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60s revolution and self actualization

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I have heard about 60s revolution in America although I don't know much about it. What was those events about and why are those so significant? Can there be elements for self actualization?

Edited by Annoynymous

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Yeah it was a huge cultural movement, something my parents were part of, and that I was kind of born out of.

It wasn't just USA if that's what you mean by America, but all of western/rich civilizations had at least some degree of this revolution. It basically started in the 60s and extended into the early 70s.

It was a youth rebellion that (on the surface at least) rejected traditional cultural norms that we identify as stage blue/orange here. It was tied in with rock n' roll, protest, civil rights, eastern mysticism, psychedelics, long hair and so on. It was the post second world war baby boomers, who were a demographic juggernaut, coming of age and upturning the culture of the time.

There are still echoes of this revolution today that are continuing to build on what happened then, and you can also see the same revolution play out on smaller scales in many "generation gap" scenarios, especially with 1st generation immigrant families where often you see the children rejecting old world culture.

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So what is the so far outcome of the revolution? Does it bring some changes in western societies? If so, what are these changes? 

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Yes it brought major changes in western society, and globally too. It's hard to summarize it in a post on a forum, entire books could be (and have been) written on the subject.

The simple summary would be to say that western/rich culture moved from stage blue to stage orange and green. Much of the hippie movement jumped from their parents' stage blue and early orange straight to early green, and then ended up backsliding to advanced orange as they aged.

I might try to add to this later.

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It's perfectly valid for @Annoynymous to be asking these questions here. Any topic could be answered with "google it", but sometimes it's interesting to get the perspective of people on this forum anyways.

Perfect resources though @SgtPepper!

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5 hours ago, outlandish said:

It's perfectly valid for @Annoynymous to be asking these questions here. Any topic could be answered with "google it", but sometimes it's interesting to get the perspective of people on this forum anyways.


You're right. 

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