
Trip Report: 2C-B, 4-ACO-DMT, And Weed - OMG Infinite Possibilities

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Trip Report 2C-B 4-aco-dmt and weed OMG Infinite Possibilities

First a quote by Albert Einstein

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science."

This quote tries to encapsulate my psychedelic trip into words, but it is not my experience.

Let me just say that you will probably almost never read a trip report like this. This is a rare one IMO.

So I took 16 mg of 2c-b, 21 mg of 4-aco-dmt. It started off pretty mundane I visited some places mentally had a few insights for my life, then about an hour and a half later I take 3 puffs of my marijuana pen/vaporizer. Then things take off. I start intensely seeing and visualizing the external world. Everything, all my thoughts became abstract art. I go outside and just stare at the trees mesmerized realizing it’s art all while this mystical feeling of wonder and mystery courses through my body and mind. I eventually realized that I was tapping into a field of infinite creativity as consciousness. Every thought, my whole being became art, an idea. I go back inside and I can visualize all my fears just fractaling out into the infinite potential and love. As this is happening all I can do is say over and over again. “Oh my God” over and over.

I begin to realize that my mind is oscillating into different modes of thought that I can visualize almost all of experience as an ideas. I am experiencing extreme synesthesia (mixing of the senses) in the most mystical magical unthinkable way.


Here is a collection of things I typed out while in this state.

This is art of the mind.

All doubts and fears just visually dropping in front of me.

Infinite abstractions of the mind abstractly morphing into infinity

I mastered art.

My whole life became art in the most mystical abstract magical way one can imagine.

I feel infinitely free in the abstract

I don’t understand hell, because I am not hell, I am infinite.

I’m living out every abstraction eternally

I became art infinity fractaling out into infinity

Ego death via abstract ideas and art.

Ego and sense of I as a human is gone, caught up in infinite abstractions and ideas art

My whole being is infinitely kaleidoscoping out into abstract infinity

My life and being is infinite fractaling out into infinity.

Feel invincible in the most abstract way.

This doesn’t even make sense to Buddhism or meditation or any sort of spiritual ideas humans have about spirituality. This breaks all the rules of spirituality.

Infinity caught up into fractals abstractions of the mind

Art abstractly visualized into infinity.

I am just playing with the top dogs now.

Infinite hallucinations

Infinite puzzles of consciousness.

I feel like all the answers are here now.

I am valuable

This is good and bad.

Everything and life fractalizing up into infinite abstract ideas of consciousness.

Overall, I feel safe.

Take my whole life and being then fractal it out into infinity in every possible way from Sunday to the most unimaginable place, in the most insane twisting turn of events in the most comedic fashion thinkable. All because there is no possible words for what I’m experiencing.

This is the cosmic joke.

Thus saith the lord, come and part take in the infinite mystery that awaits thee.

Just don’t care about anything as a concept, I am one and the same, infinite consciousness laughing at myself in a cosmic fashion.

This is it I did it and attained infinite bliss forever and ever in the abstract ideal sense.

I can visualize all fears just going up into infinite abstractions of art.

I feel safe in infinite abstractions of art, in the most unimaginable twist and turn of events.

I don’t have a care in the world. I feel safe and infinite.

I laugh at the cosmic game that of you humans are playing.

I am God and I am at at the same time.

I know I will laugh my ass off at what I am typing later.

I have merged heaven and earth in this experience in the abstract.

Anything is possible here in this space. It’s a safe place infinitely.

Try to make sense of this, there is no way you can imagine it.

I have walked on water. Come let’s see what you got.

I am God.

LOL every time I say I am God I realize that I am the infinite void of everything.

I died to myself infinitely as the essence of an idea.

(NOTE this is what I have to say when my mom walks in and I try to explain this.)

Gee thanks mom for not understanding this beautiful abstraction I have become. LOL

(Mom leaves)

I can visualize my fears in the abstract.

Something is infinitely gone in the abstract idea sense, that is how I feel right now.

What is God or your idea of a God going to do about this there is no words for this, I am the mystery.

Now I am starting to identify with earthy needs and wants.

I feel like I can do anything fractaling out existence by thought and idea.

Ideas and information last and evolve into the infinite fractal nature of existence, everything else you mortals do are just a distraction.

I laugh at the idea of someone trying to understand this. They will say this or say that, but there is no words. I am beyond words, we are all beyond words. You humans try to understand your life through words, but words fail to project direct experience as conscious beings.

I am all possibilities in one infinite picture.

I am the beauty of all you can ever imagine.

I am the infinite void of nothingness kaleidoscoping out into infinite void.

I am just playing this game with you humans.

People will be trying to understand what just happened to me this day for eons and I will laugh and say you silly you can’t understand, your using words. I am beyond words, consciousness is beyond words it must be experienced directly.

I have become everything and nothing at the same time in the abstract ideal sense.

I became God for an evening. What a thought.

I will either talk about this to everyone or nobody.

You can’t understand this.

My thoughts are infinity free to move in any direction.

All things are possible in this field.

Everything is visually oscillating in waves of potential.

I became the field of all possible thoughts, meaning I became the essence of all possible thoughts.

Mystery Mystery Mystery

Just stop typing I am beyond all things.

Good night


And that was it. To psychonauts this will likely be one of the most creative trip reports you’ll read, or to people of low consciousness this is utterly delusional. To those that are able to receive it I believe that I had an experience beyond a limited human experience. Overall I would say this trip was about helping me understand the infinite creative potential in all of us. And to help me break my mundane patters of everyday life.

Edited by AstralProjection

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I like the idea of you becoming god to yourself. Nice puppy ego. Also take me in as low consciousness. That's good too!

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4 minutes ago, non_nothing said:

I like the idea of you becoming god to yourself. Nice puppy ego. Also take me in as low consciousness. That's good too!

I ultimately realize that. I was having a play on words in a artsy comedic fashion if you didn't realize. What I experienced was that aspect of abstract thought. So I realized that I didn't experience actual infinite Consciousness untethered by everything. 

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One of the many pitfalls that I've seen across the psychronouts is that too much heavily aiming / relying on one/godness thing and ruining the whole experience.

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1 minute ago, non_nothing said:

One of the many pitfalls that I've seen across the psychronouts is that too much heavily aiming / relying on one/godness thing and ruining the whole experience.


Edited by PlasmicProjection

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4 minutes ago, ajasatya said:

@AstralProjection that was very intense!

existence is like "again! again!"

the magic of the deepest mystery never gets old.

Yeah thanks, you seem to get it.

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