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Regulalry during spiritual work the centre of my forehead starts tightening/hurting

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Hello everyone. Since I started meditating and doing mindfulness things during my day the centre of my forehead always tightens up so much until I am not mindful/in meditation mode. This happens while I try to sleep, my meditation sessions, my shamanic breathing sessions and with mindfulness in general. I have no clue what it means. It just tightens up and hurts pretty bad. Especially during meditation while I am laying down I can really feel it burn there. That's why I always meditate in a sitting position, even though my legs don't like that after 10 mins. If anyone can help please help me. I have no clue what it means. 

If it helps: I started meditating 2 months ago (currently I do sessions of 30 mins), this week will be my fourth time doing shamanic breathing (also 30 mins each session). When I am in the train or in my bed and I am bored I become concious of where I am. This also has a result of a hurting forehead. 

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No meaning, it will pass. I've had that before and it went away once I stopped fussing over. Until then, sounds like it's a useful tool on your dashboard to let you know you are indeed in meditation mode. You could pretend it's your 3rd eye chakra opening up or some shit like that if it makes you feel better :D

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