
Chanting: who here can point me in right direction?

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From brief past experiences, I sense that there are big gains in spiritual development to be made with chanting, but I admit that I'm pretty ignorant of the practice. Most of my chanting experience comes from mushroom trips.....for some reason chanting usually seems like a high priority to me on my trips. I sat and chanted "Om" for 90 minutes straight one time and it felt like it connected me with every yogi who ever lived. I felt like I wasn't me for the whole duration of the chant. Ha, yes the mushrooms played their role in that as well.  It was deeply empowering and confidence-inspiring. 

So, while I know that in its raw form, chanting is as simple as sitting and making mouth noises, I also know that I'm missing the guts of the practice. That's what I'd like to learn about. If anyone here has practiced it for awhile, can you please direct me to get me started? Much appreciation!

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When you say "it felt like it connected me with every yogi who ever lived", it is also vice versa. There is no cause.

I recommend look into the illusion that "one"  would cause something "else".

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This band has made by far the most touching hare krishna's for me.


Rama- the noble man, compassion, fighting evil/ignorance // Krishna- God-child, innocence

Unconditional love, you)


Edited by AlwaysBeNice

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I do all sorts of chanting daily.

This one in particular is very overhelming with its energy. 

There are many different dimensions in which we can look at this mantra. Right now, we want to use this mantra as a purificatory process, and at the same time as a foundation, as a base for all meditativeness that we may attain to.   #Sadhguru

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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Thanks for the videos guys. :)   I probably need to redefine what chanting means to me, but the first 2 sound more like singing? I don't think I could chant to those, but maybe I could. The last one definitely sounds more chanty to me. I'll do it when I get home.


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Depends very much how many chakras you use at once while you chant and the intention; is a very useful tool to reconnect with yourself. 

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The way I do it, is start slow. I chant silently and slowly first to get the feel of the vibration the chant brings. I gradually put myself more and more into it. I put my focus either on the sound I produce, on the bodily sensations that come with it or on the heart opening up  with devotion. Ideally on all at once. I let the chant take over almost and go more and more into it. When I can't take no more, I slow down, chant one more time very gently like in the beginning and sit in the silence as long as I can. Than I start over again.

I usually chant about 5 minutes and than go silent. Repeat. After 4-5 repetitions, the silence becomes really deep and I go into no-mind. 

Use the Prayer Swat Team!

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