
First mushroom experience - calm down.

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Hello. This is me writing on my first mushroom experience.

Let's start off with some background of why i have started this journey. Me as in my ego, have always been very sceptical and logic based. In other words - believe in things that are based on facts. Never stopped to think about spiritual things, things that cannot be explained. Thought that it all is just a big nonsense. I won't even say anything about yoga, meditation, ect., ect. Untill i broke. Mentally, emotionally and physically. I was so pushed down by the whole society i didn't see the point of going anymore. My ego gave up. That was about a year ago.


So now I am practicing meditation for about 6-7months, started noticing really good improvements in my overall being, understanding of the universe and the whole ego thing everyone keeps talking about. Then I figured that breaking the frames should make me even more aware of what's the whole show is about. So I tried some mushrooms. Do not ask me what kind, i honestly don't know. They had a long white stem, without any skirts or anything and a quite small brown head. I took 5 mushrooms.

I had all the set up pre-done. A bucket (just in case), headphones ready and a blank A4 sheet and a pencil (I draw). As a child, i was really afraid of darkness, it makes me feel uncomfortable even now. I'm 22. So I closed all the curtains, made the room as dark as possible, I was alone. The purpose of this was to face my demons. Didn't know what to expect, so once i took the mushrooms i started meditating. After some time, can't tell exactly how long, i felt that something is happening. My sensations got sharper, I started seeing things in my head. Normal everyday stuff, how I am sitting at the smoking area with my e-cig at my workplace surrounded by strange people i never saw and so on. That all seemed so real, as if I was actually there. When i wanted to open my eyes, i was scared, i couldn't do it for another ~5mins  and the more i was thinking about it, the more scared i got. Spontaneously, with as little thinking as i could i opened my eyes. The room seemed normal for couple of seconds. Then the floor gotten even darker, the red light at the tv(tv was right in front o me at the other side of the room) started jumping around like crazy, the shadows were moving. It was quite fascinating and freeky at the same time. Once my heart rate slowed down, I put my headphones on, turned the light slightly on and for some reason started staring at the chair in the living room. It seemed different, it looked as if its not out of wood anymore, it looked soft. The whole room was a little wavy. So that's what breaking the illusion of frames feels like, i thought. The calm down started after 2-3hrs after taking the shrooms.

It didn't take much time before I went to my girlfriend. It's a 2min walk to her. When i got to her house she was showering so i ran to her room, got naked and laid on my back in her bed. I was so horny at that moment. After a minute of laying there i felt it. I felt that cold, empty nothingness. There were no more thoughts in my head, i didn't feel nothing. I felt like i couldn't move and was just staring at the ceiling with zero emotions or thoughts. My ego was so quiet as if it wasn't even there. I got so calm and peaceful.

So to summarize, I really enjoyed the trip, had a lot fun and some deep thinking. And most importantly i got some more understanding on the ego itself.

Thank you for reading.

Edited by karkaore

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Welcome to Psychedelicsville!   :D

You'll want to get a scale for future trips. 

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There is no need to close your eyes.

You will get more out of the trip with eyes open. Otherwise it will tend to devolve into just another dream.

The point is to let the psychedelic transform your everyday perceptions. So keep your room as it is. Don't make it dark or special.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

There is no need to close your eyes.

You will get more out of the trip with eyes open. Otherwise it will tend to devolve into just another dream.

The point is to let the psychedelic transform your everyday perceptions. So keep your room as it is. Don't make it dark or special.

As a psychedelic newbie, I felt the need trip in my familiar home. Once I reached intermediate levels of experience, I began walking outside - in my neighborhood and in nature. Just observing everyday stuff. I got a lot out of that too.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

There is no need to close your eyes.

You will get more out of the trip with eyes open. Otherwise it will tend to devolve into just another dream.

The point is to let the psychedelic transform your everyday perceptions. So keep your room as it is. Don't make it dark or special.

I have felt like meditating while tripping was a mistake. I did an LSD trip soon after, will write a report on that soon enough. That trip was much more fascinating.

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