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Any psychological movement away from what is the case. Any action that has its root in identifying with the content of thought in order to respond to “psychological problems”. 


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@Annoynymous Sorry to be 'that guy', but this is exactly the question you need to answer yourself, not have an answer provided. And despite how it may feel, it is actually unhelpful to get descriptions from other people

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@Telepresent maybe you are right. But right now i feel confused with lots of questions and i don't know their answers. I mean i may understand intellectually but not being able to realize and awaken to it. I feel like messed up.

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7 minutes ago, Annoynymous said:

How can one break away from attachment?

Is this a manifestation of attachment itself? Asking how.

This is all understood by exploring the nature of thought. This can be talked with with others but also has to be understood at the same time by using yourself as a first hand learning material. 

Edited by Jack River

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Orgasmic binding through unconscious Tantra is the root of attachment. 

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13 minutes ago, Telepresent said:

@Annoynymous Sorry to be 'that guy', but this is exactly the question you need to answer yourself, not have an answer provided. And despite how it may feel, it is actually unhelpful to get descriptions from other people

self looks for answers in thought to escape its own conflict. This action sustains that divison/conflict..It might be important to not necessarily look for answers dude. Maybe instead be willing to understand the problem itself. Fear and its reaction that arises in the form of assumption will always cling to what ever answer to satisfy itself psychologically. 

When you asked what is attachment it can be seen as desire, identification with something, clinging to ideas, theory, concept and such. All of this type of activity is resisting understanding what is actually the case, as in the problem. We escape the problem to feel better continuously. This is how the self escapes what is. By clinging to the content of thought which is its accumulated ideas, theory, concepts. 

Edited by Jack River

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14 minutes ago, Annoynymous said:

@Jack River i intuitively agree with you. Seems like my mind is getting fucked. 

Lol I feel ya dude. 

Its that divison “my” mind way of speaking/thinking.  

It runs deep in the way we think/in experience. 

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1 hour ago, Annoynymous said:

What is attachment? Why does it happen? How does it happen?

Trying to derive happiness from illusion.     The illusion is convincing+fear.     Magic+delusion=perfectly.        



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@Annoynymous to break away from attachment, it must be "seen" that you stand apart from thoughts

There is no "your thoughts" when you break away


"Your thoughts" merely become just thoughts or thoughts known by you - that is when one breaks away, might be brief but that's the essence of it.

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@Annoynymous It's easy-peasy. . . 

While you are meditating, observe when you entertain a thought. One of my teachers called it "having tea with your thoughts". 

Sometimes you can let a thought go, other times you will have tea with your thoughts. Pay close attention. What does that look like for you? A thought arises and the next thing you know. . . you've been thinking for five minutes. What is it about the thought that "catches" you? What is the energy that likes to hold on? Can you just let go of it? Why not?

Label it as "thought" over and over and over again. Keep returning to your breath. Observe how the attachment gets weaker. How the thoughts seem further away. . . almost like background chatter in a restaurant.

btw, you have been asking questions typical of an actualizer and doing great work :)

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I like to keep my attachments limited to emails...

Sometimes it takes a good strong attachment to dive deep enough into what creates it...some great chatter here but as they say none of it will do you any good until you understand the chatter within yourself. Oh and don't forget to fully be with whatever emotions arise ;)


Edited by DrewNows

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