
Should I join the military?

33 posts in this topic

23 minutes ago, saffron said:

@Pharion  I already have. I have introspected with the questions @Emerald gave me. What am I hoping to accomplish being a soldier? A sense of valor? Defending my country? Why are America's enemies their enemies? What are we fighting for? It all leads back to the sense of self/ego. Like Leo said in his Mechanics of Evil video, minuscule amount of people think about the suffering of Iraqis. I'm not even Iraqi, I'm Pakistani. But their suffering hits close to home for me since I was a kid. After being enlightened about how evil is created, I can't in good conscious join the military and I am awakened to how deeply unconscious the military is and those who glorify them.

I'm glad they helped. :)

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I don't know what you want, but I regret not joining the military here in Brazil. The army would teach me discipline and many other important values. I wouldn't blindly dismiss the military.

War is not just about evil. It's kind like necessary. There is a TED Talk that talks about religion, war and spiritual enlightenment.

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31 minutes ago, saffron said:

@brugluiz Link to that TED Talk please. And There is no war worth fighting for right now.


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On 11/22/2018 at 11:24 AM, saffron said:

@Emerald You ever hear the saying "Be the change you wish to see" Do you think it could apply here?

Absolutely not.  Combat experienced leaders and Presidential mandates change the military, not you.  The military functions as a full blown authoritarian entity.

Edited by GenuinePerspectiveXC

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On 11/20/2018 at 0:36 PM, saffron said:

@Emerald @GenuinePerspectiveXC would it be okay if did something that wasn't involved in combat like reservists

or does everything lead to devilry?

First of all, no one in the military cares about what you want, no matter what the recruiters say.  There used to be something called the Guaranteed Job Option which helps a little bit if they still have it, but not as much as you'd think. You could literally end up anywhere doing any sort of work.

Second, you may end up in a non-combat unit, but that can go either really good, or really really really bad.  In the Air Force, or Army/Marine Corp Air Wings, most people are satisfied with what they do.  If you end up as Admin in the Marine Corps though, you're in for a nightmare.  The most insecure people I have ever met in my life were in Admin, basically being worked like Chinese factory slaves. Adding to this, you see high ranking people with extreme levels of insecurity from not having combat experience even though they are trained killers, Jersey Shore Level steroid abusers doing deskwork, and a minority of unattractive females destroying any sense of brotherhood by causing drama and being the source of male posturing in a zero-sunlight maze of cubicles.

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Okay this thread can be lain to rest now. I am not joining the military because it is a highly unconscious organization and antithetical to enlightenment. Case closed.



This all reminds me of the Flash in Injustice Gods Among Us video game, when he realizes that what he is doing within dictator Superman's regime is wrong, and he can't do it anymore. 

For the longest time I thought that joining the military is how I could repay America for giving me the life I have lived. That it has a place as a world protector. But it isn't. America is heavily stage Blue & Orange, and it keeps you stuck really hard. "Thou shall not commit idolatry." America does make being a military man look cool. "Be thankful for what you don't get. It's a blessing in disguise." At least I learned now instead of being in the military and realizing then. Well now I don't have to worry about hurrying up with my life so I can be an officer. Now I can live the rest of my life freely. 

The truth hurts, but in the end it shall set you free.


Edited by saffron

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@saffron If testing your self physically and mentally is something you are interested in you can find ways to replicate this.

You can check out Mark Divine, who is a Stage Yellow thinker Navy Seal who has a course that replicates Hell Week. 

There’s also the ManKind project, that looks very interesting. 

The truth will definitely set you free. Wish the best for you on your Journey. 

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Alright, moving on. I feel like I'm in withdrawal. Since a young age I've bought into this delusion. I feel like my life has taken a blow.


Edit: I feel like there's a big empty void that needs to be filled now. I mean, I now feel free that I don't have to hurry up with my life to meet the age range requirements of a military officer. And even though America makes being in the military look cool and glorifies it like a golden calf, I stand by knowing they are just deeply ignorant and unconscious. What else can I do besides pursuing enlightenment further?

Edited by saffron

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As a two-time war veteran, who unfortunately was duped to go fight in Iraq twice based on lies, I give a resounding NO. Do not join the military at all at this time. There is not one 'just' cause we are engaged in. If you insist on joining a branch of service, perhaps do something like the coast guard or national guard, where you can help people here at home rather than blowing up innocent people across the planet for special interests.

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I actually work for the Department of Veterans Affairs out here in a Wild West city, and I don't think it hurts your personal development too bad.

There's this giant U.S. flag inside, full of blue/orange ideas propagated everywhere, and a portrait of Donald Trump when you walk in (helped me resent him a lot less somehow)

I enjoy helping the vets even if I am pretty pacifist.. I'm not sure what to make of it.

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