
When you start seeing Beauty in everything

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Have any of you suddenly started crying in public or just in general because you suddenly realized that there is Beauty in everything?

Without the consumption of any substances I've never really experienced this fully.

I ask this because today I was working out (gym) just now and I suddenly understood that the pain threshold we as humans experience is only an ego barrier. And then I saw how SO MANY THINGS are only self-made barriers. And then I had some tears, which I repressed since I was in public. Haha. 

Any thoughts on this?

And have a good day my friends! :)

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@Sven Like there was a Mandela effect with the greenery of botanical life and the blueness of the sky! Were they always so rich, deep & vibrant? 



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Sometimes just seeing a tree or a bird or a dog or even a dirty street or my own inner bullshit gets me stuck in awe because it's so incomprehensibly beautiful :)

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@Sven Ye, I get what you're saying. In the gym progress begins after you think this is your last rep. Be careful with this type of feeling tho becouse you might be so satysfied with the feeling that you actually forget to go beyond the barrier ^_^


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haha yes crying, laughing, both at the same time

one time I was walking down the street and had a realization, I didn't laugh or cry that time I just yelled out "oh!" really loud and a lady who was walking her dog looked at me like I was a crazy person 

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Oh yes, I'd say when we feel harmonious inside we tend to see the beauty, otherwise is the opposite. 

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@Sven Can you calrify, did you cry because of beauty or because you realized so much unfulfilled potential in the world?

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45 minutes ago, universe said:

@Sven Can you calrify, did you cry because of beauty or because you realized so much unfulfilled potential in the world?

Well, first of all, I didn't fully cry. I just had some tears. It was not that grandiose of an experience, otherwise I would not have said "Without the consumption of any substances I've never really experienced this fully."

But what happened was probably comparable with what is known as "the runner's high". It is comparable because when you experience a runner's high, you have basically pushed through a "pain barrier", in that case more of a cardiovascular barrier I suppose, which gives you a burst of energy. So this was something like that. After that, I realized that with enlightenment would come also the permanent capacity to see pain as a mind-made phenomenon, and not something which actually keeps you from doing something.

But biologically I don't know how far this should be stretched as of course we need to experience pain in order to know our boundaries. Otherwise, we would get hurt and die.

Thanks for all the replies guys! I am still trying to find clues, or rather, trying to avoid red herrings... Which there are so many of!! It's absolutely ridiculous actually. Every once in a while I break down completely and realize I've been completely following red herrings. Not sure what else to say. I've been considering journalling on the forum. Not sure if that's actually helpful. But I am digressing ?

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@Sven God yes!! 

I cried the the other day because geese in their formation were crossing the sky ???

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20 minutes ago, Sven said:

After that, I realized that with enlightenment would come also the permanent capacity to see pain as a mind-made phenomenon, and not something which actually keeps you from doing something.

When I get a glimpse of that fearless potential, its so powerful that its scary. Then I realize this fear of unleashed creation is also just an illusion. So there is no fear, just love. And dissolving of everything.

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We are emotional beings. And when you have a realisation, it's emotional.  Just let it happen, it's far more satisfying :D

57% paranoid

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