
6 seconds

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This is a safe link, from the free ebook: butterflies are free to fly, by Stephen Davis. 

Its a bbc documentary about brain researchers who have found that they can predict the person's decision 6 seconds before the decision is made, based on a certain way the brain will light up 6 seconds before the study decides to push a right button or left.  

In other words, it brings question to when exactly are decisions made, and who or what is making them. 

Let me know if you can't access the link, I will try to find a YouTube equivalent. 

The ebook is free on Kindle and so far a good read. It goes into quantum physics early on, but in a layman's terms as possible. Let me know how you like it, it's fairly long and I haven't gotten far yet. 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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@seeking_brilliance A great video showing how science is discovering that free-will is a fallacy. Realizing that there is no "chooser" and the self is an illusion is one of the highest hurdles to cross. Hopefully, the science makes the process a bit easier for rationalists to accept.

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Same thing could be said about driving a vehicle, the unconscious acts much quicker, then the conscious mind. I remember going to see a shuttle launch at night, was one NASA did after a few decades, considering one of the first launches at night blew up. On paper it is safer to do launches at night, but on superstition they hadn't done another for a while. Anyway on the way to Coco Beach a large Deer ran out on the road, the driver managed to swerve to avoid what seemed like literally inches from the vehicle. The freewill question should I swerve to avoid, or have the torso come crashing through the screen is largely pointless, whether I steer left or right, so what. The duality itself in language, retracts from freewill or consciousness.

How is freewill or consciousness a question for science? Given that science is about knowing, at least on the macro level?

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