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What does it mean if a Turquoise loves me?

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I've just recently listened to Leo's video on Turquoise, which made me realize this person definitely falls into that category. I mean I'm grateful they love me, there's no one on this planet I love more than them. The only thing is, I'm not Turquoise. I think I'm at best a little orange, mostly green, some yellow, and a little Turquoise. Before I even heard of Spiral Dynamics, it was always very clear to me that this person was on a different level than anyone I've ever met. I never really understood why they loved me so much, they love me in a way I don't even know how to love yet/anymore.

My question is why would a Turquoise love someone at a much lower stage if the chasm is really that big, and what if anything does it say about me? I asked this person before what it was they loved about me, and they said they couldn't really put it into words, maybe similarly to why I can't do the same. It's everything.

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It doesn't appear that way, but based off of what I've listen to and read I would conclude they are still turquoise.

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