
The $100 Million Question

24 posts in this topic

1 hour ago, ZenBlue said:

@charlie2dogs Don't make assumptions about people based on your ego. Actually I did consider that my ability to understand your speech may be the issue. Rather than question my ability to comprehend your speech, you should look at the deeper point I was making. Maybe you're ego won't let you see it, but your speech is obscure and sends a message that will confuse more people rather than give them clarity.

Also your initial post was not helpful to this discussion. This topic is to invoke a sense of imagination in people and allow them to visualize a life where money isn't an issue. What type of lives would people live if they weren't so busy caught in the vicious cycle of working to pay bills, feed their kids, and provide a better life for themselves and their family? I see money as a tool to provide for the life I want to live. That is why I visualize a life of abundance so that I can be in alignment with myself and my calling in life.

i dont expect everyone to understand what i talk about, apparently you are not one of them, but when you reply with ignorant statements it doesnt help in communication in a group.  only a young, inexperienced  or foolish person would have started your response out the way you did,  and now your ego is trying to avoid taking responsibility for that ignorant statement.  So far as i can remember you are the only one on the forum that has complained about my speech,  my speech isnt intended to satisfy your ego or your identity, it is for those who have a sincere desire to do personal growth work, so this will end my conversing with you until you grow up.

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@charlie2dogs I don't consider my statements ignorant, but if you feel that way you could have used it as an opportunity to educate me instead of attacking me. I'm not avoiding responsibility for anything. I am merely pointing out that your previous communication wasn't clear. Your response shows me you are far more immature, inexperienced, and foolish. Thanks for ending the conversation in a civil matter because I am also done talking with you.

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I would quit my job, and would spend all the rest of my life with my best friends and would enjoy it as much as I could.
Money, a thing you can always get more of.
Time, one thing you will never get back.

Edited by ACE

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