
I think there is no mind/ego

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I have been self inquiring for a while and until now I've realized that the Body refers to a bunch of sensations and the sound and the sight of the body which give it the known form.

I am not a Body, I sense and percieve the Body. Also i don't see a difference between the body and not body. Same, just this form has sensations, nothing more.

Then I contemplated about Am I a Thought??? And I can't know that, except i can experience what is a Thought.

I couldn't even describe it but i could find a few qualities of it and observed it as it is.

Then I asked where are thoughts? A thought said in the mind! So what the hell is this mind?

Unlike thoughts which i could fairly observe them and recognize them, I didnt find anything called the mind. I found out that is it just and idea, a concept. And what is one of the qualities of the thought? It has Content. The content has ideas/concepts. So the mind itself is a thought. Or is it?

I finally realized that i dont need to define the things I'm inquiring about because I'm not gonna write a book or teach about it or something.. i just need to observe it and experience it as it is. So i thought defining doesnt do any good in this work. A dictionary can do a much better job.

About the ego, i don't think ego exists either. Where is it? What is it? It's just an idea. The symbole "I" as an subjective quality is just a reference to the one who experiences it. But is that the ego? Whats the difference between me and the ego?

Then nonduality comes in..false and the True one is the same???

You might say it IS me. But isnt there a Self and a self? A True One and the false one? 

If the ego is the mind so it is an idea i guess. But why the hell i act like i am someone inside my brain? Because everyone acts like that in the conceptual society. Everyone talks thinks (they "think"?) as if they are bodies/minds. This brain that controls the body, which is also not me, is programmed this way to act.

Actually i find self inquiring very enjoyable and very confusing and frustrating.

What do you think about it?

Also i found out that any answer to a question like "what am I" cannot answer the question, it just delays the question.

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If you think about things like this too much, you might get brain cancer. I knew a guy who was very much into this type of thinking and he died from a brain tumor. Things are more simple than they look, and teachers like Leo often over complicate things deliberately to make you go full circle and realise the simplicity of what was already there. ?

Edited by EvilAngel

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I think you may be on to something. 

We are conditioned to make an identity out of our body and mind being separate from our experiences when in actuality it is all mind which creates these experiences. The self being the conditioned mind which accumulates memory, knowledge, thoughts giving rise to ego as me being separate from the experience (sensations,thoughts,created experiences)

I am thinking. who's thinking? the thought/self is doing the thinking, perceived as being separate from the thought. 

Simply observing the "programming" and mechanical reactions of mind, we can begin to see through the illusion of self (veil of thought). 

Often we mistake the ideas to be true and make assumptions instead of basing our knowledge off of direct experience. This hinders the chance to understand psychological time holistically. 

2 hours ago, Pouya said:

But why the hell i act like i am someone inside my brain? Because everyone acts like that in the conceptual society.

This second sentence is an assumption. We cannot know who is actually operating as thought/self. But this is a very good question to explore. 

We must realize only holistic understanding may end the movement of ego, not trying to control thought/self which will only feed the movement perpetuating the illusion.

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The Ego is absolute time. Without absolute time, you don't exist. "Only a Sith deals in Absolutes!!!!" Can see the phenomena when people are drunk or sleepwalk and have no memory. Whether Nihilism is completely true/ the truth, that meaning does not exist, and the best you can do is devote yourself to a higher cause then yourself. The strongest person may in fact be a synth or radical empiricist. Any unexplainable knowledge of the future pure delusion.

There is an empirical self as an entity, but whether the person is conscious or not...


38 minutes ago, EvilAngel said:

If you think about things like this too much, you might get brain cancer. I knew a guy who was very much into this type of thinking and he died from a brain tumor. Things are more simple than they look, and teachers like Leo often over complicate things deliberately to make you go full circle and realise the simplicity of what was already there. ?

Like the movie Videodrome!!!

Yeah I have heard of a few people getting brain cancer and dying, politics & betrayal seem to be correlated a bit.

Edited by RichardY

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@Pouya Speaking about the absolute:

False = that which is not. Falsehood isn't. There is only Truth.

Mind and ego are both conceptual constructions.

Truth with a capital T has no opposite.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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There is no mind in the way that we think of that term in ordinary life.  Mind is an artificial rope that’s used to corral types of experience that really aren’t a monolith.  Ditto for the body.  Experience that we label body is not a monolith either.  Somehow we got tricked with these words, these nouns, into thinking unity exists where there’s only multiplicity.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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From my experience of my most precious meditation sessions, one there is a mind, and second there is an sense of identity (ego) which is created in the mind. There have been times where I have been consciouss enough that I watch thoughts and sensations, but I can´t find an identity who is feeling this thoughts. That´s when I have realized, based on this experiences, that having thoughts and in general, a functional mind, its no excuse to have an ego formed out of those thoughts and sensations.

Thats basically why enlightened people still has a mind who thinks and a body who speaks, because the mind is totally independent from ego, although the mind is the one responsible for creating it. (i think, im not sure about this last statement)

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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@Leo Gura truth in everyday life has a opposite as false

But Truth is something i have absolutely no idea what it is. I don't even know what are thoughts :/

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That's the problem, you think :) 

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16 hours ago, Pouya said:

@Leo Gura truth in everyday life has a opposite as false

But Truth is something i have absolutely no idea what it is. I don't even know what are thoughts :/

Yes, which is why it's useful to distinguish between relative truth and absolute Truth.

Absolute Truth has no opposite. It is none other than this present experience you are having.

Absolute Truth is everything that is, but recontextualized as nondual being.

The only difference between experience and being is that expeirence assumes the context of an ego, a subject who is having the expeirence, whereas with being there is no more subject, subject and object are one. Objects are thus self-illuminating or self-knowing.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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