Jay S

Mistaken Identification

11 posts in this topic

I've watched all of Leo's videos on enlightenment and have also done lot's of independent inquiry work into the nature of self through meditation and personal development. There is one concept i often hear and it's one that Leo brings up also, that we are this person (insert name) that we think we are. That somehow our awareness has localized itself into falsely believing that we are this person in this body. I understand that concept, but what I have struggled with grasping is why has this omnipresent awareness chosen to localize itself into this body if it is a mistake. How come it not localize itself into say the coffee table or some other thing....why or how does it come to be that this awareness chooses to inhabit us and play this ego-self or error in identifying with the self...I welcome insights from our enlightened community

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This question is nothing less than The question about the mystery of life. It goes to the root of everything.

Even the wise don`t give an answer to this question.

The only answer I am aware of; Life is a mystery. You have to live it. o.O   

@Jay S

Edited by Henri

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28 minutes ago, Jay S said:

I've watched all of Leo's videos on enlightenment and have also done lot's of independent inquiry work into the nature of self through meditation and personal development. There is one concept i often hear and it's one that Leo brings up also, that we are this person (insert name) that we think we are. That somehow our awareness has localized itself into falsely believing that we are this person in this body. I understand that concept, but what I have struggled with grasping is why has this omnipresent awareness chosen to localize itself into this body if it is a mistake. How come it not localize itself into say the coffee table or some other thing....why or how does it come to be that this awareness chooses to inhabit us and play this ego-self or error in identifying with the self...I welcome insights from our enlightened community

I ask myself the same questions.  I wonder also, what puts on this "show" that self awareness and universal awareness do seem to share and experience? If this is a dream, why do we all share the same scenery? Nobody has these answers. It's beyond us all, no matter what we think we see from this vantage point. That being said, humans do have emotion. We care, we love, we feel. And love is such a powerful energy. I can't help but to think that there is some divine essence to all of us. Even if that divine self does only plays a part of this manifest existence and it's vicinity. Something has the need to experience and explore and feel itself through all of us within existence. What puts on the show and why?      I just got an insight. Me thinking all this now with my mind and mind exploring and questioning this existence is stimulating existence to become only more aware of itself.  So it's the  mind that perpetuates the existence that awareness experiences.  Could that  be right? @Jay S

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In Hinduism they call it all `The Divine Play`,

Consciousness playing with itself, being Sat, Chit, and Ananda (existence, consciousness and bliss).

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Alan Watts has an interesting take on it, kind of playing with the Hindu idea:


Only "god" is really you. 

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Awareness has not settled 'falsely' into our bodies, nothing is false. A long time ago everything our bodies are made of was 'dead' matter, rocks. Then the rocks came alive as single cell organisms. Why did the rocks come alive? Because the whole universe is oriented towards coming back to pure consciousness, the creator.

Our human bodies are a transitionary phase between the rocks and god, gods living in a 'rocky' body. At this moment our collective consciousness still believes we are dead flesh - or matter or rocks. But slowly people are realizing that our 'matter'-ness is only one part of our reality. The more time elapses, the more we will come to the realization we are god - it is inevitable. 

A coffee table is just as much God, or awareness, as you and me are. The table moves at a different vibration which is needed for God to express himself. A big wave in the ocean is not big if there are not any smaller waves to compare itself with, there is an infinite amount of variations of these vibrations. But at the end of the day, both the big and the small waves are still the same ocean. And that is where this universe probably is going, the stilling of the ocean.

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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4 minutes ago, vizual said:

Awareness has not settled 'falsely' into our bodies, nothing is false. A long time ago everything our bodies are made of was 'dead' matter, rocks. Then the rocks came alive as single cell organisms. Why did the rocks come alive? Because the whole universe is oriented towards coming back to pure consciousness, the creator.

Our human bodies are a transitionary phase between the rocks and god, gods living in a 'rocky' body. At this moment our collective consciousness still believes we are dead flesh - or matter or rocks. But slowly people are realizing that our 'matter'-ness is only one part of our reality. The more time elapses, the more we will come to the realization we are god - it is inevitable. 

A coffee table is just as much God, or awareness, as you and me are. The table moves at a different vibration which is needed for God to express himself. A big wave in the ocean is not big if there are not any smaller waves to compare itself with, there is an infinite amount of variations of these vibrations. But at the end of the day, both the big and the small waves are still the same ocean. And that is where this universe probably is going, the stilling of the ocean.

This is spot on.  Alan Watts also said something similar: 


All I'm saying is that minerals are just a rudimentary form of consciousness whereas the other people are saying that consciousness is a complicated form of minerals. - Alan Watts

It is all a matter of perspective. ;)


Edited by SkyPanther

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How can something infinite be truly all-knowing when it has never experienced the finite? But this is just a rationalization. Take it with a grain of salt.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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@Jay S You are BOTH a non-localized awareness and a localized center of perception. Awareness and perception are distinct things.

You are BOTH a human being and NOT a human being.

This shit is paradoxical. You're not going to resolve the foundation of existence with the rational mind. You've run up against the hard limits of language and thought.

The distinction between existence and non-existence is itself illusory.

To truly answer your question requires an enlightenment experience into the nature of your being and existence itself.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Jay S There are no mistakes. Realizing this might change your perspective on the matter.

Edited by Grasshopper

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After doing some self inquiry for a while i started feeling these days that I was nothing (but without the capital letter), and started thinking that everything was inside my head.. I fell like i was drunk but completely sober (very disconnected from reality) and always conscious of the fact that if looked inside i couldn't find myself.. It was pretty disturbing.. What do you recommend? I will do some self love instead of self inquiry for a couple of days.. Is this process common and stuff or im going into the wrong direction? 

My YouTube Channel: https://bit.ly/2PSLrNb


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