
how do I develop taste for non-hedonistic stuff?

29 posts in this topic

You'll have to force yourself to meditate, re-connect with nature etc.

I'll be doing this to control my ADD and lack of motivation

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Does hedonism fulfill you? Notice that it is deeply unsatisfying

Contemplate what really fulfills you

Be patient and make incremental gains. Your ideal life unfortunately won't come next week, month or over year. It's a process of 1% incremental gains added up over time. Celebrating progress and small wins (such as an insight, or maybe progress on an addiction) 


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Awakening to the true nature of reality is helpful. It will rewire the way that you approach all phenomena. Your actions take on a different quality all together.  Divine interest. Also make a list of what you would consider clean actions and listen to your needs as they arise. Attune to your intuition. The momentum will build. Once at advanced stages of momentum try removing distractions and addictions

Edited by Artaemis

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7 hours ago, Viking said:

I find myself in a constant state of craving, not one moment is good enough, except a few extremely rarely. craving for food, masturbation, movies, youtube, etc.

I realize that in order to be more satisfied I have to develop a taste for work, studying, interacting with people, books, and I dont know what more. But I cant imagine enjoying working or studying, let alone enjoying it more than a good movie or a good youtube video.

I have been studying for years already and I still hate it. I have been reading a few books and I still hate it. I hate interacting with people, it bores me, even though ive been doing it for my whole life. that means that the taste for this stuff doesnt develop automatically with time, but i have to do something else in order to develop that taste.

my question is - what?

What positive emotions are you getting form the hedonistic pleasures?

Also, is there anything that you genuinely enjoy right now that is not hedonistic but expansive, even if it isn't something that you'd think of as being "high consciousness"? 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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9 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Here's is the dirty little secret that almost nobody knows, and even if they did know this at one time they probably don't know it now.  And that is a clean life is a much more pleasurable life than a dirty life.  And you can only find this out by doing it.  But it's a discovery, and then you'll see that the trap of living the dirty life is people don't realize it's a more painful life in every way -- including but not limited to energy levels.  Sobriety in the widest sense is much more pleasurable than being doped up on all kinds of stuff, chemical and informational and otherwise. 

I can sense subtle energies behind the words in this post. They shift the totality of my field. But I can't place what they are.  

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@Viking What is the highest thing in life for you? Make this answer very clear to yourself and put all your energy towards that.

Because you're not clear what you want, you mind goes one way, your body goes another way, your passions go third way, your energies goes somewhere else, like this life can become.

Just educate your passions, educate your desires to flow in the right direction. 

Just desire the highest in life. All your passions, direct them to the highest.

I like this story, it shows that if you're seeking the highest in life, petty things will not interest you. It's only natural for humans to seek the highest. You only need to become clear what is the highest for you?

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@Viking Stop wasting your life an start meditating 2 or 3 times a day for 20 minutes. You’ve been going at this the hard way over and over. Remember your retreat? You say the easy way full and clear. You are neglecting your practices, and in neglecting your discipline, you neglect yourself. 



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6 hours ago, Nahm said:

@Viking Stop wasting your life an start meditating 2 or 3 times a day for 20 minutes. You’ve been going at this the hard way over and over. Remember your retreat? You say the easy way full and clear. You are neglecting your practices, and in neglecting your discipline, you neglect yourself. 

im starting to understand that life is truly suffering. ill try... but im suffering so much right now i almost wish to be dead.

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