
Family constellations

15 posts in this topic

@Outer sorry outer, I weren't offended it's my humour... I was only joking ? 

Did you read into it properly? (Not just from the link provided).

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@Outer But you provided an opinion on the subject, why if you have no interest?

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@Outer  In your opinion ?

You have zero direct experience of this and your telling me it's ridiculous from links you've read. Way to right something off Outer ?

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@Outer random af. Isn't that, that Micheal Shermer dude? 

Anyway, I wanted advice and info on the topic, stop derailing you butt hole!

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No personal experience here but from browsing the article, I'd say that just by being able to bring the family together and actually have them TALK as in COMMUNICATE AND LISTEN what most families absolutely cannot do, there is a lot of potential for dealing with familial issues. Can't speak for all the "rituals" surrounding the event though. 

Having a mediator that has no involvement and picks no side may shed a lot of light into skeletons in the closet that have been ignored for a long time by family interventions.  

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@Charlotte  don't feed the trolls, or you can't get serious advice indeed

I had my own constellation built twice. Both of the times it did change my perception of the topic I came with, even leading to action steps. It's a powerful intuition-based method, although I do get the feeling that some or most practitioneers are somewhat limited in their beliefs and push an outcome.

Very interesting to experience, too costly to work with systematically imho, as in most seminars you won't have your own constellation. Sure, you still get something out of the constellations of others.

@Michael569 usually, "family constellations" don't actually involve the whole family

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@Elisabeth true! 

Well the reason I became initially interested in this because I met a lady not too long back. She was clearly a systems thinker. She asked me relevant questions about my family history etc and started to tell me behaviours within my family (presently) that occur because of the past history. She was absolutely right.

Also how they effected myself etc. I was literally blown away by it. 

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2 hours ago, Charlotte said:

@Elisabeth true! 

Well the reason I became initially interested in this because I met a lady not too long back. She was clearly a systems thinker. She asked me relevant questions about my family history etc and started to tell me behaviours within my family (presently) that occur because of the past history. She was absolutely right.

Also how they effected myself etc. I was literally blown away by it. 

Interesting :) People with a lot of experience with family dynamics can probably do that, it's certainly a deep field to study. So she was into 'systemic' constelations? Or a therapist or something?

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I heard about it third hand when I was following the SDi training course. One of the trainers was quite involved in it and that would give me at least a reason to check it out. I haven't so far but on first glance it seems interesting. She was giving an interesting point of view on it.

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@YaMayka Let me know if you look into further. I have the chance to attend a one day workshop and I think I'm going to so I'll update here after the event.

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