
Why do you take psychedelics?

26 posts in this topic

4 hours ago, Jack River said:

To stop pursuing experience we may find that experience comes to a stop. Then that is the mysterious. 


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4 hours ago, Jack River said:

I did psychedelics but I never deeply changed. If anything I became more neurotic. My “transformation” came recently without anything but self awareness/self seeing. Constant awareness of thought as a movement. 

it's still happening.

psy doesn't enlight you in like 24 hours. they trigger the path for maybe a year, or more.

they open a tiny door in the mind


We know nothing, and even, I m not sure. a.V.e


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Many will walk that path..When Insight/intelligence acts all such technological means to end time seem so futile. It’s all seen as incoherent and that seeing itself brings about coherence. A total transcending of all mind patterns end at that moment. Total perception/insight/intelligence doesn’t depend on time. 

Edited by Jack River

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IME, psychedelics remove "The Story". The conditioning. It is waking up from one delusional state and entering another delusional state. The power for me is the awareness of the delusional sober self state. What the self does with that awareness is not the point for me. It's the realization of the dream. It is the awareness of the person.

Imagine you are dreaming and your dream character is "Paul". Paul wants to awaken and spends lots of time meditating in the dream. He watches lots of Mooji and Sadghuru videos. He spends lots of time on the actualized.org forum. . . Can Paul awaken as Paul? . . . No. It is a higher consciousness that becomes aware of itself. Everything within the dream is within a higher consciousness. . . . Suppose Paul ingests a substance that stimulates you to wake up temporarily. You realize everything within the dream is within a higher consciousness (the real you). . . You fall back asleep and Paul returns. Does it really matter if this realization stimulates Paul to meditate more within the dream? Does it really matter if the realization stimulates Paul to start Yoga and get physically healthy within the dream? . . . I would say no. The BIG thing is that there is a higher consciousness that is now aware of the dream. Whatever Paul does, there is awareness that it's all within a dream. And not in a philosophical way. In a very real way.

Psychedelics offer this awakening. And it is extremely extremely powerful.

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I originally took LSD because the idea of seeing visuals other than what I usually see was amazing. The experience itself ended up being just as amazing if not more.

Then I continued to take it for fun.

I was in many psychedelic FB groups in which they spoke about things that sounded like wo woo stuff to me as I was a hard materialist logical atheist. I didn't understand and the only response I got was to take more psychedelics.

On 1mg of LSD I had the realization all is one. It came into my head like a lightbulb clicking. It was so obvious. I was in a state of perfect bliss. But that was on my come down. The come up and peak I was in a state locked on the floor sweating and seeing shit I can't even comprehend.

I didn't think much of it. Continued to do LSD for fun and then after experimenting with DXM I did LSD+DXM and had my first major enlightenment where everything clicked and thats when my past insight clicked as well. My friend showed me Leo's video on the magnitude of reality because at the time reality just working amazed the fuck out of me. This trip marked my path towards higher states of consciousness.

Now I technically do psychedelics for both fun and insights, but I find the most insights occur when I am not pursuing insights and just fun.

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