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Insight downloaded?

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I was contemplating if there was a way I could improve my technique with meditation on the breath. Every time I'd try to let a thought pass by unimpeded as soon as I noticed it, it would stop. When all of a sudden, my level of concentration on the breath was adjusted to be less intense, and I felt a complete release of all resistance. So much so every muscle in my face even became more relaxed when it felt completely already. 

Then I felt my consciousness pull away slightly from body and mind. Not as much as my temporary enlightenment experience, but enough to catch my attention. Then the thoughts came flooding in, and were finishing completely as I maintained a more loosened attention on the breath. After some time I began to try to figure out how exactly I was going about this state, and then a voice said, "Don't try to understand how it's happening, just enjoy it while it is."

So I just let go completely of the desires that were pulling me, and this sense of peace came over me. I heard a few more clear words of encouragement/advice over the next 30 minutes or so, and as soon as I walked in my front door it ended. About halfway through I started getting pain/pressure in between my eybrows/ajna. 

Since then the guidance went away, but I've been able to integrate it into my practice. It feels like I was concentrating so intensely on my breath before that I was suppressing thought without even intending too. I've always gotten benefit from meditating, but after maintaining this awareness of breath since then, it has brought me a peace I hadn't felt before. I've also been actively continuing the meditation without sitting with every task/nontask with much less effort than previously needed.

I don't know what exactly this was, or who this was, but I'm grateful. Wasn't going to come back on here for a week or so, but it seemed significant enough to post. Any have similar experiences?

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Nice work. I've had a similar experiences in a sensory deprivation tank. I kept letting go of more and more. Then, I eventually let go of letting go and was in a womb prior to birth. Everything I learned and knew after birth was erased. Then a "voice" appeared and said: "Ask". . . . So, I asked "What is genuine?". Then, I was shown genuine in a way I couldn't have imagined.

Awakened beings, such as Adyashanti, have also spoken of this "downloading" of insights. To a rationalist, this is crazy irrational "whoo whoo" stuff. Yet it is a real mystical experience to one who has transcended the self.

I would just be mindful if the self tries to take ownership of the insights.


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