
Pillars Of Life?

3 posts in this topic

Hey, I am just wondering what you think the pillars of life is. for me, I can come up with a couple

Relationship and sex



But I cannot come up with any more, so I am wondering which areas of life one should be improving within.




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Without relationship, sex, career, and purpose there is still life?!

@ThomasT  So may be these are not the pillars?

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7 hours ago, ThomasT said:

Hey, I am just wondering what you think the pillars of life is. for me, I can come up with a couple

Relationship and sex



But I cannot come up with any more, so I am wondering which areas of life one should be improving within.




Life as what? A human? Where?

For me: 





The Pillars you brought up sound about right for people who live in the West, where the focus is usually pursuing material wealth, and pleasure. 



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