
Inner work and OCD

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So I have OCD tendencies. Which means I have a tendency to overthink things and my thoughts often go in circles. So I often think I’m being truly introspective or developing myself when I’m just having an OCD obsession. How do you balance this?

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@Roch Do your OCD tendencies seem to be on a particular subject? Or have they stemmed from a main subject?

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Try repeating your pattern but to the rhythm of a song (and listen to the song at this time). If this doesn't prove overwhelming or quieting to mind, play more songs all at the same time (you can do this on one computer using youtube, headphones and no). Once again, as you do this, try to work on your ocd pattern with the rhythms. This may be overwhelming to the pattern thus rewiring the "offending" neural networks, so to speak....

Or you could do some breath-focused meditation.

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  On 10/30/2018 at 11:49 AM, Charlotte said:

@Roch Do your OCD tendencies seem to be on a particular subject? Or have they stemmed from a main subject?

It just infects everything. One moment I’ll be happily interested in something or have a regular concern and next thing I know I have an OCD obsession with it. Some topics OCD has infected include sexuality, health, fashion, music, mental health, spirituality and probably other topics. 

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@Roch totally understand what you mean. Do you remember this starting at a certain period of your life? Can you backtrack a bit and find where it first started? 

Have you reached out for help? Cbt is absolutely perfect for this. I had 13/14 session's myself this year and it's reduced by 80% (the rest is up to me to do). 

If you leave it to manifest it will creep in to other aspects of your life as you you've mentioned. 

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@Roch SO.....

This is a very interesting topic because i was under the impression that i had pure OCD all of my life until I became enlightened.


I believe OCD is the mind's unconscious desire for more consciousness and it really drives the ego crazy.

This is good because you may actually be spiritually gifted and can get enlightened much faster!

The best way to bring your OCD symptoms to zero is to do the "do nothing" meditation technique.

This will do 2 things:  Firstly it will calm your mind as you watch your obsessive thoughts come, and go.

You need to do this OVER and OVER and OVER.

Keep doing this daily as long as it takes.

Rotate between this and the self inquiry technique Leo shows you how to do, and listen to his videos on this while doing self inquiry.

I literally became enlightened listening to his videos, but I also did the do nothing technique weekly.

One day, something magical is going to ocurr, and it's going to blow your mind.   Your OCD will begin to melt away.


Yes - I mean melt away.  You see, you never had anything wrong with you - you weren't broken - you were actually attune to the Truth with a capital T and you longed for more consciousness, but you didn't know it.  This caused your ego massive anxiety.

Note:  People with "pure OCD" only have the thoughts, not the physical obsessions so becoming enlightened will be easier than a person who has the compulsions as well because meditation might be much harder for them.

Let me know if you have any questions about this - i've been dealing with what I thought was OCD (another illusion) for 30 years.

It's almost zero now, having been beat down and melted via enlightenment.



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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