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Non-dualism vs Materialism

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What proof could be discovered that would invalidate non-dualism? If the materialists were able to pinpoint how each chemical and electrical signal in the brain causes each aspect of consciousness such as thought, emotion, memory, sensation, would this make materialism the most likely explanation of consciousness' source?

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You cannot invalidate Truth. That's the trick!


Nothing the materialist can do will undermined nonduality. In fact, the entire universe could explode tomorrow and nonduality would still hold.

That's the value of nonduality. It's FOREVER! If it could be undermined by some silly materialist's scientific discovery it wouldn't be worth talking about.

You cannot apply relativistic standards of falsification to the Absolute!

You can discover the Absolute for yourself. But you cannot ever falsify it. Because it is true, absolutely.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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non-duality does not contradict materialism.

non-duality is not a belief and materialism is a practical belief. they refer to different aspects of Reality.

non-duality targets the BEING that Reality is. materialism targets the macro layers of Reality.

Edited by ajasatya

unborn Truth

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8 hours ago, Raider15 said:

What proof could be discovered that would invalidate non-dualism? If the materialists were able to pinpoint how each chemical and electrical signal in the brain causes each aspect of consciousness such as thought, emotion, memory, sensation, would this make materialism the most likely explanation of consciousness' source?

Advaita is only one out of many schools in Hindu philosophy. There is Dvaita, Dvaitadvaita, Bhedabheda and so on. So there are many different interpretations of what is really going on. 

Advaita is the most popular one. No doubt about that. But it wasn't before colonisation in India happend. It became what it is, because of Vivekananda in the 1890s. Does that mean everyone else before him was wrong?

So don't take it for absolutly granted otherwise you will only see what you want to see (confirmation bias).

Religion and philosophy are two seperate things in the west. Religion is about faith and philosophy is about logic. In eastern spirituality both are the same. Therefore hinduism, buddhism, jainism and so on, always was a debate. There is nothing to believe in.

That's the main problem with Advaita in the west, in my opinion. People here tend to believe, they've discovered the ultimate truth, because they've seen something. They are using Advaita like a religion. But it was never meant to be like this. So my advice is: Always stay open minded even if you have seen a few things.

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