
I Tried to Smoke Marijuana Spiritually For 2 Weeks - Here is What Happened

12 posts in this topic

Against wise words, I decided to try smoke MJ for 2 weeks daily. In this post I will describe what happened to me mentally, and also insights I had while smoking MJ.



  • The First Week
    • 7 insights I had during the first week
  • The Second Week
  • After Stopping
  • My Final Verdict


The First Week

The first week was filled with various insights I had while under the influence of cannabis. I would say that this was the most constructive time I have ever used cannabis. It was absolutely amazing the insights that I came up with while high.


First Insight: Balance of Time

Life is about complete balance. And within that balance we need to find time for ourselves to truly self actualize. You cannot truly self actualize until you find the time for yourself equal to or more so then the time you spend at work, school, or with friends.

Second Insight: Power of Meditation

I realized that while high that Meditation has greatly changed me, and I didn't even realize it. A few weeks back I went to the dentist to get a tooth pulled without being put to sleep. Any other time in my life I would have woke up that day with extreme anxiety and paranoia about the pain of getting a tooth pulled. But I had such the opposite response because of meditation that I didn't even realize how chill I was with getting a tooth pulled from my head while I was awake.

Third Insight: Everything is Relative

Everything is relative to us. We say that skyscrapers are tall, huge, and big, and we also say that Chihuahua's are small little dogs. But to something smaller to a Chihuahua, lets say an ant, it perceives the Chihuahua as huge, big, and tall. And following the knowledge of oneness and non duality, this makes perfect sense because you can go infinitely small and infinitely big. Nothing is actually and definitively anything. It is what it is because human's perceive it as such, and label it as such.

Fourth Insight: Way More Helpful at Home

I live at home and realized while high that I am way more helpful to my parents around the house and chores while I am high. I figure this is normal ego resistance while sober that doesn't seem to be there while I am high.

Fifth Insight: The Hardest Pill to Swallow About Life

The hardest pill to swallow about life is that you will die. You only get one life. It would be a complete waste to do anything but try to make life as amazing as possible for the short time you're here. You won't make it amazing by coming home from your 9-5 and watching an episode of The Office.

Sixth Insight: Surrender

Surrender is the basis by which you are happy or not in life. You have to surrender to reality, or the present moment, to be happy. This doesn't mean you give up. It means you surrender to the fact that things are the way they are and you have to do something about it to solve the problem if you have one. No amount of worrying or thinking will help you, if not, it will make it worse. You have to surrender and "let it be".

Seventh Insight: One Moment

I realized very deeply that it has been one continuous moment since the Big Bang (or what ever was before then) and there has been no stop, pause, or glitch. It literally has all been one thing this whole time.



I know a lot of these are common knowledge to the community, but when I realized these while high, they were realized very very deeply, and to their core.


Second Week

After the first successful week of having various insights and thoughts while high, I noticed that things started to change. I started to get urges more and more frequently to smoke weed, even when I actually didn't want to. I found Mary Jane wrapping her tentacles around me once more. What followed was a week of addictive, pointless, and depressing use of Cannabis that I could have saw coming. There was 0 insights from this week, and I also felt like crap. I noticed that my mindfulness and awareness had seemingly disappeared. I was forgetting things and could not focus for the life of me while meditating or doing affirmations. Then I decided to stop 4 days ago.


After Stopping:

Just days after stopping, I felt clarity and mindfulness flow back into my life more quickly then I thought that it would. I also feel completely better and more optimistic after stopping.


My Final Verdict:

To me, weed is strong, very strong. In the sense that it can make you addicted without you even realizing it. Even to someone (me) who considers themselves on the self actualization path, and very mindful, I fell prey to this trap.

With that being said. Cannabis has an absolutely amazing ability of connecting you to divine creativity and love. If used correctly, this plant can do amazing things.




Edited by VictorB02
Accidentally posted before I was finished.

“The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.”  ~ Meister Eckhart



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What was your cannabis usage like before the experiment? What do you think your usage will be like from here on out?

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@PsiloPutty Great question!

I have been smoking for the past 4 years and probably smoked 60-70% of that time. So a lot.

From here on out I plan to not smoke until at least next summer. (6-7 months) where I will re-evaluate.

This was a test to see if its possible for me to smoke and do what I want to do with Personal Development. I'm glad with the clear results.

“The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.”  ~ Meister Eckhart



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Nice report. Similiar for me. A good insight tool in moderation. Very easy to be habit forming.

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@VictorB02 Now compare that to 1 month of LSD use ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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6 hours ago, VictorB02 said:

Against wise words, I decided to try smoke MJ for 2 weeks daily. In this post I will describe what happened to me mentally, and also insights I had while smoking MJ.



  • The First Week
    • 7 insights I had during the first week
  • The Second Week
  • After Stopping
  • My Final Verdict


The First Week

The first week was filled with various insights I had while under the influence of cannabis. I would say that this was the most constructive time I have ever used cannabis. It was absolutely amazing the insights that I came up with while high.


First Insight: Balance of Time

Life is about complete balance. And within that balance we need to find time for ourselves to truly self actualize. You cannot truly self actualize until you find the time for yourself equal to or more so then the time you spend at work, school, or with friends.

Second Insight: Power of Meditation

I realized that while high that Meditation has greatly changed me, and I didn't even realize it. A few weeks back I went to the dentist to get a tooth pulled without being put to sleep. Any other time in my life I would have woke up that day with extreme anxiety and paranoia about the pain of getting a tooth pulled. But I had such the opposite response because of meditation that I didn't even realize how chill I was with getting a tooth pulled from my head while I was awake.

Third Insight: Everything is Relative

Everything is relative to us. We say that skyscrapers are tall, huge, and big, and we also say that Chihuahua's are small little dogs. But to something smaller to a Chihuahua, lets say an ant, it perceives the Chihuahua as huge, big, and tall. And following the knowledge of oneness and non duality, this makes perfect sense because you can go infinitely small and infinitely big. Nothing is actually and definitively anything. It is what it is because human's perceive it as such, and label it as such.

Fourth Insight: Way More Helpful at Home

I live at home and realized while high that I am way more helpful to my parents around the house and chores while I am high. I figure this is normal ego resistance while sober that doesn't seem to be there while I am high.

Fifth Insight: The Hardest Pill to Swallow About Life

The hardest pill to swallow about life is that you will die. You only get one life. It would be a complete waste to do anything but try to make life as amazing as possible for the short time you're here. You won't make it amazing by coming home from your 9-5 and watching an episode of The Office.

Sixth Insight: Surrender

Surrender is the basis by which you are happy or not in life. You have to surrender to reality, or the present moment, to be happy. This doesn't mean you give up. It means you surrender to the fact that things are the way they are and you have to do something about it to solve the problem if you have one. No amount of worrying or thinking will help you, if not, it will make it worse. You have to surrender and "let it be".

Seventh Insight: One Moment

I realized very deeply that it has been one continuous moment since the Big Bang (or what ever was before then) and there has been no stop, pause, or glitch. It literally has all been one thing this whole time.



I know a lot of these are common knowledge to the community, but when I realized these while high, they were realized very very deeply, and to their core.


Second Week

After the first successful week of having various insights and thoughts while high, I noticed that things started to change. I started to get urges more and more frequently to smoke weed, even when I actually didn't want to. I found Mary Jane wrapping her tentacles around me once more. What followed was a week of addictive, pointless, and depressing use of Cannabis that I could have saw coming. There was 0 insights from this week, and I also felt like crap. I noticed that my mindfulness and awareness had seemingly disappeared. I was forgetting things and could not focus for the life of me while meditating or doing affirmations. Then I decided to stop 4 days ago.


After Stopping:

Just days after stopping, I felt clarity and mindfulness flow back into my life more quickly then I thought that it would. I also feel completely better and more optimistic after stopping.


My Final Verdict:

To me, weed is strong, very strong. In the sense that it can make you addicted without you even realizing it. Even to someone (me) who considers themselves on the self actualization path, and very mindful, I fell prey to this trap.

With that being said. Cannabis has an absolutely amazing ability of connecting you to divine creativity and love. If used correctly, this plant can do amazing things.





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Sorry to burst your bubble but you can have all these insights sober while contemplating, Ive had them all, I dont find weed to be a good tool for insights, it creates cool perceptual imagery but thats about it. Everything is worth trying though, kudos. :P

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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@Nahm For sure :D

@Serotoninluv  for sure. I think my best friend is a big influence in my weed smoking. I told him I was done for 7 months and he seemed chill with it which is good.

@Leo Gura I'm sure there would be radical differences :P

@Rilles I have had these some of these insights while sober, its more that I comprehended them at a very deep and enhanced level while high


“The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.”  ~ Meister Eckhart



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Nice report, thanks. My observation agrees with yours regarding addiction/habit. It can be habit forming; before you know it the weed becomes the end in itself, rather than the means, and it can happens without you really noticing. Luckily it's really easy to stop once you do notice the habit.

I do still have a tiny smoke/edible once in a while though. I like it for the occasional perspective shift, or immersive creative session. 

On 11/2/2018 at 7:47 PM, Rilles said:

Sorry to burst your bubble but you can have all these insights sober while contemplating, Ive had them all, I dont find weed to be a good tool for insights, it creates cool perceptual imagery but thats about it. Everything is worth trying though, kudos. :P

Insights are independent of the way you got to them, so it's no surprise that you could both get to the same insight through different routes. The insight isn't contained in the weed, it just catalyzed those insights for Victor. 

How to get to infinity? Divide by zero.

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