
Thoughts on Leos new video? Very Scary

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7 hours ago, moon777light said:

Up until now i always thought the process of realizing truth was always gonna be making us naturally more happy and blissed out, at least thats how ppl describe the monks to be. But seeing how we must accept all the shit/torture people do as beautiful as well freaks me out too much. Im not sure if ill ever be able to accept that, even now thinking about the person who bullied me when i was a kid and loving them nonetheless, my mind doesnt allow it.  

Does anyone here who does consciousness work for at least a few years have experience with seeing the "bad" stuff as awesome?

did he say we should see it as beautiful? i guess he said we should see them as love and we are them. but i can’t do that, i see where love was lacking though or where it was directed and where the suffering came from and how the suffering was handed down to me and not only to me that’s where i see. and thats where you break the handcuff and the infinity chain.


Edited by now is forever

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Yes! I do.

Almost in any apparent "'bad" there is a greater opportunity than in 1000 goods. 

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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i don’t want to hijack this thread - but maybe it’s better understandable with reflecting on our ghosts or on the dead. how their souls died and why. and how parts of our soul might be a ghost.


it‘s really serious and tough work - but afterwards        [    ] can always watch the halloween outfit again.

sorry forgot to ask: trick or treat? maybe we just take both as a lollipop treat. ? 

Edited by now is forever

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I don't desire suffering, probably never will.

But after realizing I moralized by drawing circles and labeling them as good and evil I was able to drop them and become more in tune with my desires so I don't need some rulebook like morality.

It has also helped me handle all the suffering in the world by realizing it is exactly as it should be (reality is only as it should be) and to no longer demonize them, but rather act from a place of total unconditional love. I don't want to reduce suffering for only the people I like, but for everyone regardless of what they have done.

Your ability to love the hard to love things reflects your progress towards unconditional love reaching a higher conscious state.

Its an incredibly bitter pill, one I have yet to fully swallow, But so far I have found it insightful and beneficial to my growth.

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You don't have to accept anything but the present moment. Nor can you. Your honesty with yourself that you can't accept it is just a thought. if you could accept it, telling yourself you do would also only be thought.  You can only ever accept your current experience. 

That said philosophically you may come to accept and see the truth in everything Leo said in that video. I was first introduced to this concept through a Thich Nhat Hanh quote from a poem. You can find that poem here. 

Buddhists tend to teach this same concept but in a much less direct, more compassionate way than Leo's presentation. I'm not saying either way is better, but I discovered the Buddhist teachings on this first and doubt I personally could have accepted it without them.

I highly suggest you check out Pema Chodron on youtube. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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On 10/28/2018 at 11:28 PM, now is forever said:

i killed this thread.

It's funny you shared that, I had that same thought about ghosts this morning after having a couple odd experiences in a cemetery. I live in a sort of ghost town, a town that's economy crashed in the late 1800's and has just a fraction of the previous population it did before so as you can imagine the old cemetery is a pretty cool place.

But I am the ghost in cemetery. There are grave stones, old bones and dying plants, the cemetery is the world of form. I am the only ephemeral thing there, the thing that witnesses it, the thing with the power to imagine the people buried there as more than a pile of bones in the ground.

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@mandyjw it sounds like there is a lot of neglected space to use where you are living at. is there no one to bring some life into old industry?

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19 hours ago, Shadowraix said:

It has also helped me handle all the suffering in the world by realizing it is exactly as it should be (reality is only as it should be) and to no longer demonize them, but rather act from a place of total unconditional love. I don't want to reduce suffering for only the people I like, but for everyone regardless of what they have done.

i doubt that everything is exactly as it should be, i doubt that. how can anybody think that way who maybe has experienced dachau or buchenwald or hiroshima or was abused, raped sold, tortured, genocided. the country i live in is historically linked to many of these deeds and the history of this country is a ghost inside of me as well as the history of the people who fought against it. but so are all other countries involved in the history of racism and war and killing - excuse me if that sounds moralizing - but you can not understand what love is if you don’t accept that you are a parttaker of every suffering. 

i doubt that it should be that children mine for rare earth by burning our electronic trash without gas masks.

we are the villains.

i hope you can love me for that because i can’t.


Edited by now is forever

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On 28.10.2018 at 5:51 PM, Joseph Maynor said:

But with that death, liberation happens when you realize that what you actually are is the Awareness and that attachment to the illusions of Thought and Experience only lead to Samsara

Whats the difference between Awareness and Experience for you?

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@moon777light How about not leading with realizing the Truth. How about healing the wounds of our inner child first :) 

Follow me on Instagram for quantum and energetic healing.

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On 28.10.2018 at 5:51 PM, Joseph Maynor said:

Most people don't know how to explain this well I've found.  What happens is when you become Enlightened, God Awareness extracts itself from the illusions of Thought and Experience.  That's painful for the Egoic self, the small self -- but liberating for the true Self, the big Self.

so you're enlightened ?

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