Aaron k

Question for Leo

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Hi Leo my names Aaron Krousoratis, i'm from Melbourne Australia. I've got very low self-esteem issues around my nose it's a big problem for me, wen ever i go out in public i think that people are laughing and judging me about my nose! for example i was sitting at the bus stop waiting for the bus this afternoon to go home and this lady takes a photo of my side view, and that just made my heart sink and got really down and started beating myself up over it. it causes me really deep suffering on a daily basis! i'm afraid to go out in public sometimes. i don't know what to do Leo, can you please help me in any way possible with some insight, thank you.


Aaron Krousoratis.

warm regards

Edited by Aaron k
made a mistake

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@Aaron k hi there. i'm not leo.

but i also have a big nose and i have struggled a lot with it in the past.

we have to find our True Beauty. it worked for me and i no longer suffer from any kind of neurosis.

Edited by ajasatya

unborn Truth

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Search how to get rid of your self esteem issues.

All stem from this.

As a man it doesn't really matter how you look as long as you take care of yourself and are confident/at peace within.

Look at how many stars are still not happy with their life even after getting everything they wanted, even if they have godlike bodies.

They still commit suicide ...


Doesn't matter how good you look, if you have self esteem issue you will still find something to complain, you will always feel as "missing something".



  • Read the six pillars of self esteem by Nathaniel Branden
  • Watch videos about self esteem on youtube and take notes
  • Start a daily meditation habit starting today.

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Be confident with how you look, learn to make fun of yourself. You can still improve, even if you look bad. You can self-actualize, get rid of addictions, meditate, work on your diet and proper exercise... so much stuff to explore man, looks is just one thing and its not the most important one.

I basically look like a gypsy with strange vampire like teeth and I still smile at people, nobody judges me. My mum has the same issue, but she doesnt have the dark skin, that I have. My friends call me words for fun, I got used to it and they accept it, I have no social issues.

You can definitely catch up your look with your inner treasure, develop yourself, never give up, you can always get better and better. Learn how to see the big picture and solve problems at their rootcauses, thats probably the thing that can solve your problem! ;) 

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1 hour ago, Aaron k said:

i was sitting at the bus stop waiting for the bus this afternoon to go home and this lady takes a photo of my side view, and that just made my heart sink and got really down and started beating myself up over it.

Maybe she was thinking something along these lines: 

  • Hey Marge look, that guys is wearing that jacket you wanted to buy?
  • Hey, look at this cute guy sitting next to me? (sends picture to friend)
  • Did I use my lipstick correctly? (checks herself in selfie camera)
  • The light is really bad for selfie, let me rotate myself this way so that sun is not reflected on the camera
  • hey look (sends photo to friend) this guy looks like Mark (another friend)

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On 29/10/2018 at 11:26 AM, bejapuskas said:

Be confident with how you look, learn to make fun of yourself. You can still improve, even if you look bad. You can self-actualize, get rid of addictions, meditate, work on your diet and proper exercise... so much stuff to explore man, looks is just one thing and its not the most important one.

@Aaron k Hi Aaron, I also am not Leo, but I'd like to take a shot at your question because I too have struggled with self-image issues. :)

What bejapuskas said about being confidence is very true, especially for guys! (girls can easily get away with the "shy" card).... of course, this is easier said than done, right?

First of all, from you pic, you look perfectly fine to me!! On the other hand, always remember that in general girls will fall for sensitive strength in guys more than looks;  we like it when we feel secure around someone (even if we wont admit it!). When a guy makes me feel beautiful it's one of the best feelings. Him having the right attitude and confidence is key! Examples of sensitive strength are humor, the ability to laugh at yourself and the ability to take a joke. Now, all of this must be practiced!! one must learn to take a hit.

Leo has videos in which he mentions humor. If I remember correctly he offers some tips. A great way to start is to put yourself out there, approach girls and pay them compliments, it really doesn't matter if you're a bit clumsy at first (some girls find that cute). If they're mean, that's totally on them. Being cruel to someone (like that picture-lady you mentioned) always tells you that there is something wrong with them in their inability to respect others; the only reason for this is that they don't respect themselves. Turn it around on them, smile, stick your tongue out, acknowledge their behavior, you'll see they will snap out of it if they have any decency -which people usually do, they just forget-. 

I could go on but I feel that I'm rambling, good luck! 

Edited by Salcedoop

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5 hours ago, Salcedoop said:

First of all, from you pic, you look perfectly fine to me!! On the other hand, always remember that in general girls will fall for sensitive strength in guys more than looks;  we like it when we feel secure around someone (even if we wont admit it!). A guy that makes me feel beautiful is one of the best feelings, him having the right attitude and confidence is key! Examples of sensitive strength are humor, the ability to laugh at yourself and the ability to take a joke. Now, all of this must be practiced!! one must learn to take a hit.

This is so true. My friend has huge eyes and looks basically like a mutated elf, because his hairstyle is the typical Lord of the Rings one. But he is dating a girl, who is super hot and has also graduated from Harvard, so she isnt dumb either. He is super driven, social and compassionate. Thats the qualities you should be looking towards ;) 

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