
Funny Contemplations!

3 posts in this topic

A debate.


I am not that over there! Im this body right here!

How do you know that youre this body?

I feel that I am this body!

Why does feeling imply identity?

Well I can feel in this certain boundary that is my body but I cant feel others bodies!

So why does exactly does that imply that you ARE that body?

Can you see your body?


Can you see my body?


So can you feel your body?


Can you feel my body?


So there you have a contradiction!

You say feeling is you!

But when sight encapsulates both of us you say were not the same identity.

Can you see your hand?


Can you see me?


Why I am not you if were both in the same field of awareness?

Well my hand is connected to me!

If youre shoe is connected to your foot does that mean that youre your shoe?


Is your hand still you if you amputate it?

Well no, it belonged to me but now it doesnt.

So are you your hand or does it belong to you?

Well it belongs to me.

Does your phone belong to you?


Is your phone you?


But your hand is somehow connected to you but your phone when held isnt?

Im stumped... lets move on!


Aha! Gotcha! I can control my body! Theres the evidence!

Okay lets see how much of your body you can control!

Can you control your hair-growth?


Is breathing controlled by you?

Well, sometimes but mostly no... it happens automatically.

Ok Good! What about heart rate?

No I cant control that unless I start jogging.

But then youre using a second-hand manipulation, like shooting a gun to scare a deer, moving the body to raise the heart-rate.

Yes I can agree with that.

Can you control your body temperature?

No, not really, unless I move the body or put on some warm clothes.

Again that would be second-hand, you cant control it at will.

No I cant.

Can you control your blood pressure?

No I cant.

Can you control your inner organs?

No... thats kind of freaky...


But hey! I can control my mind and thoughts?

How do you know that?

Because I can decide what to think!

How do you know that you decided to think?

Well I can choose to think of a pink elephant!

Are you sure?

Where was the choice? Did you have two thoughts and picked one of them or did the thought randomly appear and you are under the illusion that you chose it? Can you find the chooser of your thoughts? Is there anyone in your head choosing between two thoughts? 

Well I am the chooser!

But how can you choose a thought if it appears in an instant? Before a thought arrives theres a blank space in your mind am I right?

Yes thats true.

So where did you pick the thought from if theres nothing there before it arrives?

Wow... I dont know...

Is it possible that thoughts just appear without a choice?


Have you ever had unwanted thoughts?

Oh yes!

Why did you choose them?

I didnt... they just popped up...

But you can choose to not think them?


Okay, so you choose when the thoughts are pleasant but when they are unwanted you dont choose?

Hmm... thats weird...

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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12 minutes ago, Rilles said:

Is your hand still you if you amputate it?


13 minutes ago, Rilles said:

Im stumped... lets move on!

*snicker snicker! *   xD

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Haha who is STUMPY!


Self-Inquiry is funny LOLOL

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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