
Insane Reiki Experience

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Ever heard of Reiki?

Yesterday I went for my first ever Reiki session. I had absolutely no expectations going into it. I didn't really even know what it was. But I have been getting massages pretty frequently over the last few months and a girl recommended I look into Reiki. So I book an hour session, go to this yoga center, and see this Reiki healer.

She has me take off my shoes, leave my clothes on, and lay on the table. She starts putting weights on my shins and a weighted eye mask on. We begin the session. Right off the bat things start to get crazy. She starts moving her hands parallel from the front to the back of my head, never touching me. Immediately I feel this intense heat radiating from her hands shooting through my head and connecting like dozens of thin hot strings. I had to ask her if she was using a heating pad or something, but she said she was just using her hands. 

We continue working. She starts moving her hands around my head and over my face. She makes her way down to my neck and shoulders and chest. Then she gets down to my stomach. This is probably about 30 minutes in. And this is when things get fucking crazy. I complained about some tension in my stomach, a place where I store some of my emotions. I had been working with massages on my stomach as well. She places her hands on my stomach for a few minutes. Then she starts gently rocking her hands in a sort of wiggling motion. I was starting to breathe quickly, energy was shifting around. She kept going. And shortly thereafter I just EXPLODED energetically. There was this shockwave of energy that moved up to my chest, heart area, and to the base of my throat. It was so intense that I couldn't breathe and we had to take a break. I was gasping like someone who had just run a marathon at full speed.

It felt like a nuclear explosion had taken place within my upper body. It also felt like there was a metal rod going through the center of my chest, clean through and through. It was just raw, uncontrollable, power. It was like Iron Man shooting a molten laser beam out of the arc reactor in his chest plate. And for the remainder of the session (she actually spent 2.5 hours with me) she tried to ground the energy and dissolve it. She did this by placing several stones on my chest and stomach and one near my feet. They all had different properties. Some immediately starting absorbing the energy. And what was crazy was that I could palpably feel this happening. It was very very tangible. Other stones amplified the energy and took away my breath again. We were communicating together the whole time. One of the most interesting things that happened was the energy in my chest kept leapfrogging around. It was like a whack-a-mole machine. If she placed her hands on my chest to alchemize the energy, it would bounce to my stomach and my head. It was like she needed three hands to control it. It didn't want to leave.

Eventually, it calmed down. And just like after a Vipassana retreat I did earlier this year, I've been burping like crazy for the last 30 hours. A true physiological response. What are the takeaways here? Well, first and foremost, Reiki has the potential to be a super powerful technique in your tool belt. I had a really crazy time at Vipassana (the teacher telling me to slow down) but this was even more potent. And it took me 8 days at Vipassana rather than 2.5 hours with Reiki. Is Reiki a substitute for discipline and serious daily practices? No. But it can synchronize with them. Furthermore, a huge takeaway for me was that reality is definitely not physical. This experience really made that obvious. Ever since a severe concussion I sustained 2.5 years ago I've noticed some new spiritual abilities/ attunement. I might be more sensitive to this stuff than the average person. But who knows? You'll have to see for yourself.

This girl just gave her everything during that session. She was just a normal girl in her thirties wearing yoga pants. And, afterwards, she was as exhausted as I was. At the end of the session she put both her hands over my heart and it was the warmest thing I'd ever felt. We also talked after the session for 15 minutes or so. We just have this crazy connection even though I've never met her before. For the remainder of the day I was just exploding with creativity and intuitions. I felt so much lighter. Major decisions I'm about to make in my life are becoming clearer than ever. Check out this technique. Book an appointment and keep an open mind!

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Daym, that sounds like quite the experience. My sister took a reiki course when we were young. I remember feeling warmth from her hands and some strange sensations like light feeling in my head. This was even though she was inexperienced and only took a few lessons. I totally forgot about it, but might try a session, thanks for sharing!


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I want a reiki session. I wonder if its hard to find someone that truly knows how to work with energy, instead of just taking the classes and faking it. I am actually certified in reiki but after taking the (online) classes, I know how easy it is to just do the expected this and that, but not actually know how to work with energy. if that makes sense. 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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18 hours ago, Jcent said:

Furthermore, a huge takeaway for me was that reality is definitely not physical

Congrats!!!! Major major breakthrough. SOOOO happy for you!❤️❤️❤️❤️ 

Try a certification class? 

I took the reiki 1 class a couple weeks ago, and in training 4 people would work on one person, and rotate, and dude, well, gotta try that. 



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I m doing my way to find if Reiki is real for me.

sport, yoga no mind, meditation no mind.

healthy diet and trying to be more balanced in my body in all ways.

Any quick tips ? Reading a book about ? 

Edited by Strikr


We know nothing, and even, I m not sure. a.V.e


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@seeking_brilliance This was my biggest concern going into it. I was more than prepared to try out 3-5 different healers before I judged Reiki. I think I just got incredibly lucky. And yeah, this girl has been doing it for 7 years. You truly have to master the energy and learn to manipulate it. Many people can't get anything out of the stones. Funnily enough I was thinking to myself that this could be used for serious harm if not done ethically. It's powerful stuff.

@Nahm Thanks Nahm! I might look into that in the future. She told me I could practice Reiki on myself if I learned how to. I'm assuming you're pretty advanced in this work. You could probably get a lot out of this yourself. I'm still just a beginner. Maybe see if you can find someone experienced in your area!

@Strikr I forgot to mention it in the original post, but I entered a state of no-mind for over 2 hours straight. I probably had 3 or 5 thoughts the entire time. I was so completely absorbed in the energy that I didn't have the time or interest to think about anything else. A flawless diet is, in my book, a requirement. I've been eating whole-foods plant based for the last 7 months. I also went there on an empty stomach. I think that helped. I haven't read any books about it. But one interesting thing I did was "prime" myself for this session by getting a bunch of massages done. That kind of loosened everything up. Then I went it there and hammered it with Reiki. If you have the money, that might really help. The massages have given me a lot of body awareness and I've released a lot of stuff just with those. Haven't read any books on this yet but I'm about to buy a book on crystals: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1623159911/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1

Also, for anyone else reading this, let me know if you've gotten Reiki done or have any tips for progressing in this work. I'd love to hear some interesting stories. 



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I m currently reading a book on kundalini and collected one or two on Reiki  ( :ph34r: )

best way is my own practice, I have no monney really and that's better this way, and I do not feel the need to go see others for doing my own work.

I just want to do the "full inner work", I want to understand things my way, lonely way most of the time.

but I have energy and pure trust in myself :D

currently : meditation, yoga, sport, breathing, reading, drawing, music, eating well balanced, no pills/no drug.

( I m not a dogma vegan of some sort, I focus on fruit and vegetables, but I do not cry on a chicken legs or fish, especially if someone ask me to eat meat, I'll do it because I prefer "respect people food invitation". ) 

doing things my way


We know nothing, and even, I m not sure. a.V.e


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Feeling subtle energies can be really surprising the first time. Glad it went well. What I really want to try is Sound Healing with tuning forks! Intuition has told me that is the last step I need to take to finish my shadow work.

Do you not feel energy when doing Kundalini Meditation, or do you not do It?

Edited by Elysian

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I don't practice Kundalini meditation at the moment. I do 30 mins of do nothing/ mindfulness with labeling. I felt a ton a subtle energy at Vipassana though, I was getting energy shooting up my spine for hours towards the end. The deepest I went was feeling like there were small microscopic bubbles in my hands vibrating ridiculously fast. When I talked to the teacher he told me to stop moving energy around and focus on the body scans. He told me to sign up for a longer course.

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I've also experienced Kundalini energy while not having the intention of bringing it up the spine. I think the deeper you go into meditation the more open/less resistant you become, and so the energy naturally comes.

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@Elysian  I thought kundalini energy was full of shit till one day during a 2 hr sds sit the shit came blasting out of my crown chakra unexpectedly, been dealing with kundalini symptoms now the past 5 months or so ? I just wanted to get enlightened ? Lol not this shit! 

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@Jcent Def sounds like kundalini energy being awakened.

The navel chakra stores the largest reserve of kundalini energy. Which is why the navel chakra is often stimulated only after lots of prep work -- because when it opens it could unleash a torrent.

Sounds like you would get a lot of out of Kriya yoga. It should be very effective for you. Much more so than conventional meditation. Give it a try for 6 months. You could awaken just like that. It could change your whole life.

Don't depend on other people to awaken you. Take the job into your own hands. Which is not to say never do Reiki, I just mean, seize this lucky break to awaken yourself.

I have some books about kundalini on my book list. Make sure you educate yourself about some of the dangers of kundalini and how to awaken it gradually and properly. Otherwise you might run into problems.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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"I have some books about kundalini on my book list. Make sure you educate yourself about some of the dangers of kundalini and how to awaken it gradually and properly. Otherwise you might run into problems."


@Leo Gura oops haha

I only read it after 2 weeks "in the kundalini energy", I was thinking I was just "more insane than usual" haha, I stop the kundalini energy by jerking off and smoking weed, maybe it wasn't a good idea, but it sort of "tamed it".

I wasn't ready for this, now I seriously follow the path with more inner work ( yoga, meditation, no thought of any agenda, just doing what my "body/earth" ( not the thing my "egoic mind" want )

Edited by Strikr


We know nothing, and even, I m not sure. a.V.e


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@Jcent I've tried something similar to it but I did not get your kind of explosive results. For me it was far more subtle.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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On 11/7/2018 at 8:15 PM, Leo Gura said:

The navel chakra stores the largest reserve of kundalini energy. Which is why the navel chakra is often stimulated only after lots of prep work -- because when it opens it could unleash a torrent.

Is that what the ball of energy along the spine is around 1/3 of the way up the back? I've been trying to figure out how to move it upwards but I never can get it to move more than a couple inches.

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@Elysian Kriya yoga has various tapping and visualization exercises for the front and back of the navel chakra to gently open it up.

Do not be ignorant about kundalini. Read the books on my book list about it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Would you consider that a positive experience? Sounds pretty dangerous imo... 

Edited by Gabriel Antonio

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@Aimblack It resides everywhere, but especially in the navel.

The navel is the centerpoint of the entire body so it has some special signifigance.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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