
Life Purpose Mega-Thread

5 posts in this topic

Please share your life purpose and how you found it. It will be useful for some inspiration and motivation for others. 

Edit: I posted this in the wrong forum, if a mod sees this please move it to "Life purpose, Career, Entrepreneurship"

Edited by Andreas

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Hey Andreas.

Great question. Here's mine and my perspective on Life Purpose in general.

I know that my deepest purpose is to share and communicate so that I contribute value to others. I feel it's very much related to the throat chakra, which is all about self-expression, truth, authenticity, healing, arts and communication. 

After having finished University as an engineer I felt completely lost, inauthentic and conditioned with shit from society, mass media, consensus reality, school, my friends, my family and society at large. I was lost but determined to reclaim my authenticity and feel like I'm getting closer every day since that period. I see living your purpose is like peeling an onion. You start completely out of alignment with your purpose, seeking and searching for clues within and around you. Doing so you get closer the core, which is where the truth, your inner child and the Absolute are waiting with the gift of your Ultimate Purpose.

Here are some key things that helped me along my journey to get closer, deeper and higher to your life's purpose.

1. Know that Life Purpose is something that is created by yourself, it's not out there. Start within with the inner child. What were some main issues in your youth? What was the main theme in your life when you were young? Some of your greatest passions, skills, gifts, talents, fears and obstacles are often great clues.

2. Doing personality tests such as Myers-Brigg and others. Although they are not specific enough to point you towards your exact purpose, they can give some pointers towards authentic hobbies, passions or career paths that resonate with your personality type. Here's a basic one.

3. Use models such as Ikigai (Google for a visual representation). It's a Japanese model around finding purpose and meaning in life. It suggests that we should combine 4 things in order to find a fulfilling, purposeful and sustainable life:

- Things you are passionate about

- Things you are good at

- Things the world needs

- Things we can be paid for.

4. Being open-minded, curious and think outside of the box. Stay open to the infinite possibilities that your Life Purpose may be, and don't stick to the traditional, conservative and mainstream path. The changing times of the 21st century is an era in which there has never been so much opportunity. Use it.

5. Ask yourself meaningful questions. The quality of your life depends on the questions you ask. What do you naturally gravitate towards? What has been the most meaningful in your life thus far? What gives you true fulfillment? What do you value in life? What resonates with the deepest aspects of yourself? What makes you come alive? 

6. Be serious about finding your life purpose. Make it your life's number one priority if you haven't found it yet. A man without a purpose is spineless, always grasping at puffs of smoke but never really alive.  

7. Contemplation, meditation, psychedelics, nature, solitude, vision questing, reading are all potential guides leading you towards your inner truth which is where your purpose awaits. Raising consciousness is key.

Low consciousness = Asleep = Inauthentic = Seperation/EGO = Hollow.

High consciousness = Awake = Authentic = Holistic/Contributing = Meaningful.

8. Spend a long time contemplating your values. There are the fundamental building blocks that not only determine the quality of your life today, but also the authenticity, vitality and excitement of your vision in the future.

9. Think in terms of service to others. Contribution, holistic perspective and serving the whole using your gifts, talents, strengths and passions is one of the most meaningful, loving and inspiring things to do. It's not easy though, or else everyone around you would be living it.

10. Leo's Life Purpose course. I took it, and I would recommend it if you are serious about your sense of Purpose. It contains the most essential, meaningful and fundamental insights, exercises and self-reflective contemplations that will help you massively in your life. Absolutely worth the investment.

11. Find a balance between information, concepts and ideas on one hand and doing, trying and actuality on the other hand. You can only be sure of things once you've tried them. Actual EXPERIENCE, KNOWING AND FEELING is key. Let your intuition be your guide but honor its divine guidance by following up on it!

Hope this helps,

wishing you much courage, insight and discernment on this magical trip called life.



Edited by Darlisto

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12 hours ago, Darlisto said:

Hey Andreas.

Great question. Here's mine and my perspective on Life Purpose in general.

I know that my deepest purpose is to share and communicate so that I contribute value to others. I feel it's very much related to the throat chakra, which is all about self-expression, truth, authenticity, healing, arts and communication. 

After having finished University as an engineer I felt completely lost, inauthentic and conditioned with shit from society, mass media, consensus reality, school, my friends, my family and society at large. I was lost but determined to reclaim my authenticity and feel like I'm getting closer every day since that period. I see living your purpose is like peeling an onion. You start completely out of alignment with your purpose, seeking and searching for clues within and around you. Doing so you get closer the core, which is where the truth, your inner child and the Absolute are waiting with the gift of your Ultimate Purpose.

Here are some key things that helped me along my journey to get closer, deeper and higher to your life's purpose.

1. Know that Life Purpose is something that is created by yourself, it's not out there. Start within with the inner child. What were some main issues in your youth? What was the main theme in your life when you were young? Some of your greatest passions, skills, gifts, talents, fears and obstacles are often great clues.

2. Doing personality tests such as Myers-Brigg and others. Although they are not specific enough to point you towards your exact purpose, they can give some pointers towards authentic hobbies, passions or career paths that resonate with your personality type. Here's a basic one.

3. Use models such as Ikigai (Google for a visual representation). It's a Japanese model around finding purpose and meaning in life. It suggests that we should combine 4 things in order to find a fulfilling, purposeful and sustainable life:

- Things you are passionate about

- Things you are good at

- Things the world needs

- Things we can be paid for.

4. Being open-minded, curious and think outside of the box. Stay open to the infinite possibilities that your Life Purpose may be, and don't stick to the traditional, conservative and mainstream path. The changing times of the 21st century is an era in which there has never been so much opportunity. Use it.

5. Ask yourself meaningful questions. The quality of your life depends on the questions you ask. What do you naturally gravitate towards? What has been the most meaningful in your life thus far? What gives you true fulfillment? What do you value in life? What resonates with the deepest aspects of yourself? What makes you come alive? 

6. Be serious about finding your life purpose. Make it your life's number one priority if you haven't found it yet. A man without a purpose is spineless, always grasping at puffs of smoke but never really alive.  

7. Contemplation, meditation, psychedelics, nature, solitude, vision questing, reading are all potential guides leading you towards your inner truth which is where your purpose awaits. Raising consciousness is key.

Low consciousness = Asleep = Inauthentic = Seperation/EGO = Hollow.

High consciousness = Awake = Authentic = Holistic/Contributing = Meaningful.

8. Spend a long time contemplating your values. There are the fundamental building blocks that not only determine the quality of your life today, but also the authenticity, vitality and excitement of your vision in the future.

9. Think in terms of service to others. Contribution, holistic perspective and serving the whole using your gifts, talents, strengths and passions is one of the most meaningful, loving and inspiring things to do. It's not easy though, or else everyone around you would be living it.

10. Leo's Life Purpose course. I took it, and I would recommend it if you are serious about your sense of Purpose. It contains the most essential, meaningful and fundamental insights, exercises and self-reflective contemplations that will help you massively in your life. Absolutely worth the investment.

11. Find a balance between information, concepts and ideas on one hand and doing, trying and actuality on the other hand. You can only be sure of things once you've tried them. Actual EXPERIENCE, KNOWING AND FEELING is key. Let your intuition be your guide but honor its divine guidance by following up on it!

Hope this helps,

wishing you much courage, insight and discernment on this magical trip called life.



Share your life purpose,.. 

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23 hours ago, Darlisto said:

I know that my deepest purpose is to share and communicate so that I contribute value to others. I feel it's very much related to the throat chakra, which is all about self-expression, truth, authenticity, healing, arts and communication. 

After having finished University as an engineer I felt completely lost, inauthentic and conditioned with shit from society, mass media, consensus reality, school, my friends, my family and society at large. I was lost but determined to reclaim my authenticity and feel like I'm getting closer every day since that period. I see living your purpose is like peeling an onion. You start completely out of alignment with your purpose, seeking and searching for clues within and around you. Doing so you get closer the core, which is where the truth, your inner child and the Absolute are waiting with the gift of your Ultimate Purpose.



It's like looking in a mirror B| 

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