
Spiritual Trappings #2 There is no now or seeing clearly.

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Within the spiritual circles theres a lot of words and beliefs thrown around that have a lot of attached meaning.  Two of the biggest are be here now, and clear your mind or meditate so you can see whats really here.  The first is based upon the notion that there is a objective reality that can be seen when something called mind stuff is seen through to see a something called a really here or reality (and there is a partial truth here, but one not normally interpreted in the correct way).  This new belief idea generally with it creates a division in the seer/person/self that the place in which they are at, deemed in many spiritual circles as false reality, needs to be freed from so you can find the "Truth/Infinity".  These circles miss a tremendous amount of reality in this divided rejection and may find themselves in a constant mental dance in order to feel as though they are free from this old/false/wrong place, not understanding that this false place they think they are freeing themselves from is actually "Truth/Infinity" itself already.  The second is similar in that it takes a notion that there is a experience that is somehow now as opposed to another moment that is not now.  This again is another mental game/dance that can form in the person in which they try to align themselves in some idea of being in a now state.  This can include forms of trying to breath just right, or push thoughts and feelings aside to be closer to some formed now experience, or some way of seeing their thought/feeling state as in a now, or not in a now.  Again both of these are false idea's that miss the recognition of reality itself happening.  One could argue that what I'm speaking about is objective seeing, but this is not objectivity in the traditional sense.  There is not a viewer that sees itself seeing something to verify its objectivity over something else.

You can throw many practices into this box as well, including yoga, meditation, breathing exercises, trying to be your true self (which for a lot of people is just a mental construct that someone has formed through many books on reading the subject), mantra's, and many more.  Yet ironically and true to the mindfucking paradox that this Infinity is, these practices when done without getting trapped in what I've outlined above, slowly reveal the direct truth/experience and understanding of seeing and knowing yourself with and a part of infinity and maybe even sometimes As infinity.   Its as if you want to do "spiritual" practice without a reason or idea, but just a simple part between waking and sleeping and having sex.

Edited by Mu_

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