience. So first, you gotta accept what happened without telling yourself, "It should have been different."

Then you can analyze the situation for possible lessons for the FUTURE. After acceptance, this can done objectively and impassionately.

Personally, my rule for stock tips is simple: no one has good stock tips. The stock market has been proven to be unpredictable, and at best what you can get out of it long-term is a 10% return. If you expect anything more than a 10% annual return, you're kidding yourself and using stocks as a form of gambling. Now you learned this lesson the hard way. Sometimes that's how the deepest lessons are learned.

Another general rule I have in life is that no one will give me free money. If anyone even mentions free money to me, I immediately dismiss him. It's a waste of my time to even hear him out. No one is out there working to make you rich. They are working to make themselves rich. Think about it from the stockbroker's perspective: Why the hell would he be interested in making you rich? He's interested in making himself rich. You're a stranger he's cold-calling. He has no emotional attachment to you whatsoever. You're completely disposable to him.

Another general rule I follow: Don't listen to sales pitches. Cut the person off and hang up the phone immediately as soon as you know you're talking to a salesman. I don't take anything a salesman tells me seriously at all. It's all tainted by self-agenda.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura bravo!  But let me tell you that guy  did make his clients good profits. In fact now in the last three days now my portfolio is at 9000 from 5000. Now how do I now believe him further? This responsibility thingee requires a lot of smartness.

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