
The Power of Love is Beyond Petty Relationships

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If you ever tap into Love with the capital L and be lucky enough to be around and experiment with other conscious people, you will realize that best romantic love in the world is a tiny glimpse of Universal Love. Guys.....it's a FORCE OF NATURE, it's the most powerful force in the fucking Universe, you connect and love people around you naturally, you dance in the moment with this love energy, people are naturally attracted to you because you are overflowing with it, life becomes effortless. 

Instead of chasing relationships, I would recommend focusing on opening up your hearts, this is obviously difficult to sell, listen to Leo and make Love a priority in your life, I'm telling you it's worth it!

Btw women are more tapped into it, obviously because of the way they were designed, this is probably the biggest thing that makes them different from men, women "feel" when you're bullshitting, they are more intuitive because they are more tapped into love, especially women that are conscious. Most modern relationships are simply women tolerating men's bullshit.

Journal of Jesus Christ - https://journalofjesuschrist.com


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Care to share your path of opening your heart and making Love a priority? 

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On ‎31‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 7:29 PM, Mikael89 said:

The love which you are talking about is obviously not that loving since it's not loyal. It's not loyal because it leaves people. Actually it has abandoned the majority of the earth population. This is a directly observable fact. It seems to hate and fear more than love because of all the suffering in the world.

True love has nothing to do with specifics.
True love is seeing you in everything, there is no exclusivity.

What you call love is attachment and romantic infatuation, both are just a weak preview of what divine love is.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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3 hours ago, Shin said:

True love has nothing to do with specifics.
True love is seeing you in everything, there is no exclusivity.

What you call love is attachment and romantic infatuation, both are just a weak preview of what divine love is.

Nailed it.

On 10/31/2018 at 2:29 PM, Mikael89 said:

The love which you are talking about is obviously not that loving since it's not loyal. It's not loyal because it leaves people. Actually it has abandoned the majority of the earth population. This is a directly observable fact. It seems to hate and fear more than love because of all the suffering in the world.

You are displaying conditional love. We are talking about true unconditional love here. The fact the universe accepts itself regardless of all the suffering in it just shows its true display of loving unconditionally. No matter what happens the love is ever present.

You can become aware of this infinite universal love or be blind to it.

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I agree with @Mikael89 here. If you don't have loyalty than what good is your love anyways?

Nothing wrong with focusing or prioritizing one relationship over another. it's preference, but in the bigger picture, yeah growing our love for the world as a whole is the ultimate goal.

But that doesn't mean, I am going to leave or diminish the treatment of individuals who have been by my side through my bullshit, sadness, mistakes, and accomplishments. That kind of trust and loyalty is hard to come by and to me examplifies deep unconditional love.

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On 10/31/2018 at 2:44 PM, universe said:

Care to share your path of opening your heart and making Love a priority? 


I'll share a bit.

When I lived in Russia, I remember my life as being happy, magical, easy flowing, playful and joyful, I made friends easily and was very social. I think around the age of 10 I heard a story of some people being depressed and I couldn't believe how it's possible for anyone to be depressed or sad living this amazing life, at the same time being a very curious child I wondered what it would be like to be depressed.

At age of 12 our whole family went to Mallorca in Spain for vacation which was gorgeous with all it's palm trees, ocean, beaches, entertainment, tourists and a bunch of bright colorful things that I've never seen before living in Siberia. Despite all these wonders, I felt weird on the inside, I couldn't understand what it was, but I just wanted to go home. When we came back, I remember coming to my bedroom, lying down and feeling like I'm home and that everything would be okay, I felt reconnected with the world because that's what I knew and where I grew up, I felt peace and love. 

At the age of 14 our dad decided to send my brother and I to live in Atlanta, Georgia with grandparents and aunt that we never got along with….To make matters worse, I ended up falling madly in love with a girl just two weeks prior to our leaving.

Georgia was just as foreign as Mallorca, but a lot worse….Disconnected from friends, disconnected from language that I knew how to speak, disconnected from the environment, disconnected from my roots, disconnected from parents, disconnected from the world, disconnected from people, disconnected and ripped away from a person that I truly loved.

This disconnection began to snowball into all kinds of psychological traumas, shyness of speaking English developed into social anxiety, repressed anger and inability to express it turned into sadness, numbness and depression. Then we had to move again after two years, this time to San Diego with our parents, one year in high school and then it was college. In college is where I had my peak social anxiety and that's where my heavy drinking on weekends started. I would spend the next two decades in a cycle of drinking to the point of blacking out, eating unhealthy, porn addictions, video game addictions, internet addictions etc….I got to the point where I was 60 pounds overweight, sucidial, depressed, severe social anxiety to the point of being scared of people and going outside for a walk…..

Anyway, I've been searching for that place of home, ever since I left Russia at the age of 14, only now I can't just go back to Russia, walk in to that apartment and feel at home, the process is now internal, and it's taking courage, trust and breaking all kinds of programming and social barriers to reconnect with that place.

Only about 18 months ago, I had a 5g mushroom experience alone in the closet that opened me up to reality beyond "me in the physical world". I also felt that connection as if coming home again, I felt love everywhere permeating the environment and me connected with it all, it felt like I was taking a breath for the first time in a long time, I sobbed and cried like never before. The mushroom showed me who I am beneath the layers of fear and blockages, it showed me the power of love and how incredible my authentic self is. This is where I started taking spirituality more seriously, meditating, eating healthier etc.

But then I had my terrifying Ayahuasca experience, I had a second large dose on the third night of drinking, so it expanded me a lot. The sound of buffalo drum navigated me to the heart and this is where I was going to release the pain accumulated in my heart which I wasn't ready for at the time. It then showed me the source of fear which was unlike any terror that I've ever experienced, it made me understand why disconnection from the world and the crazy monkey mind with so many bs stories about death creates fear and anxiety in people's lives.

So there have been a bunch of other tripping experiences, but to keep this short, I'm taking a more gentle and gradual approach to opening up the heart as I realized it's a very delicate process that shouldn't be rushed.

Going to music festivals, taking small doses of psychedelics, dancing and connecting with other conscious people helps me, though it's more difficult than I initially thought. I use symbols and strong intention in combination with humming to connect with my heart and heal the body, it's like a gentle way of re-programming self without using psychedelics. The most important thing for me is to "trust in love", love to me means connection and unity, I'm developing that trust in unity by having direct experiences. The more experiences I have and the more I learn about the connection between love and unity the more trust I develop and the more I realize that love is Truth. I have yet to experience the unconditional love that Leo talks about, but I think a gradual approach works better for me instead of just rocket launching myself with 5meo, which I did (60mg of smoked 5meo from toad venom) and I just ended up resisting it.

I keep reminding myself of that trip to Mallorca, feeling lost and disconnected and then coming back home to unity and love. This remind me that I can trust in love, and that in the end there is nothing to fear because this journey of opening ourselves to love leads home.

Journal of Jesus Christ - https://journalofjesuschrist.com


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