
I have questions about enlightenment

13 posts in this topic

hey, guys. 

i am new for leo's enlightenment videos, and i only watched "spiritual enlightenment intro and 2". I haven't done any enlightenment exercise yet, i try to understand things logically. But there are some points that do not make sense.

First of all: 

Who am I? 

Yesterday i was walking in street, at the same time thinking about that. I thought, there is body, mind, and ego. 3 things creates me. With body i can see things, with my nose i can smell things, etc. Mind analysis things and for example it says that "this cat is small" or "this place is dangerous". Ego wants stimulation to feel good. I explained things with these 3 body-mind-ego stuff. It is my body, my mind, my ego. And they are changing every day. If you cut my arm and my legs, i will change. Because body is part of me. 5 years ago i was only thinking about my future, career. Now, i can understand life better. Mind creates better thoughts, so i changed. Btw, when i say mind i mean "something produces thoughts". 5 years ago ego wanted different things about life, but now it wants other things. 

But who is aware of that? 

Isn't it mind? When i meditate it says "be aware, observe everything", and this is a thought. So, is meditation a mindstate? 

I do not believe in free will. I see myself as body-mind-ego based robot. 

When Leo says, "you are not body/mind", i think that, "okay, they are not me but they are part of me. i am not just body, or just mind." 

So, i am confused. Help me.

Second question:

At "spiritual enlightenment 2" video, Leo was talking about bubbles. He said that," we can not know if something comes from nothing, or another thing. If something comes another thing, then where does another thing come from? What created God? ". (Sentences are not literally same).

What created God? Is that question irrational?  We only know one existence. God doesn't need to be created. Rules of this existence doesn't affect God. So, it can be existed forever and not be created.

Sorry for bad english.

Waiting for answers :)

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53 minutes ago, hikmatshiraliyev said:

But who is aware of that? 

Isn't it mind? When i meditate it says "be aware, observe everything", and this is a thought. So, is meditation a mindstate? 

When Leo says, "you are not body/mind", i think that, "okay, they are not me but they are part of me. i am not just body, or just mind." 

So, i am confused. Help me.

That's a good question. Who is aware of all those things. If it is mind that is aware of all that. Then who knows the that? That means there is something deeper that is observing the mind.

You're observing the activity of the mind, thoughts are not observing you. Can the observer of the mind be seen? 

Edited by Salvijus

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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53 minutes ago, hikmatshiraliyev said:


But who is aware of that? 

Isn't it mind? When i meditate it says "be aware, observe everything", and this is a thought. So, is meditation a mindstate? 


Mind says "be aware, observe everything." But who is aware of this thought?

Is meditation a mindset? I would say meditation means just looking. You're just looking at what is behind all the activity of the mind? Who's observing all those thoughts? And can the observer itself be seen? 

It's not really a questioning but rather a focused looking. Questioning is only there to direct your attention in your true place.

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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thank you for answer. 

but, what do you mean? am i this consciousness? are body, mind and ego not my part? 

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it's wonderful...
the universe
cannot grasp itself.
it screams:

unborn Truth

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2 minutes ago, ajasatya said:

it's wonderful...
the universe
cannot grasp itself.
it screams:


How different it is from a lucid dream where you identify with everything in it ? 

You have one hour ?

14 minutes ago, hikmatshiraliyev said:




God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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1 hour ago, hikmatshiraliyev said:

thank you for answer. 

but, what do you mean? am i this consciousness? are body, mind and ego not my part? 

@hikmatshiraliyev  sure. They are "your parts" but they are not you


Just like a tree. A car, a house, other animals etc, You also observe your mind, body, Ego


So are the animals, car, tree not your part ?

Love Is The Answer

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You are aware of everything and God is everything so thats that :)

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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26 minutes ago, hikmatshiraliyev said:

God damn.

I just wanted rational explanation. I can not understand this stuff

Rationality is how the human mind tries to explain reality.

Is it not arrogant to think that a tiny little human brain could understand ALL of reality ?

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Subatomic particles form atoms. Atoms form molecules. Molecules form cells. Several cells form you as a living being. And consciousness is produced in your brain.
This is more or less your premise. But this is exactly what you have to let go of if you want to understand what Leo & Co. are talking about.
In this concept consciousness actually comes before the subatomic particles. Everything happens within consciousness.

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Would you be able to see anything if nothing existed?

So what do you see now?

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Quit the logic, use it only for survival purposes.

Go into Breath without questions, stop enquiring or you will reach there in 50 years or never. 

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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