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What would you say is the difference between passion and obsession?

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So one huge goal I have in life is being more of a passionate person and less obsessive. I write a journal about it, but I want to get other opinions on the definition and how to be more passionate and less obsessive.

A lot of people just see obsession as a more intense version of obsession, but I disagree. Some differences I’ve noticed:

  • Passion is just more attractive. It’s attractive when someone is passionate about a cause or their art. It’s not too attractive to see someone obsess about video games or their bug collection. Passion connects you to people, but obsession tends to isolate you. When you’re passionate about something you’re more likely to make other people interested in what you’re passionate about. When you’re obsessed about something you can only really connect with someone who shares your obsession. 
  • To me it seems like obsession is somewhat related to inaction or passivity. It’s easy to be obsessed with video games, comics and watching sports. I wouldn’t say it’s possible to be passionate about those things. In the case of sports people are often obsessed with watching sports, but often don’t play sports themselves. You can definitely be passionate about playing sports. Either way it’s unpleasant to be around someone obsessing about something if you don’t share their obsession. 
  • It could simply be a heart vs. head issue. I’m doing some heart focused meditation to see if it makes me a more passionate person. 
  • In the case of relationships it’s nice when people are passionate about you, but not so nice when people obsess about you. I find internet relationships encourage obsessiveness. Which is why I’m against being in one. I think it's because you can’t really connect heart to heart online, but you can definitely obsess about people. 

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The first things that comes to mind is obsession comes with the inability or difficulty to do something else.

Passion would come to be the conscious willingness and enjoyment to engage in it, but can think and do others things like always.

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What would happen if you brought obsession in pursuit of the Truth (Enlightenment)? 

Do you think Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr, and The Buddha were obsessed or passionate? 

Good contemplation, thanks for the insights. 


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2 hours ago, Equanimitize said:

What would happen if you brought obsession in pursuit of the Truth (Enlightenment)? 

Do you think Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr, and The Buddha were obsessed or passionate? 

Good contemplation, thanks for the insights. 


I’m more focused on getting a job and social life to be honest.  I watched Leo’s latest video and it actually agreed with me. I need to be self-sufficient in order to achieve enlightenment. 

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