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How to stop plagiarism in my essays!!

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I am trying my best to write essays but whenever I type it into my own words, it somehow comes out as their and its their ideas. This is how and why you understood the content in the first.

My question is what is a good way to write and explain something into your own words without copying word for word. The hardest is no matter how much understand, its still hard to put it on your own terms (words).

Can you leave any examples on how you would write something from somewhere online?

And could you please send me a link on a free plagiarism-checker so it saves me a lot of time because I really need this !!

Thanks xx

Edited by IVONNE

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This is going to be a bit of a rant but academic papers are just paraphrasing of other people's words, that's what it is in a nutshell. You cannot copy the exact meaning and if do, you have to post a reference. Otherwise, they will go after you and crucify you, burn the cross, pee on your ashes and demonise you all over the media and news, especially if they find ou after you have graduated.  Not referencing idea is equal to homicide in the academic world. 

Even if you paraphrase you still have to post a reference. While it is very tempting to do, I would be careful with adding too much of your own content (beliefs, experience etc...) academia does not give a rat's ass about that....only in a conclusion section where you are supposed to summarise in your own words. Or to comment on the research that you yourself have made and that is original to you. 

I don't have much advice as to what anti-plagiator software or any of that but just make sure never to copy the exact sentences from whatever you are referencing. Academic paper is not supposed to be creative, original, funny, or entertaining. It is a boring, dogmatic and extremely creativity restricting format that has to be suffered through if one wants to successfuly pass. 

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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